Day 109: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: yard sale

in #freewrite6 years ago

Here's Day 109: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: yard sale

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Her mom set down her belongings in front of her for the yard sale, all laid out neatly in the musty smelling garage. Her father had cleared it out months before in preparation for the day. Her father had to start so early because of all the junk he had. She could swear her parents were hoarders but here she was standing in front of HER things. She couldn't understand as a thirteen year old girl why she had to give away HER things when her parents had more than her.

"How much do you want to sell this for, little one?" Her mom asked as she set out the barbies she no longer played with.

Regardless of how frequently she played with said barbies she still scowled, "A million dollars."

Her mom looked at her and matched her scowl, "Seriously. You can't give up some of the things you no longer play with, your dad and I paid good money for, to put a little of that back in our pockets? Look at your brother." She pointed at her 7 year older brother who laid and labeled his toys he no longer played with, "Your brother is doing just fine with this. We're having a hard time here. Deal with it and chip. In." She said stiffly. You could tell her mother didn't want to give up the things her child wanted so badly to keep but she couldn't help it. Times were tough and everyone had to chip in.

She sighed, "Fine, 50 cents. Sorry mama" Her little girl looked at her with those big hazel eyes and she sighed.

"Maybe just this one you can keep." Her daughter's eyes lit up. She knew that 50 cents wouldn't do much, but that made her daughters world that much brighter.

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Awwa. That was nice that the little girl got to keep one of her dolls. It is always hard to give away things you value as a child. Thanks for sharing.

So true. Thank YOU for reading!!

There is a depth to this story. There is a lot of pain. I get that in the end, the mother pleased her daughter, but the way she talked to her felt so cold. Comparing her to her little brother also does not help. But it is not because the mother is cruel - their situation where they do need money. Great write.

Thank you!! I am so glad you got so much out of it! Thank you for reading!

LOVE the sign!!! :D cracked me up because I would write something like that and Hubby would take it down LOLLL

and yes, all too true of a story but it has a happy tone to it. Not sure how you did that but it was really Great!!

Thank you!!! I just imagined my mom doing something like that when I was a kid lol. That sign is freaking too funny!!! Lol I saw it and was like, yep.

such a nice story and so human. hugs

Awe! Thank you! And thank you for reading!

Awww. I hope the parents are selling some of their stuff too!!

Rest assured they did too! haha!

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