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RE: Solitude -5minutefreewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

Personifying a saucer..... I like it! You made me feel bad for a saucer, well played sir... I too like the last line, there is something empty and impersonal about the digital age..


It's just different. We'll find our sense of the personal in this age eventually, I'm sure.

I hope so, when I'm in the pub, and 62% of people have their head stuck in a phone, or when people almost bang into me on the street, as they are head deep in their phone, I wonder about the digital age... But there is so much good and positive also, which more than outweighs some of the ills... Like anything I suppose, a balance..

Yeah. I don't know what the future will be like. But I think our need for the personal will find its expression somehow.

Ya, I are extremely adaptive as a race, so you are hopefully right..

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