
I know of only one instance where men had a choice of no government or a King and they wanted a King and God gave them Saul.

1 Sammuel 8:19 Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us; 20 That we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles. 21 And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he rehearsed them in the ears of the LORD. 22 And the LORD said to Samuel, Hearken unto their voice, and make them a king. And Samuel said unto the men of Israel, Go ye every man unto his city...........

Since then we all have been under that curse and until everyone recognises that one thing. We will be under it. You are awake and there are a few of us but the masses will always be asleep and nothing will remove the chaff from their eyes. Only the fire of His return will clean the blinders off the eyes of serfdom.

People are variable in their propensity to undertake various behaviours, and, God willing, will always be. Not all people can be free.

I aim to craft a system of development that potentiates freedom for those that want it.

I believe it's possible now. I, however, am not competent in the several fields necessary, while having some familiarity with them. I am actually seeking folks with expertise in relevant fields.

Apparently, one of the fields I am least expert in is requesting expertise =p

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Ummm, MKUltra has shown the physics of dominance of brain functioning.
And they have found it is quite easy to distract people to keep them from thinking. They can do this with energy waves that most people do not even know about detecting.

Fortunately, roads will be obsolete with the introduction of massless objects.

And defense will become much easier, cheaper and smaller.
It will be like 4 $100 drones from wallymart carrying a net vs a million dollar cruise missile. The economics of being an aggressor just becomes more and more self defeating.

What really sucks about police, is they suck. They don't investigate crime, they don't even know how. They have a database of wanted criminals... which consists of people who haven't paid fines, those who failed parole, and those people who a friend snitched on (while being interrogated, i mean tortured)

And what sucks worse than police sucking is that to eliminate crime, requires community. A community where you feel you can get ahead by your own work. A community where you feel i can have that too. In those communities theft is almost unheard of.

Research is pointing to complete fabrication and control of human thought, but it hasn't been enabled - yet. You're totally on point.

I was just watching some vids posted by @joeyarnoldvn about the horrible crisis in S. Africa, and a couple of them were regarding a community there (Orania) where folks can leave the keys in their vehicle all day, while elsewhere in S. Africa you can't take your hand off your wallet for a second.

There is a guy in S Africa named Michael Tellinger Who is going down that rabbit trail. I used to watch his videos but I have a hard time swallowing the whole Anunnaki deal. But anything can be true? For sure what we think we know is false.

You can move there now its been established. Seems like a theocracy to me but what do I know being a simple carpenter.

He is another good thing to watch as you plan your utopia.

I got this from @freebornangel s post I agree something should be different, could be different.

First we have to slaughter the predator class that is among us. Then we will have become just like them and the viscous circle starts again.

You have read enough of my writing to have noted I do not advocate slaughtering anyone. I advocate instead becoming competent to ignore them. Living well is the best revenge.

Ubuntu is not Orania. Larken Rose is one of the sources of my own epiphany regarding autocracy, and that video captures much of the reason for it.

I must note your own trade is the same as mine, and that of the theocrat of your own cult. Carpentry seems a trade productive of more than mere construction. If there is any theocrat I would follow, it is the one with the lowest body count.

I do intend to emulate that achievement. I but seek to prevent the lack of security that enabled torturing to death such example of beneficence by grasping the technology bespoken

We, sovereign particles of the creation, are foretold to bring forth the will of God by effecting the transformation of Earth and the heavens. Physics demonstrates how this will be done. It is thus understanding the law built into the creation that potentiates so effecting prophecy.

That is not achieved by magical invocations, but by understanding principles, and physically effecting them. Carpentry, in other words.

I must admit that when I became a cabinet maker I felt the guiding hand of God in my ability to make wood do what I wanted.

Later in life I considered more how the craftsman was our best examples of God here on this earth.

How with the same piece of wood some of it becomes firewood and another becomes a fine piece of craftsmanship that is valued for time immortal. That some men are here for destruction and others for Glory is easier to understand.

That piece of craftsmanship must be taken well care of to continue to be of value. Also the entire Creation of God that we all share and enjoy needs our continual weeding and cleaning up.

Right now the earth needs a fire to clean up the rough wood that can not be useful for building things. In that fire it will remove the old and bring in the new.

Its tough to swallow the facts as our world has given us very little control over more than our reaction to what has happened to us.

To break the chains of our programming we must separate ourselves for a long enough period that we realize the progressive downward spiral of mankind.

Once that is accomplished then your mind will be free enough for you to do what you were made to do!

Will your technical utopia have standards and expectations foe behavior within its borders? If so, a juridical matrix and legal enforcement would be necessary, unless the technical free society devolve into the anarchy of Libya. Will your technical utopia limit migration into its sociopolitical matrix? If so, then military enforcement would be necessary to prevent hordes of migrants from invading your utopia and devolving it into a sociocultural suicide that is Sweden. How will your utopia exist without government, when in the application of civil law and border security you have created government?

