
You and I are two peas of a pod on Trump. Love the rhetoric...very cautious about the reality-- (ala Reagan, after whom he is clearly modeled.)

If one good thing comes out of the Trump presidency it would be the fact that wages are raising, I guess the liberal base corporate hierarchy got the message that Americans aren't about being brought down to nor competing with third world economics of haves and have nots.

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using threats and violence for political ends is terrorism.

Well, apparently, that's all that government actually does. I can't recall ever dealing with a government agency that didn't threaten me with violence if I didn't agree to their policy.

that's not a political goal.

You have strange definitions of policy and goal.

Government is politics in action, and is the essence of terrorism. The goal of every governmental agency is to terrorize me, and everyone they can, into compliance with their policies.

Its their goal.

No, they threaten you with fines so you will pay your tickets or taxes or buy a dog license or whatever you are refusing to pay, it's only terrorism if their motivation is to influence your politics. And of course you need the violence or threats of violence. Neither condition is satisfied. Like you said their goal is compliance with their policies, that has nothing to do with politics. They may inadvertently influence your politics but that is not the motive. Not paying taxes or other fees or fines, even if you are threatened with arrest ( I had a warrant put out on me one time for not paying an excise tax) is not a threat of violence. Those things are not capital offences and we don't have corporal punishment in the US.

You grossly mischaracterize violence. It is not only being murdered that meets the test, although you would probably agree that sometimes arrests can go 'wrong' and people end up dead during an arrest when they should not have.

I have suffered far more than being ushered into a room I didn't want to remain in during arrest. Regardless of the test for violence, arrest meets it.

Compliance with the terrorists is the goal of terrorists. The term was coined to refer to government, as practiced in France during the revolution. People were terrified of being guillotined, and so complied.

That's what the dog catcher does to me.

You too.

Nope, just the threat of a fine. Almost everyone who is arrested is uninjured, those that are almost always were violently resisting or refusing to follow legal orders. In cases where someone is injured improperly the police are liable for any damages they may cause.
The dog catcher is not going to guillotine you bro. In fact we are not living in 1794 France where people are executing all their perceived political rivals. If the dog catcher threatened to kill you if you didn't proclaim the glory of the revolution then maybe you could call it terrorism.

I have suffered far more than being ushered into a room I didn't want to remain in during arrest.

What did they do to you?

The lives and innocence of my children were threatened, I was chained, beaten about the head and neck (and elsewhere), slammed into steel benches and concrete walls and floor, strangled, spat on, bitten, threatened with being raped, and more. None of these things were done to me because I was violent. While I was being strangled the Portland Police officer demanded that I comply with their booking procedures, which I had told them I would do when availed of counsel that would assure me that was my legal obligation.

All I did to merit that treatment was to demand a lawyer before answering questions or allowing them to print me and conduct other tests. I did so politely, as politely as I converse with you now.

I have seen prison administrators stealing food by the truckload from captives that purchased it for special events. I have seen boxes of food marked 'Not for human consumption' in prison kitchens. I have taken testimony from sex slaves that I had told I had no power to help, who told me they were being sexually abused by guards then present. The guard said "I'm gonna get you for that."

He told me that he just needed someone to know, and no longer cared what they did to him.

I read 'kites', the grievance forms captives are allowed to use, that told of disabled captives being deprived of wheelchairs and having to drag themselves along the floor on their belly, because they cannot walk. I have seen medical conditions go untreated, or so poorly treated, as to cause laryngotomy, leaving the captive only able to speak with a device pressed to his throat. I have been withheld medications for months at a time, threatened to be rectally fed while strapped to a chair, and much, much more.

I have indirect knowledge of worse, such as murder for drugs, money, and to prevent testimony against abusive police. I have seen drugs sold out of police stations, and out of the Chief of Police's home, by his children, openly. I have seen more than I can relate here.

These aren't the petty things, the little sadistic savageries police and guards do, like give you the wrong size clothes, forget to request medications, or the like.

I have no doubt at all that the worst accusations against police, federal, state, and local, are based on facts.

The legal mechanisms you consider adequate to hold police, courts, and other officials accountable are completely under the control of those entities, and utterly corrupt. I am amazed when I hear of some successful suit, and pretty sure the accused are being sacrificed for reasons.

These are the consequences of not paying fines.

This is Terrorism, government by terror. You seem to be the type to comply without being threatened.

Lucky you.

What if the term was coined after the slogan "We will strike terror in the hearts of disbelievers"?

Dunno much about that particular slogan, so couldn't say. However the term terrorism was coined, officially, to refer to the French revolution. So I have read anyway.

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