Voting With Our Thoughts: Why 'State of Being' Replaces 'The State'.

in #freedom7 years ago

Is there a better and wiser way to direct life on earth than through the voting process? Since the majority are well aware by now that the idea of the representational democracy is, in practice, typically just a con job to ensure a tiny minority control the destiny of the majority of everyone else - maybe now is appropriate for us to consider alternatives?

For all its complicated rituals and ceremony, 'democracy' is really quite simple - it is a method of creating limits and applying control into life, such that a subset of the population can decide what everyone is forced to conform to - with varying degrees of success and force being involved. It is entirely appropriate to ask "Why do we even have such a system at all? Do we really need to be so obsessed with controlling everything?" - and my answer is generally - "We have such a system due to fear that true and unlimited expression of 'free will' means destruction and loss of power (for some) - however, since the opposite is mechanically, demonstrably and provably true.. No, we do not need such a system at all!".

GASP! Did he just say that democracy is a waste of time? Doesn't he know that without democracy we are enslaved?

don't vote

I disagree with the idea that to remove representational democracy leaves only something worse. The limited thinking that declares that we can only have 'democracy', 'communism', 'dictatorships' or live in caves - is a huge part of the problem here. It is fear that underlies such limiting use of logic and it is denial of the existence of that fear which has those who use such logic totally stuck and unable to think differently. We cannot change our internal 'state of being' while we refuse to accept our 'state of being' for what it is, including how we truly feel.

Voting as giant scam and waste of time?

Voting is typically a process of elevating something, an idea or a group of people (usually) above the rest for the purpose of empowering that idea of group in some way. While it might be interesting to look through all of the evidence of rigged elections, such as the George Bush rigged election of 2000 in America and many others - I will not cover that here today. It might also be interesting to mention Ivy League Historian Carroll Quigley's work in exposing the secret society that has deliberately set out to successfully control most 'democracies' from behind the scenes for over 100 years... However, today I am going to focus on something even more enlightening and useful - REALITY CREATION!

You are constantly 'voting' for change just by holding thoughts, beliefs and emotions!

Within what is known as 'metaphysics' there is a common understanding that the experiences we encounter in life are being drawn towards us constantly and that these experiences are responses to and reflections of our own 'state of being'. Our 'state of being' includes our thoughts, feelings, intentions and all other facets of our own internal reality. For example, if you strongly hold the belief that "I cannot play the piano", then when you go to play a piano you are highly likely to prove to yourself over and over again that indeed your piano skill is weak. However, if you were to THOROUGHLY clear out all thoughts that promote the idea that you are terrible at the piano AND also express all the feelings that are connected to those thoughts - thus allowing the emotional self to move to a new state - then when you approach a piano, being clear of all doubt and friction to the experience, you are far more likely to be able to play something that is inspired and that sounds at least decent. You have effectively either drawn to you the experience of being able to play the piano, or not being able to play the piano - just based on how you think. Further training and learning will enhance your ability, but the point is that you can turn off your innate ability just by deciding that you don't have one! We might sometimes call this 'beginner's luck' and in Zen meditative circles it is known as 'beginner mind' - the mind that does not hold limitations on it's own capacity through having 'learned' failure.

Given that we can all experiment with this on a daily level and find out whether this is true or not, there is little need for me to try to prove this to anyone - you are either going to find the truth of this on your own or you are not. What I will do though is share a vision of how a thorough understanding of this will open potential realities that make government obsolete!

Note: Dan Larimer (@dan), founder of Steemit intends that his new network project 'Eos' will 'make governments irrelevant' - so I highly suggest learning to evolve our own consciousness now - in advance of such a radical shift in function of human society and thinking ;)

Reality Creation and Attraction

Nothing enters your personal reality without it being invited by your vibrational state of being in one way or another. One of the main barriers to us recognising this is that we are unaware of our own state of being! We cannot recognise our own reflection in those around us if we pretend to not be as we really are. Getting real is an absolute requirement of successful evolution here and that means no more white lies, no more self deception and no more convenient forgetfulness. In short, if you want to live REAL life than you need to live in truth and that is also a state of spiritual grace that religions typically cannot deliver for you.