Men need to be governed, guided by a firm hand, with an iron fist if necessary, if humanity is to exist in a civilized state. When the "tyrannical" government authority fails, regional warlords establish private fiefdoms, where man are subject to the whims of an arbitrary strongmen, who are essentially ignorant peasant scum elevated to power undeserving. Throughout human history, failure of an established governing system resulted in exponential increase in chaos and misery for the human race that required centuries before mankind could return to the level of civilization attained prior to the dissolution of a central government.

"Better a Manchu on the throne than a peasant," was the sentiment of Ming bureaucrats. It is eminently preferable to live under a strong central authority than to suffer under the chaos of "freedom" so enjoyed by the people in El Salvador, Equador, and Honduras.

I think the founders of the US had a good grip on all of these factors.
The only problem with them is that they only considered themselves human beings, and everyone else a beast of burden.
There has to be a way to establish a decentralized system of government without the ruling class.
If there is no pay/reward for positions of government maybe that is part of the answer?

You ask questions I address in my post. I find it interesting you do, as I know no one more competent to consider questions derived from how I addressed them.

It seems we all, even you, are indoctrinated so as to preclude conceiving of answers to those questions. Rather than consider that Manchu are but peasants with a given indoctrination, and that the Ming bureaucrats preferred Manchu on the throne not because it benefited society, but themselves, your comment does not contemplate even the possibility that 'peasants' might have some ability to govern themselves.

Regional warlords and their established fiefdoms are oppressive government. So are Ming bureaucrats. It is conceit and affinity that prefers one to the other. What I prefer is that which all people do every day, and have throughout history: govern themselves. Society does not exist because Ming occupy the throne and impose their preferences on their cattle. This is undeniably true since there are clearly orderly societies not ruled by the Ming.

The common thread tying all the countries named in my post, and your comment, is barbarous governance, not of the countries named, but of 'regional warlords' such as China, America, and England. Not the interest in mere order is discovered when considering deeply the reasons for the destruction of the peoples of the hapless nations, but intent to benefit bureaucrats of aggressor nations.

I do not seek orderless chaos and a devolution into savagery between neighboring tribes. I rather seek a world in which people cannot be chattel, because the people are immune to barbarity and oppression by virtue of their possession of factual information and their development of those principles to create security and prosperity.

Let's consider a peasant and how their actions clearly demonstrate not merely the capacity for self-governance, but diligent expression of it. Any army is composed of soldiers whom are reckoned by you thugs controlled by an elite officer corps. Yet those soldiers aren't daily beaten to keep them in line. Even they demonstrate they are capable of constraining their actions so as to make daily beatings, caging, and chaining to their weapons unnecessary.

Just so with common folk in every village, who must cooperate to produce fish, or rice, and build each other's huts, not only without the leadership of elite governors, but despite the depredations imposed by those governors as taxation.

Just as executions and scourging by officers penalize soldiers breaking ranks in any way, various tragedies befall anyone as a consequence of their failure to benefit society - unless they control thugs and govern the society they fail. People do not starve in hordes due to drought or pestilence, but because they are prevented from acting to mitigate those conditions by government. The Holodomor was manmade.

It is the chaos imposed on El Salvador, Equador, and Honduras, by bureaucrats and armies, I shall preclude by precluding the bureacrats and armies ability to impose themselves on the peasants of El Salvador, Equador, and Honduras.

It is strong central authority that has imposed chaos on those people. You are hoist by your own petard, my friend.

If the technical revolution allows for the peasants to govern themselves, and if the peasants can govern themselves, what would be the composition of said polity? Would not each familuly unit, or even peasant individual, declare themselves to be sovereign state, upon which no other external force has any juridiction? How can a society be, when all the people fragment into "self-governing" units? How will trade be conducted? How will private property be recognozed? What will become of the commons? With what measure, ie currency, will these fragmented states assign value that can be utilized in exchange of goods and services?

What great questions! These are the derivations of my own that are important to discover, and I am grateful you have undertaken to do so.

Thankfully, we will see how these questions are answered by the sovereigns empowered to do so. It is important to realize that people, as I have said, are actually and presently 'self-governing units' that make such decisions now in the circumstance of lack of power to effect them absent oppression they have no technical means to prevent.

Vulnerability to oppression is no good for them. It isn't good for you, me, or anyone else. It is only good for oppressors, whom I intend a better good: that of being free to pursue their own benevolence, rather than being seduced into malignance by it's potential.

They, perhaps more than their victims, will grow and benefit therefrom. I have always maintained that society is much more than an economy, and the prevention of economic oppression will allow the more substantive aspects of society to attain to their more vital function and effect.

Note that I do not advocate application of the power technological means enable to push folks to assault. I myself see that mutual self-defense principles enabled better through extant technological means greatly potentiate prevention of aggression, even against vastly greater numbers of aggressors.

Consent and voluntarism creates great power that is unattainable via force and oppression. We see history and that proof that a good offense is the best defense, but history is based on rude barbarity, rather than technological sophistication, and thus is a poor prophet.

I will celebrate your own immunity from oppression, and the concomitant ability to stretch towards your dreams empowered to be free of the rapine of thugs seeking to possess your resources.

