Happiness in the Kitchen {@freedomtribe Happiness Steem Challenge}

Happy Monday my friends! I had planned on sharing some of my latest farmers market finds with you today anyway, but then I was reminded of the latest @freedomtribe challenge that had caught my eye. They are raising funds to help feed hungry children in Venezuela, which is a wonderful cause that I wanted to make sure to support in some small way. I think I was first alerted to this in the @naturalmedicine Discord server, as they are a big supporter, as well!


I am always a fan of spreading joy and positive vibes around, and one of my favorite ways to do that is through sharing food! Thus, the kitchen is truly on of the happiest places I can think of! I could have easily picked the farmers market or even the grocery store (I would much rather shop for food than for clothes), but it all comes back to bringing fresh ingredients home to my kitchen to make into nourishing meals for myself and loved ones. Many of my happiest times with friends and family have been spent in the kitchen, but I also find it a place of refuge to recharge my introvert batteries if I want to spend some time alone.


I love bringing home a big haul from the farmers market (or hopefully soon from the garden), and figuring out what wonderful things I am going to make for us to fuel our bodies for the week. Fresh, seasonal produce is so delicious to work with and find infinite combinations that come out better than I could ever expect! I never thought of myself as a creative person until I started spending more time in the kitchen coming up with meals to share.


I am quite lucky to have a boyfriend who will eat absolutely anything I put in front of him, so I have no restrictions to what I can put together. Switching to a plant-based diet and vegan lifestyle six years ago just fueled that creativity I found even more. I find I experiment so much more and try so many new fruits and vegetables that I never knew existed previously. Even just from the local farmers, I'm amazed at the new things I constantly find to bring home! Just this past week I came across Scarlet Turnips for the first time!


Learning from the many foodies and homesteaders on here has also inspired me to try new preparations in addition to new produce. I continually try to make more of our food at home instead of relying on pre-packaged and mass produced goods. I am far from perfect, but I try to become more aware and mindful of where I spend my money and what type of companies my choices support. Today I whipped up some quick pickles with rainbow carrots and cucumbers from the market paired with herbs fresh from the garden! Not all homemade goods have to be time-consuming or challenging to create. :)


Though it does take some time to make things at home, it is well worth the effort. We hardly ever eat out anymore, which is great for our health and our budget! Some people use cooking as a way to "treat" their loved ones with overly indulgent comfort food, but it makes me a whole lot happier to feed those people I care about food that will keep them healthy for many years to come. I am truly grateful to be able to use whatever small platform I have to encourage others to do the same.

Thank you @freedomtribe for putting this topic out there! Any time I can talk about food makes me happy, haha! Now to go check out some of the other great posts and stay up to date on #fruitsandveggiesmonday entries...I do love Mondays!

Have a great week everyone!


Banners by @zord189, @woman-onthe-wing, @dksart and @bearone for @steemusa


Loving the third picture

I am quite lucky to have a boyfriend who will eat absolutely anything I put in front of him

I think this Resonates with my partner and I"ll ask her tonight

We're so lucky to have passionate people like yourself in our thriving global community of STEEM

I think there were even a few more things that I couldn't fit on the stove for that farmers market haul picture. What can I say, I love my farmers! I know a lot of people who have really picky partners, so I really am so thankful that mine is so easy to please in the food department. Makes it a whole lot easier when meal planning, though sometimes it's hard to get any constructive criticism before I share a recipe since he does like so much!

I'm thankful to be a part of such a vibrant community! Makes it more enjoyable to share my passions with others!

What a great cause!
I always love to pick up new steemians trough your posts Katie (It saves me a lot of time having to look for them myself) I added @freedomtribe & @naturalmedicine to my followers list.

Your dishes look delicious as always !
Keep up the good stuff

It's been a bit of a challenge lately to find time to join in on everything I'd like on here, but I'm so happy I was able to jump on this one! I have followed the Natural Medicine community for quite some time now, but only just recently joined to participate in some of the group meditations (which have been so great). I'm so happy I finally did as they are connected with so many of the other awesome communities. I'm finding more great folks to follow and learn from, so I'm glad to share so you can, too!

