A FREEDOM Challenge - I'm Up For It...

in #freedomtribe5 years ago

@FreedomTribe has an exciting new Steem Challenge - Read about it here

Freedom challenge.jpg

They ask you to post about this simple question:

What's the one thing you have lost - or would be afraid to lose - which would limit
(or has already limited) your personal Freedom?

The first thing that came to mind was when I lost my mobility and health through a car accident in which I was paralyzed. I wrote about overcoming paralysis in a previous post at: https://steemit.com/naturalmedicine/@porters/my-healing-story-overcoming-paralysis

These injuries resulted in a long stay in hospital (one of the most unhealthy places to be and I sure didn't want to be there but because of my condition I lost my freedom of choice.)
When the swelling in my fractured neck was right up, I was very reliant on others, even to the point of having someone feed me - I had lost my independence.
I worked hard to regain that independence but for the first winters I could not return to my home in the forest which only meant I worked harder so I was able to return home to the place that I loved!
I'll be writing more about what my forest home has given me further on in this article.

Another thing I had a great fear of losing was my sanity!

You may jokingly say

You're driving me crazy!

What does that mean?

That you have been pushed to your limits.

fantasy woman hanging at edge of cliff ready to leap into dark clouds.jpg

Have you ever looked over that dark crevasse where everything is jumbled, nothing makes sense and you've been pulled into the Abyss?

In my teen years I had experienced that mildly and wrote about that experience in a previous post at: https://steemit.com/naturalmedicine/@porters/my-responce-to-natural-medicines-contest-how-i-thrive-and-creatively-support-my-mental-health

One of the main things that pulled me out of that was the recognition that what you focus on - you give power to.

Loosing my cool too, often left me with issues dealing with my anger. I found a solution to that in a simple little handbook I had found at a garage sale with some Buddhist writings. One of it being on anger.

Change your anger to love. If you can not change your anger to love then just walk away from it.

That has served me well over the years and kept me from the craziness of being engulfed with anger!

There is a lot of "craziness" out in the world and without a strong base it is easy to get pulled into it, to become imbalanced and unable to see your way clear.

It interferes with your ability to relate to others and you are often left stuck in your own dark world unable to connect with others.


Loving-kindness is a strong force which is able to break through that confusion and set you free.

There were times when I would end my day knowing I had come close to going over the edge and THAT IS SCARY!

But let's go back to that idea of having a strong base.

Through the years I have developed a strong meditation practice that gives me the strength and clarity plus direction and purpose so I will no longer be pulled and swayed by all the craziness of the world.

I've created my home in the peace and quiet of the forest where I can also retreat at the end of the day from the work-a-day world.

I begin my day with meditation, Vipassana meditation, being aware of the mind and it's wanderings, but just witnessing/observing it and not getting caught up in them or other emotions that may arise. I go to that small quiet space within, where I find peace and tranquility and gain strength to face the day.

I hope you too can find peace and tranquility in your life!


I would like to invite you to "Mindful Life" community, that is only just beginning in the @naturalmedicine server here.

Goals of 'Mindful Life' -

  • To unite meditators across the Steem blockchain so that we can share and strengthen our own practices
  • To provide a space to discuss the philosophy, science and practical application of such practices in our lives
  • To inspire and motivate each other
  • To provide support if we might be struggling, connecting with like minded people who might offer solutions

We plan to run group meditations and support each other as we grow through conscious awareness, and there is a big group meditation for all of Steemit coming up on May 1st! Read all about it here

MindfulLife.gif Discord 🧘About

Top image from Graphic Stock others from Pixabay.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Oooh a VERY thought-full response to the @freedomtribe challenge, @porters. The fear of losing your mind is soooooo strong, until you start meditating and you WANT to lose your mind!! LOL. And so it is. Lovely contribution.

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Oh @porters, those experiences were truly awful for me but they also made you into the kind, empathetic person you are today. How wonderful it is you regained most of what you lost. X

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm sorry to hear you had some terrible experiences but they made you stronger right? Plus more kind and empathetic! I am grateful I did regain most back and that those incidences remain history!

"Change your anger to love. If you can not change your anger to love then just walk away from it."

That will really help me.

You are a fighter for sure. Much love and inspiration has been gained from reading your post today.

Glad it helped and inspired you! I know that one little passage about anger really made a big difference in my life as well as taking up meditating.

It must have been awful for you, yet you are still a kind and giving person. Thank you for this entry.

You're welcome! That part of my life seems like a while back and have no effect on me anymore, except for the lessons I learned from them.


Change your anger to love.

That is such a wise quote <33

That sounds really rough!!
I cannot even imagine
I was the primary caretaker for Mum in her last year and I used to look at her and think if I was finding it a challenge what more her, the woman who carried the title Iron Lady for her never say die attitude and strength. It was a crazy year.

It must have been frightening, but you came through... the best you could. And here you are to tell your tale.
Yes, I do want peace and your post has given me something to think about. Thank you

It is so hard to see our parents, who have often been our strengths, growing older and frailer or succumbing to disease. Glad you could be there for your mom!

That part of my life is history now and I feel fortunate to have a meditation practice that keeps my life more peaceful and I'm able to retreat from the craziness!

This was a really nice entry. I can’t imagine going through something like this, loosing my independence to move around and do the things I want. I’m glad you were able to pull through. You were able to get back a lot of what you lost which is a great thing :)

Yes! I feel fortunate that I regained so much of it back and that I moved forward, living a very happy and fulfilling life!

That’s so awesome!!

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