Eagle Spirit's Freedom Friday Initiative ---> I Begin With Freedom Of Speech!

in #freedomfriday6 years ago (edited)



The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines freedom as:

1 : the quality or state of being free: such as
a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action
b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence
c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous freedom from care
d : unrestricted use gave him the freedom of their home
e : ease, facility spoke the language with freedom
f : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken answered with freedom
g : improper familiarity
h : boldness of conception or execution
2 a : a political right
b : franchise, privilege

Since I was born in America many people around the world feel those from my country are born with so much more than others. That is true in many ways but not others. It is my feeling that humankind has been under the rule of those that have taken all of our freedoms piece by piece.

Our history has been taken from us and so much of our ingenuity stolen. We see a lot of this happening in such countries as China; where people are told how to dress, where to live, what to eat. This new initiative of mine is not based on politics but based on the inherent need of humans to be free.

There are so many examples of the China Ink Girl, in history and a lot of cover-ups. This post is dedicated to those who live in this world without knowing what is going on, and for those who give up their lives in the process of showing truth.

The Initiative


It is my hope that people will continue this initiative by posting about not only their ideas of what freedom means to them, but also what is going on in their country as events shift. There is an understanding that a lot is going on in the world and people are having a very tough time. Tough time, as in not even having food to eat and the total reliance on government assistance. This in of itself bothers me a great deal.

In addition, I would like positive posts on what we all can do to make freedom happen for all. Post a photo, poem, rant, or whatever you want on the meaning of freedom. The tag #freedomfriday will be created with this first post and continue on with your help. There are so many people from around the world that enjoy freedom in their own way. Examples of how you enjoy freedom is an encouragement for those who are trying to obtain their freedom, or just something beautiful to see.


The idea is that everyone will feel free to be who they are, say what they want, write what they want without judgment. Freedom has been a very important factor in my life and something I enjoy seeing in all creatures. Being controlled is not something I prescribe to, nor place on others. So, please let me see youand allow other to be seen.

Let me begin with something I do with my freedom ...


Most people think because I'm half Native American are surprised to find out that I love this country or admire many of it's "founders." First and foremost I believe in Peace, Love, and Liberty, there is a lot more that I feel that is important to humanity but these are my top three. It is fruitless to harbor resentment or anger over the past. Learning to live in the NOW has been an eye opener and something I encourage all think about.

One of the "founders," George Washington said it simply and giving up our freedom of speech would be detrimental to humankind, as mentioned earlier many countries have taken control over people and their personal power. To the point of what people wear, eat, and more. Personally, it took me many years to realize the power of my own voice and use it.

Growing up as an only child I was heavily protected in my family circle and I still am. This in turn made me very quiet and shy. It wasn't until I got older that the power of our own voice/speech is so important for all of us. All of us no matter how far we are from each other means something. If I hear your voice from across the entire planet, I appreciate hearing your voice. Especially if we sync up and speak the same language. The same language means a form of understanding, even if we do not right now then maybe we will someday.


Freedom to speak of course does not mean we are intending to hurt someone, but what we say should also be judgment free and without picking it apart. Also, the entire concept of "careless speech," in order not to hurt someone can be a touchy subject, however, my feeling is that we should always be allowed to say what is on our mind. Even the cray have a voice. LOL! Which, in turn means someone has the ability to either walk away from negativity or feed into it.

This initiative is not for people to hurt one another, but to come together as One. That is how my people would say it.


There are so many things taking place in the world that are restricting freedom, so with this initiative I'd love to just see how people respond from around the world. I look forward to hearing from you on your thoughts on the topic of freedom, and show me what you are doing in the form of enjoying your freedom too.

To start you off here are 30 ways to Create More Freedom in your life:

