How awful I really am: Soon and Very Soon, Part 5, Day 330: 5 Minute Freewrite: Door

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


All week, I've kept the same plot, theme, and characters

in mind with each new #freewrite prompt. Today may be the final installment, but the story needs to be expanded, revised, trimmed, tightened, polished, and presented in one gulp. (I hate serials!) Thank you for following Erik and Erie ("beautiful Erie") into a new world beyond anything their peers could have imagined... though Erik has been getting glimpses, in dreams that he soon learned must never be shared unless he was in a mood for ridicule and assorted tortures.

Tuesday here,

and I never did finish the Friday chapter, because I didn't like where I was going with it. When I freewrite, I tend to have good things happen, and bad things are all past tense, back-story.

For the sake of story,

we need to "put your protagonist up a tree and shoot at him," "torture the protagonist," put obstacles in his path, make him suffer and worry and fear for his life and FIGHT for his life.

Don't bother reading

the 5-minute freewrite I typed into this Steemit box. This, my friends, is what Carol really accomplishes in five minutes.

Neither of them had knowingly trespassed into this kingdom; they were just caught up in the slipstream of a very strange time.

“It’ll be all right,” Erie said softly, close to his ear. “I’m not afraid of these people.”

Pogona whipped his tail, and the swoosh of it drew their attention to him. Without words he seemed to be telling them “This way,” and they followed him back to Erik’s dragon boat. Where would the lizard take them?

As long as Erie remained with him, Erik would go anywhere.

Pogona at the helm,

Erik's dragon boat drifted through a tunnel so wide, other boats lined both sides of the stone walls. How many had traveled to this strange destination hidden in a mountain and what was their mission? And what was the Inquisition all about?

Erie, beautiful Erie, took everything in with wide-eyed wonder and occasional little gasps. What was she thinking? Erik had saved her from the torments of the local badass boys only to bring her to this place of unknowing. Now he seemed to be in competition with legions of would-be warrior kings, all of them as freaky looking as he was. It occured to him now that there had been girls attending the ceremonial screening, but none had merited a second glance when Erie was at his side, and none lingered in his memory. One look at Erie, way back when, and her face had been impressed in his mind like a leaf that molded itself to the mud and dried up and got fossilized in rock, leaving a distinct and delicate impression.

He had felt a special kinship with her even before he found her near his own river hideaway when they were twelve and she was swimming, and could that girl ever swim, with feet and hands that scuba divers and snorkelers would envy but everyone else would laugh at her for and shun her, and that reminded him of how he came to be with her now in this strange place nobody had ever talked about or taught in school.

Pogona steered the boat to a stony pier and jumped out as Erik dropped anchor, then led them to another cavern with a limerock floor and a massive door.

~ 5 Minutes Flew by Today! ~

I'll be back in a bit....

Thank you for reading, and thank you to all at Freewritehouse for your support and encouragement!

You may need to begin at the beginning:

"Soon and Very Soon" - Part 1

Day 326: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: Dirty Feet

"Soon and Very Soon" - Part 2

Day 327 : 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: describe a clock

"Soon and Very Soon" - Part 3

Day 328: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: screening

"Soon and Very Soon" - Part 4

Day 329: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: runny

"Soon and Very Soon" - [Part 5] (you are here!)

Day 330: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: You walk through a door - what do you see?

Today I tried @improv's suggestion:

set timer, type directly into Steemit. In five minutes I don't get very far, but I revise, format, hyperlink, add media, and revise some more, every time.

Until next time,


because Kean sounds like Kane (not keen, hint, hint)

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