This Mask
This mask that I’m wearing, it’s stuck on so tight
I feel like I will never get everything right.
One one side there’s me, productive as can be
I am cooking and cleaning organized and WHEE!!!
I have managed to get to the kitchen, the laundry and more
I‘ve cleaned off the stove and look at the floor!
And yet on the other side, there sits this other me.
Choking and fighting, struggling to breathe.
The tears they sit heavy and thick in my throat
I feel like I’m barely staying afloat.
My emotional self feels ‘all the things’
My heart’s either crushed or soaring on wings
Like a great strong free bird Up in the skies
Or sitting inside me hiding deep in my eyes.
You can see, if you look, these both sides of me
But I feel quite hopeless that I will ever be free.
I can smile and be the person I should want to be
But it’s all just an act, this really isn’t me.
I think that maybe my heart is fairly dead.
I should be feeling loved and adored instead.
It doesn’t seem to matter what other people do
No one can bring me the answers, the thread, the glue.
There once were these feelings and emotions to share
But now my soul feels empty, deep down I am bare.
I suppose this freewrite wasn’t meant to be
Quite so depressing… and instead should’ve shown the other side of me.
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Animation By @zord189
art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics
Glad you are back!! And rules are for the birds 😜
Thank you! :) I know you're such a stickler for the rules! Lol... oh wait, I must be thinking of someone else.
howdy there Byn! wow so good to see you! what are the rules that you broke? well what the heck you've been a rule breaker your whole life huh? lol. Are trying to depress us with this writing?
It's super good writing of course but kind depressing a little? how's things going?
hey I didn't realize you were in the Alliance, me too.
great job girl, I missed seeing you here but hope things are going well!
God bless you!
Things are going well in most ways. I was just feeling the emotions yesterday, I suppose!
yes you were working on finalizing the book for the publisher right? That was a little bit grim yesterday. but hey I bet it's somewhat therapeutic to write isn't it?
Yeah, I put days of work into it. Bought an actual highly recommended piece of software, edited stories (a job I really dislike!) and added tons of stories/words, etc... and the fancy new program deleted it all when my laptop did a sudden forced restart with no warnings. I was beyond frustrated!!! I have been working on my other website and learning about marketing and self publishing as well. It's such a HUGE learning curve for me!
It has ALWAYS been so therapeutic for me to write out the good, the bad and the ugly. I love how much it frees my mind to get it out of my head when things are bothering me.
howdy tonight Byn.. oh man that had to be tough, I'd been mad and frustrated about that for a long time.
Yes learning all about the publishing business would be a huge challenge for anybody!
But I think it's wonderful that writing is therapy for you!
Only showing your bright side and hiding your problems is not healthy!
Anyway, time for a new prompt and here you go:
Thank you (and I couldn't agree more!)