Freedom Challenge #4: How My Life Will Be Different If I Lived in a Free World

"Man is born free but he is in chains everywhere."

  • Rousseau

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The world we live in is never a free world. I laugh hard anytime I hear folks arguing otherwise. These folks believe that they are free because they are not behind bars. They fail to understand that there are laws everywhere and social expectations that guide our behaviors, thereby hindering our freedom. We are all prisoners from birth to death, at the very least.

However, if the world was a free place and I had the freedom to live as I wished, I would love to be judged based on the contents of my character not by the colour of my skin nor my social class. I would love to be judged by my personal attributes; not by my religion nor ethnicity.

In my teenage years, I was denied admission to study Law based on my ethnic affiliation. Although I hold a Masters degree in Criminology today, I still feel the pain to this very moment. If I lived in a free world, I will prefer that words such as white, black, class, gender, age, country, religion, etc go moribund so that people can be judged for whom they really are rather than being unfairly discriminated against because of the 'group' they have been stereotypically placed.

Special thanks to @sagescrub for sponsoring this beautiful challenge. Don't forget to upvote/resteem this post. Thanks for your time.

Challenge Rules

• You have one week, until Friday March 23, 2018 at 11:59 PM PST (UTC -8) to enter this contest.
• Tag your post with #freedomchallenge so that we can see all the entries in one place
• If you also wish to participate go here


Hi @gandhibaba, thank you for joining the #FreedomChallenge!

It is a beautiful dream to imagine a world of equality, without pervasive stereotypes.

However, if the world was a free place and I had the freedom to live as I wished, I would love to be judged based on the contents of my character not by the colour of my skin nor my social class.

Your character is shining through in this post and I appreciate your respect for your fellow humans!

If you don't mind me asking, I am curious how did you find out you were denied based on your ethnicity?

Good for you to persevere and create the life you deserve despite of the hurdles and walls you have to go through placed by the world we live in today.

Thanks for organizing this challenge. I really love to discuss and associate myself with issues bothering on freedom and human rights. In fact, I run a periodic contest tagged "Steemit, Together Against Injustice."

As for your question:

If you don't mind me asking, I am curious how did you find out you were denied based on your ethnicity?

I got to know because one of the professors in the department told me that I couldn't get the admission because the quota allocated to my ethnic group was exhausted. I scored 69/100 and was denied yet those from other ethnic group who scored 51/100 were admitted.

Why should there be a quota system for admission? Why should the first become the last and the last the first? Freedom is the only way to crush the walls of discrimination.

I hope your curiousness is quenched now? Regards.

Yes it was quenched. Thanks for elaborating. I thought it was dishonesty, in fact it was honesty under a rule. That's even worse form of discrimination because it is "accepted" right in front of everyone and those in power don't question it. Thanks for doing that good work that you do with the Against Injustice contest.

It is my pleasure. You are being followed.

What a shame that you were denied entrance based on your ethnicity instead of your score and what you could offer to the program.

I agree that our character should hold more weight than other aspects of our being. Our character has much more to do with how we contribute to society than the color of our skin or how we practice spirituality. Very insightful post. -Aimee

Thank you very much for sharing the same view about freedom, that our actions should be judged by our character rather than on stereotypes and prejudices. With people like you who share this view, soon the whole world will get the true message and live by these ideals.

It is great reading your comment. Regards.

Beautiful post @gandhibaba. Yes a world free of prejudices would be ideal and sorry that you had to through something like that. Does seem you've come out on top.

Thanks @tryskele for your comment. I have surely challenged myself and bounced back.

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