Far from being 'selfish' in a problematic way, focusing on your own vibrational state of being is an absolute requirement for full health, balance and enjoyment of life. The idea that paying close attention to your own being is somehow 'bad' or 'greedy' or neglectful is totally backwards and if you are meeting others who make this claim then you can start by looking for the denials inside of you that are drawing these reflections into your arena. It is very common for us to have denied our own power in a variety of ways and for us to thus then encounter others who act as mirrors for these losses and who then repeat the judgements that we hold against ourselves. Through understanding this we can use these annoying experiences as tools to help us heal and get stronger, instead of trying to fight them constantly - which is futile.

'State of Being' Replaces 'The State'

So how can we practically shift our power out of the hands of 'the state' and back into us? It's actually quite simple. Just by accepting the reality that you are more powerful when you rely on your own innate creative presence than you are when you rely on an organised 'governmental system' - you are already taking important steps in correcting the loss of power that you can feel right now if you open fully to your real feelings. 'Big Brother' is not so 'big' if you yourself are strong and empowered, so - choosing to understand your own power and to think thoughts that are aligned to your own personal power is a requirement of not being enslaved in the name of 'progress', 'hope', 'making something great again' or whatever other empty promise the political salesmen dream up next election cycle to draw in as many as possible into their sphere of influence without ever being held accountable for their broken promises.

The only reason that others in society appear to have more power than you, is because they have your own denied power to work with. Every time we hand over aspects of our own life and liberty (and thus destiny) to a hierarchy or any being other than us - then we lose power and they can now use what should rightly be used by us alone. It is our responsibility to now reverse this destructive trend before it has gone so far that it cannot be reversed - such a destiny only leads to death and destruction and that is where we are all headed if we don't learn rapidly and make the called for changes on Earth.

The opposite of control is liberation.

You cannot simultaneously claim to be 'liberating oppressed people' in other countries using military or political means, while also promoting control at home. The two are opposing vibrations and the truth here is that if control of others is your 'solution' to problems, then you are not really supporting liberation in any sense at all - you are simply in denial of reality and lost in terms of your real needs and the real needs of the Earth.

What does real liberty look like?

Real liberty looks like whatever we choose it to look like. What is more relevant is what it FEELS like. Real liberty feels FREE and good - with no uncomfortable tension or fear that what we really want to and need to do will attract others to us who tell us we are 'bad' or 'wrong'. Provided we learn to balance, we can enjoy the lived experience of real liberation on Earth and thus also feel very good indeed. Real liberty relies on balance and balance is defined as:

"No part or aspect is overpowering any other part or aspect".

What can be more empowering than to know that WE ALL ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR?

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


assume I'm human

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Yes, it is time we all take our responsibilities and power back. We have forgotten how powerful we are, but if you can stand in your true self, you can feel the strength. Every time we look outside for the answer and let somebody tell us what to do, we give our power away. Can't wait for the day we all agree the governments are obsolete ;-)

Well said! :)

On this I am only in partial agreement.

One should always strive to peruse of whatever channels is availed to us.

And there are only two non-violent ways that I can think of to thwart 'demockerycy'.

1 - 'Vote Minority' (and ensure that the minority being voted for is genuine).

2 - Paragovernance.

Of course that is for as far as I presently can see - and I admit that my sight is impaired to sleep deprivation - which I am about to fix. ;c)

the creation of parallel systems to take over from broken ones is an appropriate option and is already being done by the ubuntu movement in South Africa and South America. I don't really know much about the practical aspects of their projects however.
The purpose of my post here is not so much to say that organised action is a problem or to be avoided - I am really pointing more to our ability to change reality being far greater than we typically imagine it to be and that our failure to imagine our own ability as being great is part of why we experience such limitation. ;)

Sweet Dreams!

Your welcome man :-)

In the U.S. one soon appreciates the “politics” of it all. When everything looks like it may implode on itself, it’s a ‘relief?’ for lack of a better word, to know there are laws in place which say this is the line in the sand, so to speak.
Your post is interesting ‘food for thought’; but, lack of order is chaos.
Natural disasters make clear that the primary role of the government isn’t about directly caring for those in need. I have observed that the caring is of the greatest value, when people in a community, going through the horrors of the disaster, link resources, reach out, and help each other.
The government… of the people…for the people…by the people…has a much-needed place. However, it also has its boundaries; thus, law.

