Thoughts from a Bed

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)
I felt like having pizza. I've been eating healthy for the last 9 days. Maybe I deserve it.

I ordered pizza.


Now I'm eating pizza, watching a TV series from 2002, hanging out with my two dogs and thinking about stuff. Personal Life stuff, Steem things, Steem Onboarding bananas, OCD shaenanigans and more.

I realized that in just 5 months I'll be 2 years old. 2 Steem years by the way. I read a post from @tarazkp about his daily post average and if my memory still works, it's something around 3.56 posts a day. Mine is around .90

Is that a good number? Is that a lousy average? I'm not sure and I don't care, one of my favorite posts is one about Measuring yourself against your previous self and it has helped me a lot to not put pressure on myself and my Steem posting behaviour.

But to be honest, sometimes I feel a bit bad about posting too much, especially when the market was at its peak and my posts were making more than $200 (each). But also I realized I shouldn't feel guilty or bad about my post rewards, after all I worked a lot to be where I am right now - in fact we all worked our ass off to be where we are (wherever that may be - and we deserve it - and I decided I'm going to rise my posting behaviour and strive to post twice a day. Let's see if I can do it, it's easier said than done.

Another thing that's easier said than done is to Bet on games and actually win. That's something I'm good at. The past weekend I made a bet on the 4 NFL Wildcard games and I won the four of them, that means I made around a $180 usd by betting. But as hard as it is to Pick the correct results, is easy to fool yourself and think you are someone special and you can do it all. I bet around the same quantity in Mexican football matches and lost 80% of it.

I'm not mad, it comes with the biz, besides I don't really mind, I consider that money lost and I just bet for fun, in fact I barely withdraw any funds from that site, I just keep the mBTC there and play around with it.

It would be amazing to have a site where we could bet on live games with Steem, right? I wonder how hard it must be to make a website like that happen.

I'm starting to ramble, truth to be told I'm struggling writing from my mind the past few days. I've always say that the best way to keep getting inspiration to write is to keep innovating, I guess I just need to change topics and mindset to be able to keep posting.

I'm thinking videos on @dtube, what do you think? Would you like to see me talking to the camera about various topics? I guess I need to show proof of concept, tomorrow I will upload a video and you can give me your opinion :) sounds right? Right.


If it’s any consolation I can barely post once a week never mind any more than that 😆 my post:comment ratio is insane (but possibly nowhere near someone who only/mostly curates).

Anyway don’t feel bad about posting however much you post 😛 and definitely try new things if you feel the inclination, that’s how you got where you are right 😆

Posted using Partiko iOS

Full of thought 👌but eating pizza at night when you are on @actifit for staying fit in 2019 is something to look after.....anyway it's not bad to opt for looks good👍 as far as betting on steem
...have you checked on magic-dice?? I heard of lately doing good among betters....the tide is by your side with 4wins...may be 2019 is all about you✌️

Posted using Partiko Android

jumps on the bed...grabs a piece of pizza...says hello to the doggos...turns off the tv and launches into conversation that could easily last for hours

Yes, keep writing. You do well with it. I liked your opening, the pizza drew me in. The title made me go hmmm. What thoughts is he having in bed? Oh, NFL. Meh. DTube, sure, but please give me a youtube video in the post too, pretty please, because country internet. It would be great to see your face. That said, often I'd rather read words. But then, I love words. I should be doing things with words in my manuscript right now, actually.

takes another piece of pizza...saunters out the door blowing a kiss behind her

When you work out hard for a week+, it's a good mental break to have a cheat day with your diet or activity level. It's even something to look forward to when you know you've earned it, it's perfectly normal, and there's no guilt.

It's also something that might even not be as important as you continue on with your mission and see more results.

As for the betting, I've never bet on sports. I've played an unthinkable amount of poker in my life (so I know gambling), but have virtually stopped in recent years. Something about mixing $ and sports feels like a risk for me to not enjoy watching the games the same way I'm used to. I also feel that there's so much manipulation with referees in some sports for big games.

Hey nomad, I would really be looking forward to the vlog...
We need more people on the dtube platform to engage and add more value and you are just one perfect hell of a guy. Meanwhile, speaking of hustling here on the chain. I think it is high time I seek/solicit for your help (personal) in any capacity you can be of help I would really need it in my journey here (to my 2 years as well too). Thank you for your understanding. 💯👏


Your hard work for almost two years, you can already get the results. I see your success thanks to work that is not only hard work but also smart work.
I read Measuring yourself against your previous self. A post that is very inspiring and gives direction to us as your followers.

Comparing yourself to other Steemians can only bring despair or may discourage you

I take this quote because it gives us the power to encourage us not to think negatively with what we get. just need hard work and smart work to achieve dreams.
Thank you @anomadsoul
Thank you Steemit.
Warm regard from Indonesia

That's awesome that you have been eating better. You have to treat yourself every now and then though. Otherwise it just gets too hard and you end up giving up. It's all about moderation not about depriving yourself. Wow! I can't even imagine my posts making $200! I don't think I've had a post that topped $100, even when Steem was up. Maybe one day! Good luck trying to post more. For me I feel that about once a day through the week is good. Your opinion about only comparing yourself to your past self is some great advice! Good luck betting this weekend. Should be some good games!

Damn.... Sounds a little bit depressing - No inspiration - Gamble . Exchanging healthy food for junk food. Bringing back those memories..... Watching TV Shows with the dogs.... Get that energy, just go with the flow mate ! Have a great year!

Ahaha now that you mention it like that it does sound deppressing! But no no, I don't feel down, I'm just very relaxed and comfortable :P

And hey! What's bad about spending time with the doggos in bed while doing nothing and eating unhealthy food and... Oh ok, I'll give you that one.

Good to hear man! It's good to relax sometimes and watch some.... Well ! Hope you get some inspiration from it.......:P

Steem has demonstrated its flexibility as a protocol so building a betting Dapp could be possible and from what I see over at EOS could also bring activity. If looking to expand to more than one post a day, variety helps so a dtube video could help diversify the content. Look forward to seeing your thoughts!

Posted using Partiko iOS

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