
Hey partner! I sure was surprised to see you here. So nice of you to stand in for byn. Thanks for the prompt and hope you are having a great day! : )

Yes indeed, I'm often found where least expected doin' a little spot of moonlightin' and double-jobbin'.
But we two are still the rootinest, tootinest promp delivery technicians on the blockchain and nothing will ever change that!'

I almost called you a two-timer. LOL! : )
Yup...we are so good together, aren't we? Thank goodness I haven't lost you. It just wouldn't be the same. Ahhh, breathing a sigh of relief. : ) : )

Hahaha, I did feel a little like I was cheating alright;)
We sure are good together......those other encouragers just don't have our style and panache!

I wish you a good night and an even better weekend.

The rest of us should be taking notes on the flair you ladies bring to the party! You and @Whatisnew could teach us all a thing or 12! ;) Thank you both for making me smile!

Well, I can't disagree with that;) If you like we can set up a short training course to show the others how it's done:)

Great idea! I hope you'll bring visuals. ;)

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