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RE: The paper | Lola Part 32 | 5 minute freewrite ~ Prompt: one year

Story Club - Everyone's Invited

Are you enjoying @freedomtowrite's story as much as I am? I always find myself wondering where Lola's adventure will take her next and I am curious if you are too. I wanted to invite you to Story Club where we can share our thoughts on each new part and reflect on where the story began. With @freedomtowrite's permission, I will be posing a few questions after each new part in the hopes of sparking some lively discussion. Are you in?

Part 32 Questions

  1. Do you have any guesses as to what BE/AC 1120 means? Could it be a password or another cryptic message?
  1. If Kyle asked Mark to use the cameras to keep an on Lola, it's understandable why he didn't tell her. But do you think he might be hiding anything else Kyle left behind?

If you've found yourself tagged it's because you're a regular reader, but if you want to be removed from these question, feel free to let me
know: @freedompoint, @cecicastor, @dreemsteem, @bennettitalia, @thefarmerswife, @thegreatdayne, @scribblingramma, @whatisnew, @quirky.countess, @angelacs, @enginewitty @wordymouth, and @mizdais

Cheers, Aimee


I don't like where this is heading to...
Q1: Yes I think BE/AC 1120 is another cryptic message.

I don't like that Kyle kept a lot from Lola.

Q2: Mark seem to be hiding something else too, what kind of danger was Kyle keeping Lola from? Mark is not saying it all... The anonymous phone call??

My thoughts on part 32

  1. Do you have any guesses as to what BE/AC 1120 means? Could it be a password or another cryptic message?

    I suspect that this is more of a message and less of a password I am wondering if the B and A stands for before and after, but before and after what exactly, I am still not sure. I am scratching my head and wondering if @freedomtowrite left us any other clues that we're totally missing!

  2. If Kyle asked Mark to use the cameras to keep an on Lola, it's understandable why he didn't tell her. But do you think he might be hiding anything else Kyle left behind?

    I think Kyle asked Mark to keep watch over Lola because he knew that Mark genuinely cared for her. I have a feeling Mark wanted to keep her safe but still felt invasive watching her through cameras which is why he didn't say anything to her about it. Creepy, but understandable. Kyle seemed to be meticulous about what he left behind and instructions he gave, I have a feeling there is more than we even suspect. What were you up to Kyle?

Cheers, Aimee

Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below!

I love reading your thoughts!

I am so glad! I love a little mystery, it really gets my brain working. I think knowing this story is unfolding for you at the same time is really exciting. Can't wait to see what happens next! -A

Likewise, it's so fun getting immediate reactions as situations develop and unfold!

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