Free Speech Vs. Hate Speech

in #freespeech7 years ago (edited)


This is how I picture everyone getting ready for free speech week in Berkley.
Let me know what you think of my new gif!

Cheers Steemit!



welp I just wrote a whole piece about the origins of the hate speech ban if you are interested, won't link it because I dont want to be too shamelessly self-promoting

oh kool, ill check it out after I finish my replies.

If your words upset me they're hate speech...


Eat a dick buddy,... I mean, great job!

Fuck you too,...... I mean thank you too.

Happy (5)
Congrats :)

The term 'Hate speech' is used on a sliding scale to describe everything from actual racist comments, that you would have to go to Stormfront to find, to simple disagreement with leftist dogma.

no such thing as hate speech
Its what people say when they try to shut down speech they don't like.
hate speech and free speech are the same thing.

You and me said the same thing. The difference is that I explained the mind game these people play to try to shut down free speech. It's all about guilt by association.

yeah, I wont play the false dichotomy game of left or right.

Not really a dichotomy. There is left-wing, right-wing, and syncretic politics. It all depends on your priorities.

False dichotomy, the idea that you have to be on the right or left when you don't.
Like how I am getting called a Nazi white suppremist because I don't support antifa, I said I hate Nazis and kkk and racists and stuff but because I said I hate commies and antif too I instantly got called a Nazi fascist kkk racist.
my priorities at this point are to avoid all identity politics as much as I can.

Syncretic politics is outside the one dimensional left -right spectrum.

wish they were into that instead of the current state of everything right now.

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