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RE: You Had One Job ⌛A 5 Minute FreeWrite⌛

in #freewrite6 years ago

Love the reversal at the end - everyone called him stupid, even his dad, then his wife, but all along, he knew better. I want to smack those know-it-alls who are so condescending to him. ;)
This confused me: he proved them all wrong. He managed to fix the fan. But the wife keeps going on an on, so... He went to get the ladder. It was time to take it down and return it to iHome. But... he fixed it, no? If the thing came without blades, he must have fashioned his own blades? Sorry, I'm overthinking this. The main thing is the surprise twist. And I love the guy for not letting everyone get him down.


ok, he fixed it without the blades because he assumed it was the way it was
so he is taking it back to iHome to complain about the missing blades
but it is still a win for him cause he managed to fix it to the ceiling and that's something his family had been harping about since the first day he failed at tying his own shoelace.

Oh dear, I may be overthinking it too now hahaha
Thank you @carolkean for swinging by, reading and giving this story some thought :D

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