Eagle Spirit's Freedom Friday Initiative No. 4 ===> What Does Freedom Mean To Me?

in #freedomfriday6 years ago (edited)

Word is getting around about my #freedomfriday initiative and for that I can only be thankful. I've posted numerously about how and why I came up with this topic, especially after joining @freedomtribe and they decided to join me on this mission. We even received an entry from @kennyskitchen, the creator of @tribesteemup. If you haven't checked out the #freedomfriday tag, then please do so because some amazing people are showing up strong and proud. Go give them all some love!


What Does Freedom Mean To Me?

Freedom to me are the words free will this encompasses many arguments since most do not feel we actually do have possession of free will. I grew up in San Francisco during a time where I could be gone all day riding my bicycle outside from sunup until sundown and never worry if something would happen to me.

Words such as terrorist, child rapist, or serial killer were not in our vocabulary. To boot, I was an only child that had the support of grandparents, great-grandparents, and a huge family. My life was simple, fun, joyous and exciting. It never occurred to me to live without freedom. At the tender age of five I told my mother I wanted to bathe myself, I locked the door, and she allowed me free will from a very young age.

Psychology Today brings a great argument about free will from an article The True Meaning Of Freedom stating:

The difficult truth is that "we" aren't free even from our unconscious selves. Studies now show that the impulse to take the most basic of actions—the movement of a finger, for example—originate in the brain at least a full second before we're consciously aware of our desire to move it! It appears that the unconscious mind, functioning with an understanding bereft of language, may control far more of our conscious decision making than we ever imagined—if not all of it.

When the above writer speaks about the conscious separate from the unconscious that is absolutely correct. That is why if or when we had an Awakening, the two were joined. If you have not yet reached this point in your human development then that is okay, this isn't something to be rushed and a choice is made. The choice is whether to take the red pill or the blue pill. From a young child, my personal choice has always been to assert my free will, and no one would be able to interfere with this choice. I've always chosen the red pill.


What Is Awakening?

If we've chosen the red pill then there are many new factors in our world to consider when discussing free will. Many feel we have laws that restrict, cops that arrest, living in the matrix, following orders, governments that effect our freedom. If we all do not stand up for our freedom then we will remain slaves or worse. If you are not yet aware, we are being poisoned by genetic modified organisms, fluoridated water, air quality interference and the list goes on. The governments of the world can actually make these changes, yet the actions they've consistently shown are greed and a hunger for power.

Which leads us to how to handle the situation, and that depends on the path we are on. If we are not yet awake and wish to be then there are a few methods. One that helped me was craniosacral, but again this is a choice and if one wishes to remain asleep then that is your choice too. No pressure, since forcing an awakening can be traumatic.

If we are awake, then our conscious and subconscious are united, and we may start to receive messages or direction from the Universe, or our own forgotten subconscious memories. As we start to open up to being awake we may start to realize our "gifts." As I started to become aware of being awake I learned that I was a Dreamwalker, Intuitive Empath, I could speak to people, animals and trees by High Sensory Perception, and tied through my bloodine to Medicine Work. This enhances the understanding of free will.


Will You Be Like Chief Joseph?

Many times I refer to the north Native American people and that may be because these people have suffered atrocities since oppressors came to this country. If anyone has known what true freedom felt like and was abruptly ripped away are my ancients. Interesting thing about our ancients is that they can and will talk to us, many times through our blood, this is called genetic memory. In my case, this is not the most pleasant experience since many times I can hear the cries and feel the pain, but it goes with the territory as they say.

This leads me to Chief Joseph, who believed "if you treat all men equal, there would be peace". This was a man that tribes speak of today as a fighter of freedom yet never allowed anyone take his free will away. He never gave up fighting the US military with a band of 200 warriors and won repeatedly until winter set in. The loss was great, however, Chief Joseph was able to get all the survivors back to his lands through negotiations with the government.

In my awakened stated I've come to realize that there is the deep state we must all contend with, the unsightly few that control things. Much like the powerful wizard from the Wizard of Oz, but add a few more and they are the ones pulling all our strings. If we continue along this train of thought we can allow ourselves to believe we have no free will at all and it's all an illusion, leading us right back to the blue pill. Guess what? That's what they want us to do, to be complacent and give up. The moral of the story remains today, do we choose free will like Chief Joseph or choose complacency?


Be Like Vyasa

Vyasa is a revered figure in the Hindu culture and compiled the Vedas and is considered to be one of the immortals. Vyasa is said to be a spiritual guide and leader, given the assignment to give protect the history of India through writings and storytelling. The above quote was written thousands of years ago in ancient documents and brings forth free will and fate. The writing is taken from the Mahabharata that expresses the importance of humans never denying themselves, otherwise they may never find happiness.