Thanks for your comments. It is common for the causes of things 'imploding on themselves' to be found within the overarching control and thus within the laws. This is one of the most insidious traps of statism - namely that the state creates the problems and people don't realise the state is the cause.. Then the state attempts to fix the problems and gets credit for having only partially solved something that it created.

chaos is the underlying capacity for change that all change originates from. chaos is, not in any way bad - especially in a highly controlled system that does not respect free will. more dangerous results manifest due to artificial control than can manifest due to the absence of control.

'Natural disasters' could be a very good example of the way that governments care for people - but yes, in america at least they simply demonstrate how government is mostly set up to destroy and control lives and extort whatever can be extorted along the way.

The real power originates within the will of the people, yes - within real community.

There is no real way to understand the message I am sharing here without deliberately experiencing a lack of control and working with reality in the context of understanding that we all draw and repel experiences from us constantly just through our state of being. There isn't much limit to what is possible with this - including the realigning of the energies of the earth herself - such that 'natural disasters' are averted.. Although doing this consistently requires (as far as I am aware) a significant number of people to participate in the process of healing, balancing and evolving. I am advocating for addressing the causes of our issues - which are internal - rather than focusing only on the symptoms.

Re: The U.S. helping…

Those going through the recent disasters would disagree with you about their appreciation for the swift help they received from government-ordered assistance…

I see people helping each other as an example of unity in the community.

Re: chaos is, not in any way bad…

Let’s agree to disagree on that one. Any classroom teacher will assure you, that this is just not true. No one learns the value of discipline, in chaotic unrest. It’s literally mayhem…a pitiful sight if you’ve ever seen a teacher who couldn’t teach because of the chaos a few festered in the learning environment.

The real power originates within the will of the people, yes - within real community.

Again…let’s agree to partially disagree…While real power originates from within; its origins are from a place of evil or a place of good.

For me, any power I have is born of the Holy Spirit. That’s a good thing; because it’s a GOoD thing. A group of like-minded people praying for this Power to manifest is a vessel of change for good.

While I’m at it, allow me to say Praise God for Steemit as an opportunity to share views, while growing in perspective.

Thanks for sharing!


There are always more than one version of such events:

you are welcome!

You are so right...always more than one version...

The feeds from MSM....showing 'rescues'...were totally different than YT voices 'on the street'.

The title of this video almost made me scurry away; but, I'm very glad I watched. Presumably, one day, if things continue on this trek, videos like this will be totally banned.

It’s clear that distractions like the NFL are to keep the focus off real news. That’s scary enough. Even scarier are the barges being a trial run. Everybody who got on, got off…this time…

If the barges made the evening news, I missed it. I just recently started seeing the vids on YT.

Well, I’m one who won’t argue with someone who did more than observe. I will say thank you! I will say GBY and yours. Always know, your efforts won’t go unnoticed by the One who matters most…Father God in Heaven!

Btw, I know those smokes help keep you ‘sane’. I get it…but, one day, please consider popping the strongest peppermints you can buy (ALTOIDS, maybe)…every time the smoke craving hits you. Ask God to lift the craving from you. In time, He Will. Keep a pencil handy to replace the hand to mouth habit for a few days.

Dang, this post leaves me with a heavy heart...All I can hear is the mayor saying, "Houston is open for business." Sheez....smh

But, on a much-needed lighter note, I think your you are welcome caption under the video was your way of saying checkmate!

Checkmate, indeed!


Thanks for watching - I regularly hear stories like his out of America in such situations.. I really wish more would listen.
Just to be clear that is not me speaking in the video.. I am in England ;)
I guess he does look a bit like me though.

This post has received a 11.56 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.

This post has received a 4.45 % upvote from @upgoater thanks to: @ura-soul. Please vote @swelker101 for witness

Voting is extremely important, and these tips help us to vote properly. Thank you so much!

good work keeep it up!..!

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