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RE: Marvin the poo ~ Day 71 freewrite

in #freewrite7 years ago

Ha ha ha, is that a leather skirt and net stockings? Maybe early 80's?

I was 70's but stayed away from the really bad stuff, I grew up more like "The Dukes of Hazard" or "Smokey and the Bandit" than anything else. I grew up thinking that you could and should really do those things with a car, it's a miracle that I lived through it.

I love the photo, now that brings back some interesting memories of days gone by!


it IS LOLLL early 80's and didn't everyone try and be the Dukes of hazard? :D there was a road by us called "Hogs Back" ......had a wicked S curve and then a HUGE drop down........of course you had to see how fast you could go through it brother ended up in a hospital one night.he was fine....some girl in the car hurt her neck a little but think she was more scared than anything.........cuz you had to do it at night or it really didn't count LOLLL

Absolutely, and if the police were chasing you then you did it with your lights off lol. I did some amazing but incredibly stupid things with my car, it is shocking to even look back on it now and realize that I really did that. When you are young and invincible you do some very foolish things, but we had fun while it lasted and thankfully no one got killed. There were some really nice cars destroyed and a few broken bones and banged up heads, but we survived.

yes! no one will see you with your lights off LOLL nor will YOU see anything either but really that's not even a thought LOLLL :D okay maybe a small one......

and my best car story was one was really hot out and I was driving with 2 girlfriends and we went to a few bars and drank for free........being a woman has a few perks loll on the way home we took the shortest way which was the highway........and there were 3 simi's all following each other.........I got in the middle and some how.......ended up doing 95 mph ......when we would get to another car we would all move over in unison and blow by the car.....then fan out and take over the road again.........we went by this rich guy in his fancy convertible and he had a hat on..........and it blew off after we blew through.........I never laughed so hard in my life! He was whipping us the was so funny......and nope never got pulled over LOLLL

There was a name for that, I want to say riding in the cradle but I'm not sure if that is correct. It was the idea of being accepted into a small convoy of trucks and being able to enjoy riding in their draft, you could drive faster and get better gas mileage. Back then if you knew how to drive and understood the rules of driving etiquette you could do things like that. I loved that hat by the way, but don't worry I'm not mean-spirited or vengeful lol. 😏

Good story, thanks for sharing!

I would like to hear someone who witnessed one of my driving stunts tell the story from their perspective, I remember a lot of shocked faces and just getting out and acting like it was no big deal, I was cool and expressionless on the outside lol but on the inside I was like, did that really just happen. 😄👍😎

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