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RE: My Voice - 5 Minute Freewrite Day 84: Prompt: sound check

in #freewrite7 years ago

My normal speaking voice is so low that many people can't hear what I'm saying, especially in a crowded or noisy room. But when I'm public speaking or taking part in some stage play I've never really needed a microphone unless the venue was pretty large. It is for this reason that many people have begged me to join them singing, join the choir and make use of that powerful voice they would say lol. So one day I took them up on it, and I watched them squirm as they tried to figure out some way to politely ask me to please stop! Ha ha ha, I have no timing and I can't carry a toon in a bucket, I'm tone deaf when singing and have no idea what key I'm in, and I know nothing about music. So what do you do when the person you just begged to join the choir has one of the loudest voices but sounds like he's singing a totally different song than everyone else and doing it all out of tune. 🙄

Some people seem to think that I'm a pretty nice guy, but I've already been asked several times to sing in the choir at a different church, and I'm getting close to ready to accept the challenge. That should be sure enough proof that I'm evil and enjoy inflicting pain on others. 😏


Oh man, that's so funny, I'm sorry 😁

H ha ha, I'm glad you like evil plots against innocent church choirs, and all this time I thought that I was the only one. 😜

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