Day 104: 5 Minute Freewrite:Wednesday - Prompt: cigarettes

in #freewrite6 years ago

Here's my Day 104: 5 Minute Freewrite:Wednesday - Prompt: cigarettes

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Cigarettes, I don't smoke them but I grew up smelling like them. I wasn't a fan, I can't say that I was, or ever will be really but it's a smell that certainly brings me back to my childhood. I grew up in a household of two smokers. Both of my parents smoked on the daily. My father quit about three months ago due to a health issue. My mom to this day smokes, regardless of the warning's shes gotten from our health care providers. We pick our battles with her though and there are worse things that we have to focus on than her smoking. Our thought is let her have this one.

Cigarettes are awful for you, yes, but it brings back a simpler time for me. I don't smoke as I've said, and I never will, but when I smell it, see it or hear that intake of breath I think of a simpler time when my worries were much smaller. I didn't have to worry about how to pay a bill, what to cook for dinner, or my parents for that matter. They worried about me and I did my child-like thing. It was when I worried about getting kicked off the internet because someone called the land line or when my parents would yell at me to go to bed and get off the phone. A time when I asked if my friends could come over or if I could borrow twenty dollars to go to the movies with my friends.

The smell brings me back, and while it's awful for your health, just the word brings to mind a simpler time for me. Odd, but true.

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Smells are very nice like that. There's a perfume I've smelled about four times over the years and it's the same as my eighth grade girlfriend's. Don't know what it is, but suddenly - I'm back there. You said it very nicely.

So True. Crazy isn't it that a scent can transport you? Thank you :)

Your comment just sent me back to 8th grade. Calvin Klein 😎😎

From back then I also have the smell of the leather of a new baseball glove. A good place...

Yes! Tenth grade for me.

There is something about the smell that brings back memories for everyone. Well written :)

Loving your life will do that for you.

It’s a very deep piece. As a mom it reminds me that I don’t have to be perfect in order for my kids to have fond memories.

Absolutely! Perfection doesnt mean happiness. Be you and your kids will be happy and love you all the same.

Smells of cigarettes take me back as well, but not to pleasant times... so I suppose I dislike the smells even more!

You really captured a lot of feeling and just the realities of life in such a short piece of writing. I'm impressed! Great freewrite.

Also, I am here helping @mariannewest with freewrites today:
Here is Prompt 105
Thanks for writing with us!

Thanks so much! That means so much to me! And thank you for the prompt!

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