  1. Stop comparing yourself to others
  2. Free yourself from people in your life that don’t raise your energy
  3. Make a committed decision about something that you have been putting off
  4. Go for a walk in nature and empty your mind
  5. Get all your to-do’s out of your head and schedule them into your diary (including the good stuff!)
  6. Stop setting yourself unrealistic goals
  7. Make a pact with yourself not to constantly do things you ‘should’ do
  8. Free yourself from other people’s agenda’s
  9. Don’t be available for gossip
  10. Stop judging others
  11. Stop looking back at perceived past failures, the past has gone, the present is now and the future is in your hands to be created
  12. Get a coach that you resonate with who can help you strip back the conditioning that is not serving you or wasn’t even yours in the first place
  13. Have non-negotiable time for you everyday
  14. Free yourself from self judgment, write down 20 things that you love about yourself – NOW
  15. Stop putting yourself under pressure to have everything perfect, done is good enough
  16. Free yourself from having to prove yourself right, sometimes just knowing it is enough
  17. Forgive someone, today, it will free up SO much energy
  18. Book something today that you’ve always wanted to do but have been putting off for the right time, the right time is now
  19. Start asking yourself better questions, like who am I not to do x rather than who am I to do x
  20. Drop the drama – seriously, you will experience so much more freedom when commit to a drama free life
  21. Stop blaming your parents, they’ve only ever done what they’ve known to do (they have had their own stuff to deal with)
  22. Remove anything in your diary that doesn’t feel you with pleasure
  23. Create some space to vision what your version of irresistible living looks like
  24. Free your body from toxic foods – it will pay you back ten times over
  25. Empty your inbox
  26. Free yourself from fear about something by asking yourself, is this story I’ve created around something really true?
  27. Go part time or quit a job if you this is what you need to do to experience the freedom you crave
  28. List all the reasons why you should do something you deeply desire, rather than why you shouldn’t
  29. Quit people pleasing. You will be a far greater inspiration, and have much more impact on people when you are out their going after your desires rather than spending your time and energy doing ‘favours’ for people
  30. And lastly, and most simply, be you. That is the ultimate freedom

My question to you is this:

How Do You Express Freedom?

You can tell me in a #ulog, #DLive, or any which way you wish to express your freedom. I'm hoping this will catch on and people worldwide will share their thoughts on the topic. Thank you for all that participate!

Just remember ...


Use the #freedomfriday in your post and if it is simply amazing I may prompted to give away #steembasicincome! Peace.

ES logo.png

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine woman in-training, first time blogger since November 2017, (right here on Steemit), paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the spirit world. Additionally, I'm the creator of #MedicineCardMonday, so if you are interested in receiving a Native American blessing stop by my blog every Monday, or just say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit


Hey! This is awesomely fabulous! This needs sparkles and strobe lights ;)

It is always interesting to me how others view freedom and the U.S. I've traveled to a few places outside of the country and have found many misconceptions others have. In some of those other countries I actually felt freer than here even - and that was a difficult one to accept. It wasn't exactly comfortable either - like I was 'outside of the bubble' of protection.

I think this is a very important discussion to have across the globe - are we really so different from each other? Is this or that true? What does freedom mean....

I hope this takes off!

You put a lot of work into this post and it is just beautiful, @eaglespirit.

@youhavewings hey! thank you so very much!! woo hoooooo i love sparkles and strobes!! :)
awww you brought happy tears to my yes and i hope you post something! i will try to promote it more
after next week. its been a wild couple of weeks with no rest in sight. eeekkkk
hugs, eagle

Hope this bump in the road levels out soon for you. I always find it amazing when looking back at difficult times, how fluid we are in dealing with it and how much we grow and learn things about ourselves we don't normally get to see. Of course, all the reflection comes later when life settles down ;)

It really is a wonderful post - Got to call it as I see it!


@supernova55 whoaaaa now that is amazingly gorgeous and i want to snag it for my own personal computer or iphone screensaver. hehe

You are so funny!

Lovely evening beautiful soul!

Love this idea @eaglespirit. Freedom of speech is a perfect way to kick this off too!

Also, the entire concept of "careless speech," in order not to hurt someone can be a touchy subject, however, my feeling is that we should always be allowed to say what is on our mind.

I completely agree. Censorship of any kind is a slippery slope, because there is no definitive place to draw the line. This might sound weird, but I'm kind of attracted to offensive people to some extent. They don't care about what other people think, and they are a blazing contrast against the politically correct crap that's constantly being shoved down our throat. While I tend to care about the opinion of others, those who speak their mind without fear are truly free!

Well done, @eaglespirit! Definitely resteeming this!

@snowpea hi there ms. pea!! miss you and i hope all is well in your life. i still am thinking of you tho not around much the last couple of weeks. whoa i am so with you on the offensive bc i'd rather have some one tell me straight. that's why i loved living in nyc for all the years i was there. thank you so much on your support and kind words. much love, eagle

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Freedom is all we need

@anishag yes freedome for sure!!! blessings, eagle

awesome writing…you have a great writing experience

@steyn aww you are so very kind! yay :)

Very well written and informative article!

@uday20 oh thank you so much, you are too kind. :)

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