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RE: Prompt of the day “Tongue” - Honouring All, Ignoring What I Believe

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

I appreciate your honor of those that have fallen but today is really to honor those that are living. Its veterans day not memorial day. I have to remind even soldiers of that fact from time to time. I do a lot of military ceremonies as a soldier musician and recently we did one where they wanted to have taps played at a veterans day event. I told them straight up that that would not be appropriate because this day is not to honor those that have fallen but to honor those that are still living. Thank you for your support and hope I didn't upset you by my statement.

Posted using Partiko Android


I can honestly say I didn’t know the difference.... asking around work no one here does for that matter.... makes me wonder how this isn’t more apparent in how the day is celebrated!

Posted using Partiko iOS

And I completely get that. Before I served I never would have thought about it either. I think it's a psychological association we have placed on the idea of honoring soldiers. We want honor our troops and we always think of those that have passed away first.

Posted using Partiko Android

Aha I’m not completely wrong it’s a difference of country 😉 I’m Canadian

“The Remembrance Day Ceremony has played a major role in Remembrance since 1931. Every year, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we gather in memorial parks, community halls, workplaces, schools and homes to stand in honour of all who have fallen. Together, we observe a moment of silence to mark the sacrifice of the many who have fallen in the service of their country, and to acknowledge the courage of those who still serve.”


Posted using Partiko iOS

That's interesting. I didn't realize that was a Canadian thing and I didn't know you were Canadian. You learn something every day.

Posted using Partiko Android

Two things in one go if your lucky 😉

Yea I believe it’s because we started as a common wealth state, so I bet you the American holidays being different has to do with the US founding separate from common wealth, all sorts of little differences I have found relate to that including measurements and spelling...

I like the idea of having that extra holiday and how it separates the living from the deceased, more onus on celebrating living veterans directly not just thinking of those we have lost.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I appreciate your analysis brother. Great perspective and we've both learned alot here.

Posted using Partiko Android

True that, anytime my friend. When faced with a conundrum I enjoy searching for answers 😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

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