Maintenance (Part III) - A fiction smidgen for Freewrite #249 - bath

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Greetings fellow Steemians, here is my 61st 5 minute freewrite. (Disclaimer: these usually take me significantly longer than 5 minutes to write). The prompt was "bath".

Come check out the goings on at @freewritehouse! Many thanks to @mariannewest for hosting this wonderful daily freewrite :)


Maintenance (Part III)

The two of them sat, staring at each other, for a few moments. "We have to find Eddi" Marjorie sighed, changing the subject. "Those fish are about to die."

Alistair snorted. "Good luck!" he muttered, and returned to his pensive window-gazing pose. He even conjured a book, a ponderous leather bound number with gilt-edged pages and text written in an obscure variant of a dead language (literally. The title page read "Too Much, Too Soon - One Lost Soul's Philosophic Forays Into the Land of the Living"), to pretend to read. "Who in Hades does he think he's showing off for?" thought Marjorie to herself, looking around the room for the umpteenth time and seeing no one but the two of them, the Demigoddess of Patience-With-Idiots and the Demigod of Humility-Even-in-the-Face-of-One's-Own-Obvious-Superiority, in the fading light of a day she wished would hurry up and end already.

"You rang?" intoned a voice at her elbow. She startled involuntarily, then laughed. "Thank you, Eddi. I'm glad I didn't have to go looking for you." The sorceror chuckled. "Even nerds like me notice storms of that magnitude. I'll just pop outside and clean up that little aquatic life problem then, shall I?"

"That would be fantastic! Thanks." Marjorie flashed him a genuine smile, and he returned it, briefly, before ambling off toward the front door. Suddenly he turned back to her: "I almost forgot! Here's a plain old #2 pencil, for next time. Don't lose it!" He tossed it with a wink and was gone.

Marjorie watched the pencil float lazily through the air toward her, grateful for the gift. She'd have to think of somewhere safe to keep it...maybe in one of the oblivion cupboards. Nobody ever opened those.

"It's been a long day" sighed Alistair from his overstuffed armchair. "I could use a two hour massage and a nice long bath, before heading out to see what the evening has to offer. He grinned at her. "Crises come and crises go you know, but you only live once."

Marjorie made a face at him. "You know that's not true. The living once part."

He shrugged. "That's what people tell me though..." He snapped his fingers, summoning overcoat, hat, and umbrella, patted the pocket containing the miniature wyvern, and strode off after Eddingsworth.

"A bath," thought Marjorie staring idly after the two of them. "A bath would be perfect."

©2018 Bennett Italia All Rights Reserved

horizontal rulers courtesy @cryptosharon



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