Feed It !

in #freewrite6 years ago

I have great appreciation for the attic. It lives up there and has made my life so much easier in many useful ways.
As a child, I was very afraid of the dark, dusty area up the skinny ladder.
I had always been told that heaven was a wonderful place of light and happy feelings up "there", but all I knew up " there" was the attic. Church was then very confusing for me and I didn't like it or the attic. Until.. .
My mother's yappy little dog was following me and yapping. The only place I could go to escape was the attic, and the dumb little shit followed me up the ladder. When it reached the top of the ladder, I jumped down and locked it in there. Ha, I thought, now it won't follow me for awhile. The little beast yapped for about a minute, I heard a low growl, a few seconds of yipping, then silence. I didn't go up into the attic for a long time. Finally, my step-dad yelled at me and said I lost the little mutt. I told him that I put it in the attic. He went up to get it and I closed the attic door.
This time after the screams and the growls, I heard a low" bruurrp" and then a "Thanks".
I selectively feed It every now and again when it suits my purpose. I may even go back to church.


Lol. Now that was a twist I didn't see coming :)

Yeah. Attics can be useful. :-)) Thanks for reading.


I did not see that coming!!!

You have worked very hard today and now it's time to relax your mind while doing today's 5-minute Freewrite prompt! Prompt: Plaid

Ha ha ha, I'll be laughing the rest of the day over that one! 😂🤣

You're welcome. and... Thank you. :-))

not going to any attics you direct me to!!!

Well then, you should meet my special creature in the cellar. :-))

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