If we take into consideration that we can manifest our own reality, there is Source who has our back, and the many that were sent here from the Universe to help earth and humankind through this powerful time of reckoning. Many were sent you might ask? Well, yeah if you haven't heard about us we are called Starseeds and this means humankind's chance of survival from those against humankind suddenly increases exponentially.

Ultimately, does this mean we all need to live in this world without caution and discernment? No, not exactly. We must always be careful because there are those on the ready to take any one of us out without hesitation. However, it's up to us to open ourselves up to that fact that free will is a choice, just as being awake is a choice The gift of freedom even if we are imprisoned, persecuted, or put to death can find comfort in knowing that no one can ever take our free will away. I have found comfort in knowing that regardless of what we are going through, when we allow free will to permeate our soul is when we have found true freedom.

As always, thank you for reading and remember that I love community engagement so please leave a comment below.



Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a Certified Indian Blood member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Reiki Master-Teacher, medicine woman (in-training), and paralegal based in Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in many groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, and energy work. Additionally, I'm the creator of #MedicineCardMonday and #FreedomFriday, so if you are interested in receiving Native American Medicine stop by my blog on Monday to say hello!

A'OO, Eagle Spirit


Thank you @eaglespirit. What an insightful and heartfelt post. You have such love and spirit in your writing! It is so refreshing. I love your statement "when we allow free will to permeate our soul is when we have found true freedom" So many don't realize this but it is sooooo true :)

@birdsinparadise yay woooo hoooo i am so so happy that you are with me on this, it means a lot to hear those who understand and get it. you may not realize and i am very grateful. thank you so much.

A great post @eaglespirit! I love this tag so much!! I love you! I love your #medicinecardmonday too - we are so lucky to have you on this platform.

And yes, free will is everything.

@riverflows aww you are so kind and i thank you for being a part of my life. free will! amen

Thank you for participating in creating #freedomfriday! You can find your post in the Spread the Love Curation Report and we have sent 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome with your username in the memo. Thank you for your conscious contribution to this platform! Steem on! 🙏❤


Whaatt wow! This is awesomesauce ... woohoo

I've been a fan of Joseph's since I was young, and first started researching the story on my own. I've spent some time 'between the rivers' of the Nez Perce homeland. After 'resettlement' he had to go live on the Colville Rez which is where he died. They are 'cousins', all the inland natives are Salish people. Anyway, there is a little park and monument to Joseph just north of Nespelem. I stop at least once per year.

I'd like to think I choose Joseph's way more often than not.

Thanks for another great freedom Friday post. I'm pretty fond of them.

@bigtom13 no kidding. i think you did mention nez perce in one of my past posts. so nice to hear you say you'd choose Joseph. awake my friend, awake! :)
you are so welcome and you are also invited to join too. this week is freedom to bear arms (not the furry kind.) :p

I agree true freedom for most of us is a choice, a choice that many are not even aware they have, how well they have conformed. Educating ourselves, believing in ourselves and loving ourselves are so important in reaching and maintaining that freedom. Great Post @eaglespirit xx

@trucklife-family amen sister, amen. i thought the same to myself when i read your post. "she gets it". of course if you were in america they would have arrested you for not vaccinating your kids. its sick crap going on here. i'm not sure what i would do if/when i have a child. run to canada maybe .. dunno.
heck yeazzzz its all about self care for sure and just knowing. as i said i always had it since i was a child, less than 5. hehe


I really appreciate this message, your encouragement and honor. It is not easy to be awake from the matrix, much less align our intentions and our actions with our higher cause. You are a good example for us all.

@sagescrub awww love that you found this post and read it, thank you so much! i'm so happy you align with my feelings and words. hugs

Wow impress me your knowledge of culture and your roots your passion is amazing excellent post

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 259 (9/16/18)

This post is fantastic.
I enjoy reading about your childhood. The same for me freedom as a child.

I agree we are the manifestors of our lives.

So nice to know you. :)

@rebeccabe yay! so happy you feel it sister!! :)
woo hoooo it's not easy getting this kind of stuff out but i'm meeting more and more likeminded individuals and for those that don't get it well, phooey ... can't help ya. if they want to know more they can ask. :)

Also congrats on your ranking. A high UA.
It is wonderful you are here and so welcoming to all.

@rebeccabe is it? i dont think so, ive seen many who are in the 100s and they jsut started. how the heck does that happen?

This is what I am talking about : Your UA account score is currently 3.915
That is good.

@rebeccabe it is good? hmmm
i heard its alll a lil fugged up right now, its not all accurate considering people are botting so places are not so accurate. they were going to fix it somehow, not sure if they have yet.

I thought if they use bots their score goes down. yes they need to get that fixed if it is not aleady.

@rebeccabe nope not on UA, so yeah that was a discrepancy someone found. i'm still debating my dele to them.

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