TatianaCoin Campaign Update & Reading A Letter from Ross Ulbricht

in #freeross8 years ago

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Fellow Steemians! If you're wanting an update on my tour, my new upcoming album–Keep The Faith–along with updates on the TatianaCoin crowdfunding campaign, a reading of a letter from Ross Ulbricht, and so much more. If you want to know what’s going on with all of my "happenings", this video is your ticket!

And don't forget to keep up to date and be a part of my TatianaCoin crowdfunding campaign at: http://www.TatianaCoin.com


Fantastic letter.. Applies to way more than prison ..

Thank you, I couldn't agree more. That's why I think it's so relatable.

You should add more text-based summaries of this stuff, I like your videos but don't always get a chance to watch them, reading a summary is great though!

I would, but to be honest, I have so little time to try to do it :/ If I had more time and resources, that would work, but it's not really feasible with everything. Thank you for watching and listening when you can though <3

Tatiana, when you arrive in Anarchapulco you should ask Berwick about the fraud allegations here: https://liberty.me/discuss/t/jeff-berwick-and-tdv-immigration/

I dont think she should waste her time with that... forget jeffs past... and focus on the present, he is properbly the one person that have spread the message of anarchy to most people in the world...



I guess you haven't been defrauded by Berwick. I have. He owes me about $11,000. That's a drop in the bucket compared to the millions he's stolen from others. Hoppe and Rothbard have done more than Berwick and neither is a fraudster. By not calling out fraudsters, you're only hurting the movement.

Let me get back soon.

Read the liberty.me thread I posted above. He doesn't belong at the front of the movement. He belongs in prison. Fraud is a major violation of the NAP.

Its better to discuss it (documents and proofs) on steemit... no third party can manipulate messages... just a tip

I understand boths sides. I looked at your link and didnt understand the rape accusation story??? Anyway... I dont know what happened for jeff in argentina and I better stop involving myself in this... I just wanted to say that I like Jeffs free work and yes I have never been frauded by him or any other in the "movement"...

In your link someone call stefan mouleneux a fraud... why is that??

Also the arcade city Christoffer... I resently understand is a fraud... and I have no doubt... but about jeff and stefan I need more then what I have seen so fare... jesus so many problems

Someone else posted that rape video. The thread is about TDV Immigration. Just ignore the handful of off-topic comments. Here's the basic rundown: I signed up for his Paraguay passport program, paid him monthly for 3 years via Paypal to the account associated with [email protected], the Paypal payment plan was canceled by him, I contact him via email, Skype, Liberty.me, etc and no response.

He tells a person I contacted that he has nothing to do with TDV Immigration, even though I sent money to [email protected] for 3 years. He bans me from his Youtube channel and Facebook page. The proof is all in the thread.

Does that sound like a person we should support? I don't think so. If he were in the US, I and many others would sue him in the courts. However, he's hiding out in Mexico where corruption is rampant and it's almost impossible to pursue him.

This topic is kindof like off topic for this post... sorry Tatiana... so better to continue mostly in a new post.. I am sure it will get traction if there are truth in it..

Also you posted the "proofs" on liberty.me that is owned by jeffrey tucker who is jeff berwicks personal friend... why would you do that... he can manipulate that forum and proof as much as he want... post it on steemit and do it as a group of all or most of the victims... then see what the community do about it... its kindof dramatic since the hardcores are physically together this week in the 5 star hotel right now!!! You schould have done it long time ago... I will not take a side before I see more convincing numbers of people siding with you.on steemit!.. but I will say that fraud is unacceptable....

This topic is kindof like off topic for this post... so better to continue mostly in a new post.. I am sure it will get traction if there are truth in it..

I don't really know what I could do when I ask him? I don't know why I am the one that's being asked to either, though it sounds like a bad situation. Sorry to hear!

And yes if what you write is true (and even whose the false rape accusations that he might did to ruin mens lifes are true), then I completely agree he schould not be the front figure anymore!

Its kinda like bad timing the conference anarcopulco starts now!!! (what a huge MESS!!, now I am kind of happy I am not in mexico right now)...Why you didnt bring this to steemit along time ago... please answer with a new post on the topic, when all you guys are ready!


I tried to get a resolution for months. My post on Liberty.me is 2 months old. I hadn't heard of Steemit until recently. I'm also targeting his Youtube videos which get a lot of views. Just "Jeff Berwick scam" and you will find many other victims.

Good video. Sorry to hear about your children situation.

I sent a link to this post / comment to Joanne Duarte Padilha ([email protected]) ...the mother to my son... not that she would care... she don't seam to care as long as she get only her part of the deal. I believe there are many people acting like this of today... only the blockchain can help us stop scammers world wide

It happens to a lot of children / fathers world wide... another huge damage in society steeming from the statism mentality... we just have to live with the pain
.. its similar to have lost your children in a war.. just more wierd since they are still alife you just can't get contact.

Hi Tatiana, I was thinking about when we would hear your music with band, today...

I began to work full time, and have to do that for a long while... due to a huge potential private deal.

Jesus, fathering your baby, should be every man on the planets dream... I have good genes and nice blue eyes... remember that if you ever find yourself in Copenhagen...

I wont make it to alcapulco this year... the swedish money still didnt arrive..

Hugs and take care at anarchapulco !


Update for Tatiana... kinda glad I didnt got the money for buying into this potential fraud conference... looking foreward to the after match and the "results" of Anarchapulco 2017. Hense the info in this posts comments....

I understand that a lot of people have had problems with the passport business, however, there are a lot of great people coming together to discuss the ideas of anarchy and liberty (and get some sun). While I understand some people boycotting the event, I don't think the event is a scam, I mean, we go, speak, etc and that's it. No way to scam. Also, I wish people would do research before investing, as Jeff doesn't have the best track record. It's unfortunate and I hope it gets resolved. I can ask, but I don't know what good that would do either.

If you could ask him for a phone number to contact him at, I would appreciate that. He can contact me here or via Liberty.me. He can also accept my friend request over at Liberty.me which has been pending for months.

Can you please email me this to [email protected]? All your info etc?

Thanks for your responce.

You are completely right, I think I got a little emotional from all these wild stories. as I also wrote earlier I like Jeffs 'free' work and do not see any scam in that, I have never been a client to Jeff and understand that its risky in the nature of the state the world is in. To Jeffs defence in regards to the migration/passport, it is properbly almost impossible to make a risk free migration business, as it have for many many years been a sensitive matter for 'gov'...

And yes sure I would like to be in alcapulco now.


No I agree that its worth being upset about. I just don't know what I have to do with it because I am singing here and trying to connect w other liberty lovers. I will see if I can ask Jeff, but not in a weird gotcha way. I hope that people are made whole.

I think I will be livestreaming some of it ;)

Yes true. Enjoy the conference.

Things go sideways sometimes. I realize that. However, he just took my money for months and months and then disappeared. No explanation. No nothing. Then he hides from my emails, Skypes, etc. You can't even call his company. Totally inexcusable. Also, per the contract I'm to get a refund less some costs if I don't get a passport. That's his contract. As an anarchist that promotes voluntary contracts, he should abide by them.

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