What a great initiative and I’m certainly jealous of your farmers market haul. All of that green is gorgeous and your bodies are loving it even more. I wish I could get that much green here. I miss Kale… 😭. Loving the rainbow carrots and the scarlet turnips too.

If heaven was a color, I think it might just be green. 😉 I go a little nuts sometimes with the greens because they are just soooo much better than anything from the store (I think I'm on a theme with that...). I did get some kale this week, and chard, and pak choi, and some kind of red leaf lettuce, and the turnip greens....and the celery is darn near all leaves, too. As we always say, there are worse ways to go broke! 🤣

Haha… try to convince Dandays of that, I swear I’m about to be on food restriction again. Haha… screw spending money on anything but food. The only problem as I see it is that you only get to eat it once… :)

I don’t think I’d mind a green heaven- sounds pretty awesome!

I probably should put myself on a better budget when it comes to food, but I would rather cut back in other places, haha! I just keep telling myself I'm helping the local economy. ;)

I’m with ya sista!

Can confirm that the kitchen is a happy place! Well, unless someone messed up and I have to do the cleaning... otherwise cooking is a wonderful happiness inducing activity!

Haha, true! I still don't love doing dishes myself, but it's worth it to make delicious homemade food. :)

Oh i'd love to eat in your kitchen sometime! it's awesome you can find happiness doing something you love. As you're a Natural Medicine member, I'll throw in .50 to Freedom Tribe to add to the charity and contest, just to boost their funds a little more.

I've discovered purple carrots of late - fabulous! Why do all carrots have to be orange? BORING!!

This is so awesome to see the support for the charity and contest! I love what you guys are doing. I totally wish I could share and have some of my Steem friends over to share a meal with! I've enjoyed cooking for a long time now, but it does add that extra element when I know I get to jump on here and share with others who are genuinely excited to see what I've put together. The purple carrots are so pretty! I'm glad I thought to pickle them this time around so they keep some of that vibrant color to enjoy when we eat them. :)

I am not a vegan but seeing your posts makes me want to try more vegan cooking.

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Oh I'm so happy you enjoy what I share! I always tell people even if you don't want to become vegan, you can always use plant-based recipes as a good base for meals or even just do a few meatless meals a week for something different. It's a great way to get excited about trying some different foods you may not have thought of before. As a runner it's a great way to bump up the intake on the fruits and veggies to fuel those activities and help with recovery!

When I saw this challenge which I really want to get around to, the kitchen also popped into my head as one of my happy places! Definitely the best place to unwind, recharge and just forget about the world and all its troubles :) Your fresh produce looks absolutely gorgeous, makes one feel healthy and energised just looking at it all! Lovely post @plantstoplanks! FAVM was looking a tad quiet when I checked this afternoon, but sure it's changed already by now :)

I figured many of you could relate to this one! So much joy gets spread around the blockchain in the form of delicious food! It's hard to sometimes jump on every challenge that pops up, but this was a great initiative to jump on. I'm glad I found the time in between my meal prep today to make it happen! I have a feeling a few more entries will pop up on the FAVM radar before the time is up... :)

Yummmmmmmy 💙 ♬♬

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@plantstoplanks Most Welcome ! :) ♥♬♬
Keep On ! Planking ! Together ! #seven77

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As a fellow foodie I must endorse this message! I just found your page @fromplantstoplanks I hope to find more tips here that will motivate me to get back to healthier eating - keep up the good work.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks so much! I am happy to meet you. I hope I can help you get excited to start making some positive changes in your own kitchen! :)

Wow, so many goodies!!!! I love all you have there 😍😍😍

So much good stuff, I couldn't keep it all to myself. ;) I just wrote up my garden report yesterday, but it's scheduled for Friday. Though by then I'm sure I could take a whole new set of pictures because I just found two baby squash I didn't see yesterday. Not a bad problem to have!

Lucky lady!!! We don't have anything yet, except green onions but those need to grow a little bit :) Tag me if you post your garden report so I don't miss it. I don't know how others do it, I can hardly keep up :)

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