5 Minute Freewrite - Forced

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

Prompt of the Day: spent and tired

Spent and tired? So am I. And I don't even work hard, I'm performing my civil service in Finland, and I have to because other option was to become a supporting peace of a war machinery or be punished by surveillance for 5 or so months. But I guess working is even worse when I only do it because I'm forced to; and I don't even do much:I breathalyze clients, open locked doors, archive patient files and other misc stuff. But what dulls me so much is I have to go there every single day. And it dulls me so much. School dulled just the same, unless there was something really special. I mean routines are good, but when your life is a routine? It just kills me inside. The solution for this? Financial freedom, to escape the rat race. How I'm going to do it exactly is still a bit mystery but crypto will be the way to do it for sure and I'm investing all my little day and food money into it so that I wouldn't have to be a slave, not a day if not necessary.

This is something I've been thinking a lot and actually for the first time writing it down concretely. Previously I've not seen a way to achieve financial freedom, at least in a way that would harmonize with my values. But my God has crypto shed the light and now I can actually imagine having a life I really aspire. So that is towards what I'm building for. Still living with my parents I can actually prepare my launcher not worrying about "just surviving life".


The hardest thing in work is alienation due to mechanical repetitive actions. Personally, I'd say that my life goal is to find true passion for what I do, more than the economical wealth - which may surely be a consequence of an intense, passionate job. Only by living a full life we can give it a real meaning. Having said this, I'm on the crypto train too and very happy about it. JMO.

Thank you for an ellaborate comment @f3nix.

Yes, I too love being passionate, it's a great to thing to strive for. I think being free from obligations might be a way to also acquaire more passion in life for me. I'm really just exploring and reevaluating my values.

Crypto is a good train to be for sure!

Let's hope for all of us!

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