It is impossible for me to predict how you will blossom in security and freedom from want that provides. I remain certain we all will benefit from your freedom to create, when it is effected. The same is true of every community, family, and sovereign person. So much good I cannot even conceive is coming!

May you truly enjoy every blessing that comes of the power of good people to do good, free of the punishment that presently endangers every good deed.

If every individual claims sovereignty and possesses the ability to project force to enact his will, would not this situation inevitabily result on chaos and anarchy? How will conflicts between individuals be resolved? To what authority, other than force and conquest, would these sovereign individuals defer regarding conflict? How would contracts be enforced without a supernumerary power? How will property even be defined without a master and his laws? When mobs of the "indiginous" demand return of their ancestral lands, in the absence of legitimate central authority, will the "voluntary" members of community surrender, or organize an institution to drive-out the mob to prevent them from causing destruction? If the latter is the preference, is this not government?

If property can be defined and agreed upon by the peasants, how would property to disbursed upon a peasant's death who has no heirs? Would it not be those with most resources/force projection who benefit most from such potential acquisition? In the end, would it not be inevitable that wealth concentrate unmitigated to the savvy few, who in turn will establish themselves as kings? In such a world, it would take centuries to reestablish civil societies.

While it is a fact that the corruption, incompetence, and myopia have crippled much of our modern world, it only takes one strong emperor to fix the devolution of man's institutions. The suggestion that we abandon society and civilization to return to a mythical "state zero" would cause more suffering.


I intend it (freedom that is)...

Great post brother!

I hope we can see it come to full fruition.


If you're looking for enemies, you'll find them. And they'll find you. Every community needs people who dare to lead. Not everyone wants to lead and direct and not everyone has the ability to do so.

Since we are the size of nations and no longer have tribal cultures, you cannot rebuild cities nor organize them decentrally, especially during your lifetime. Such a change must be wanted by many people and it takes a very long time. And when you talk to people who belong to your family or circle of friends, you will soon find that modern people don't like to get wet while they wash themselves.

If you want to be self-sufficient, do this.
It is neither wise nor particularly sensible to rush against the government and to spread bad speeches. The rulers are like flags in the wind, they turn when clear signals come from the majority of the population or are legally enforced. To do this, you must follow the legal paths available to you. This is exhausting and time-consuming. Governments and their administrators are not convinced of hating hearts that are their inner enemies. You can only convince by committing yourself to a certain matter in a positive attitude.

Only you can find and formulate this highly personal commitment. No one will follow a call from you unless you proclaim a specific purpose. Look at the example of Michael Reynolds, who builds biotech houses and was initially in trouble with the government for many years and had to go through trials before having it legally built. You may find that unfair, but that's the way it is. Every activist has worked hard and once you take a place between government and people, you will very quickly find that everyone likes to see themselves as victims.

What's wrong with getting a piece of land or joining a community that works the way you want? If you don't have the money, earn it. I'm with you when it comes to making better use of technical and biological cycles. But either you are an expert who has appropriate connections to the influential circles and knows how to use them wisely or you are not part of the establishment, then you can look for other ways to your satisfaction. If you want connections to already developed technology why don't you support them? There are so many smart projects out there.

Much of what you say is fact, and true.

Enemies do not await my seeking them to act. Most would prefer I never do, and that they are allowed to commit their aggressions without opposition.

I do not seek to gain power over men; to lead them to victory over their enemies. I intend to craft a means people that seek to gain more benefit from their effort than they can by selling their labor can employ. I don't want to sell them biotech houses, or plans. I reckon such are possible, and that if people want greater benefit from their investments in housing and such plans are freely available, they will do as they prefer themselves.

As technology becomes dispersed and less expensive, greater benefit from doing things in the new ways new technology potentiates becomes available. Entrenched interests will not develop technology in ways that decreases their own profit from it. I am not an entrenched interest, and will seek to develop it in ways that does.

Indeed, I believe that technology makes those entrenched interests unprofitable, and obsolete. When those benefits that are now extracted as corporate profits and dividends that inure to entrenched interests become available to individuals using new technologies, I am confident that even people merely avaricious will eagerly make use of it. I think all that is necessary is to make appropriate technology available in suitable ways to people, and let them keep the benefits of their work rather than paying much of those benefits to entrenched interests.

While there are some people so afraid of government oppression, or even just social approbation, that they will not, that isn't most people, or even a sufficient number to prevent the societal changes that increasing the share of infrastructural benefits to individuals and decreasing the share of such benefits to corporations will produce.

There are many smart projects, and I do not seek to denigrate them. What I seek to do is quite simple: enable people to bypass the financial extractive mechanisms that deprive them of much of the benefits they would prefer to keep.

I don't need to lead anyone, or have power over anyone, or fight anyone, to devise appropriate devices to enable that to be done. I can't rebuild cities, or reform society, or even my neighborhood.

My neighbors, my communities, and people, undertaking to improve their own personal economies and environments, will. When most of them are able to, and seek to, cities will be rebuilt, and the people that are the beneficiaries of societal structures, will be the builders that remake them.

yes you are right...its very informative

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