The Truth Behind The Drone

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Unhearing ears, unblinking eyes, she sat immobile for a minute long.

She was pulled back to her reverie with the
shrilling loud pitch of Yuan, was almost a grasp away.

Hurriedly, she half-run, half-walk to the kitchen. Sprinting, she swore a blasphem. She's no real atheist yet relying to much on the unseen as what she lately reason out, proved no consolation. Seems a parched belief of oasis in the brain toasting dessert.

mid-day. Com

Pouring hurriedly a basinful of dark red slob, she hastily went to the room marked with the scarlet Y letter and lovingly tossed Yuan his dinner before leaving him to feed at it voraciously.

Her masters arrived earlier than their usual nine P.M. routinary arrival. She has to replan once more. With all the superfluous eyes working 24/7, a tactful timing must be consider. She's not a tenderfoot at such kind of job.

Yet cautiousness must be her best ally.

She was even able to put her hands over a hundred more glittering price before, though this time is way too different. She's itching again. Itching to touch that one thing. But a warning reverberates back at her, it might cost her not only a limping right groin. She might become the next breakfast on Y's basin.

The next day prove to be the best timing. With the big bosses gone out to a weekend fishing before dawn, she got the glass house all by herself and Y for a good five hours. Poking the ever-ready tech eyes away from where she's trying to get access to---Y's playroom.

The clicking sound of the knob as she turned it reechoed. Seems she heard a yelping sound from the other room. And then silence. It's now or never. She open the door wide to accomodate her meaty frame. Her hands flew directly to the one most priced thing that both Y's got a doting. Her very own Yuri who always dream to own atleast a toy helicopter with his fevered ambition of being a pilot one day. But he was ripped from her when a widespread of epidemic consumed his body. It was then she vowed....

Crawling.... Legs tattered up to her groin, she triumphantly laid down the battery operated toy on his son's hard marbled name.
"Yuri dear, here's my promise." Her uttered last breath before she joined him deep down beyond.


Not bad for a first try!
Time to start writing on the new prompt:

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Thank you @marie-jay. I'll try again with the next prompt too.

Oh wow. That drew me in!! You definitely could develop that into a longer story!!

Thank you for the nice compliment @mariannewest. Makes me inspired to write more.

I had to read it several times to understand the depth. There is impact in this piece and I like it. Dark and meaningful. :D

We're featuring your post on our curation blog. Thank you for sharing this post. Good luck on your future freewrites!


Ohhhh thank you very very very much @bestofph. I would love to write the next prompt now.

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