Take It When You Can

in #freewrite7 years ago

Okay, now that was a brutal morning of work.Have you ever worked with the public? I know you haven't if you still like people. Shit, they're annoying. I need to get away. I need some solitude.
I walked a short while and found it. A place I can be on my own. I sat, with my back against a wall, closed my eyes and started humming to myself. I could feel the warm winds against my parka, and slowly staring to caress my skin. I felt it's warmth enter me and my heart rate slow.
The beach was peaceful. There was no one around and all I could hear was the slow, soft rhythm of the waves sliding onto the beach. I could feel my smile starting to form and my back and shoulder muscles relax.
There was a tug at my shoulder. And then another. Finally, a voice I recognized pulled my eyes back open.
"Russ. Russ. Get up."
I looked up at Adrian. He was still tugging at my shoulder.
"Your ass is going to be all wet. Get up. It's time to get back to work."
I saw the eyes of the people walking down the busy sidewalk - they thought I'd lost my mind. I smiled up at them and stood back up, dusting the snow off my butt.
I turned back to look at Adrian. "I'm ok, just needed some solitude."


exactly why we came to san diego especially after working with the public lol

Absolutely! Gotta have someplace. And why are people just so, so, so...peopleish? :-))

Such a familiar feeling to me, having grown up in NYC. A place to be by oneself was so precious, even if it was only a little corner of the world. Great flow to this piece, from waking life to reverie, and back again.

Thanks for the read. Ideally, we can create solitude at any time, but...it ain't easy. :-))

People can be damned energy-draining! I empathize with you!

It's a rare people who can put energy back in. Thanks for reading.

I did and could only take them for so long LOLL it was a good thing I always got a smoke break just to hear nothing and not have to talk about anything for a while!!

Absolutely. It takes a lot out of a person to try to understand and communicate all day with people you have no other connection to. That's why I talk to chickens - we're on the same level. :-))

Great story. Hell is other people........sometimes!

It's your friendly free write encourager here with Wednesday's prompt:

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