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RE: Trapped

in #freewrite6 years ago

My husband calls my writing style 'verbal vomit' because I just tend to sit down and type like crazy, without even thinking about it much. It's like I'm discovering the story as it appears before me on the screen. My typing speed has increased a lot since I started doing these freewrites back in November, for sure!

Lol, Marianne has definitely thrown me for a loop when I do continued stories like this. I end up having to be REALLY creative!


I might try a week's worth of an extended story. I liked the weekend freewrite (mainly because it gave me more time).

re: verbal vomit

I've written like that, too, and I've written where every sentence is a struggle. With the freewrite, you tend more to the former, just because there's no time to over think it.

Well, maybe if I give it time, my typing will increase, too. I think some of it is ergonomics, so I probably should just go ahead and get that new adjustable desk with chair I've been eyeing for months. Might help my wrists and shoulders too.

Hey, an ergonomic chair and desk is always a good idea!

I like writing the extended stories, but they do tend to fall off on views after a little bit because people don't want to have to catch up with the story. That's a big reason why I'm working on writing books outside of steemit. I have too many long stories percolating in my brain thanks to all the awesome freewriting inspiration!

That's cool that the freewrites are inspiring you with the longer form writing.

I guess that's true about the extended stories. I serialized a WIP here and I'm pretty sure no one followed it from beginning to end. It was a nice experiment to do, though, to see what kind of support might be available. Also, I'm sure things change the more your work gets out there, which would include any success outside of Steemit. So, go for it. :)

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