The Thing in the Closet: 5 Minute Freewrite Prompt: The Smell of a Dumpster

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)


Drawing by my daughter @abyni (who is a brand new steemian herself!)

**Although this prompt very much made me think morbid, creepy things again, I purposefully challenged myself to NOT write horror this time. :)

The smell of a dumpster hit me like a ton of bricks when I opened the door to my son's room. Dear god. I was not up for this battle AGAIN. How many times did I have to tell him to at least keep it from becoming an actual toxic waste land? I didn't expect perfection, but damn. How lazy did you have to be to have this... stench? And to live in it all the time? I had obviously put this off for far too long.

I plugged my nose and flipped on the light switch, my eyes watering from the smell as I looked around his room.

The confusion hit as my eyes took in his relatively clean room. Yeah, so he had a small pile of dirty clothes on the floor. There was a stack of dirty plates on his desk, but since he only ever ate pizza or leftovers, surely those wouldn't be so bad.

What WAS that smell???

I walked in and closed the door behind me. No need to smell up the entire house. What was he GROWING IN HERE? Dear heavens. My eyes were burning as I walked over to the bed, nothing there. I leaned over the pile of clothes, but that wasn't it. Where was it coming from? I stubbed my toe on his guitar case and spewed a string of obscenities that my son would have admired and that's when I heard it. Something was in the closet.

That little bastard was hiding someone in his room! A STINKY, smelly someone! Ooooohhhh, he thought he could get away with that? Oh, hell no. Just as my hand hit the doorknob, it jiggled under my hand. I let go and screamed as I jumped back, but I had already unlatched the door. I was scrambling backwards when the door flew open and banged against the bedroom wall.

I had thought the smell in the room was bad, but now it was unbearable beyond belief. Of course I quickly forgot the smell entirely when the slimy, sticky mess of a creature landed on my chest.

I screamed bloody murder and tried to escape, sure it was going to eat me in one bite. I quickly realized this... thing... was hugging me and making soothing sounds. The bad smell was dissipating and I was quickly starting to feel some sort of motherly instinct towards this... creature.

It appeared that our family had once again grown a little bigger. I stood up, holding this thing like a little baby and walked out of my son's room. This little guy deserved better than a closet and he was probably starving. I headed to the kitchen...

Prompt: the smell of a dumpster
Set your timer for 5 minutes
Start writing
Use the hashtag #freewrite
Publish your piece and leave a link on the original prompt post

Thanks to @mariannewest for the challenges!

Other posts of mine that you may be interested in:

My Real Life Stories:

My #introduceyourself post

The Christmas that Almost Wasn’t (Broke Ass Parenting Win)

Living the Storm (a small story from our life on a sailboat)

My Kids First Time Swimming with Dolphins


LOL! I wasn't expecting that end!

Yeah, I tried to veer away from gory this time, just for a change of pace :)

Good work following your heart!

Perfect!! :D

Thank you!

Uhm...I think I have a couple of those in the house, that would explain a lot of things! ;)

Right??? I'm convinced that my son must have taken at least a couple with him when he moved out, because that smell is gone! ;)

Wow, that's more of a short story than 5 min freewrite! It's a good read, well done!

Thank you!!! I really appreciate all of your supportive comments :)

Oh. a little creature!! You still managed to give us a lot of tension and it VERY easily could have gone to murder and mayhem lol

I know. I tried SO hard to do something fun instead! It was pretty difficult, but the smell of my son's room was the second thing that came to mind with that prompt!!! Lol

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