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in #freedom7 years ago

just been thinking and was wondering do you disagree with my opinions on homosexuality... or..... disagree with my opinion on the "promotion" of it... eg: the constant bombardment though mainstream media and social media ? Could you clarify that ? Because in the post I said I dont really care what people do or have any problems with it, like being offended.


I don't really pay attention to the mainstream media. Their job nowadays seems to be to just stir up the hornet's nest. They rarely report unbiased news. And they skip over a lot of important things. So I think if they're really promoting it and you're offended by it, the best thing to do is not watch. There are plenty of alternative news sources.

I'm not really sure what offends you. Actual imagery of homosexuality, or talk of gay rights, etc.

I believe that everyone has the right to do as they please as long as they don't violate anyone else's rights or harm anyone. So, I agree when you say you don't really care what people do.

I really don't care what anyone does to be honest with you its up to them but the school my kids go to started spouting rubbish about it's ok for 5 year olds to be gay thats just wrong mate just wrong and I needed to unload. Not sure if you have kids but that a big fat line they crossed with me. You can't switch the government know what i mean .

I don't have least none have put a claim on me ;-)
but what you've said is so true...and just because I don't have children doesn't mean I have no right to care about such obvious manipulation of a growing child's pattern of thought...governments be damned for thinking this sort is to be "the new normal"...don't get me wrong...choices become more our responsibility the older we each their and let live...and all that.

lol claim...
Thats right mate , you don't have to have kids to know what's simply wrong.
My daughter came home from school and told me, "dad I think my teacher might be a stranger danger, she wants to talk about my pee pee".. I almost past out with shock, I went into a rage, things got broken and it was all my wife could do, was to restrain me . I have never been so angry in my life. I went down to the school and very harsh words where said and manny threats were made from both sides. I ended up taking my daughter to new private school. I explained what had happened and they assured me "that" would not happen at their school as it's against their policies . It costs a great deal of money but its well worth thats why I found streemit, looking for ways to come up with more money to pay tuition fees

Hey brother. My daughter is about to start school and I am not very impressed with the quality of all schools period. Although I am in the south (Georgia), where schools are the lowest performing, I still expect some agreed upon standard of school quality. Schools as a whole have massively dropped in quality due to state run education (common core). I never thought I would send my daughter to a private christian school, but they are the only ones around here with ANY sort of values that they insist on teaching. I have found a school that recommends not letting your child watch tv, or play with electronic devices/phones due to there obvious negative/perverted effect on our society. The kids are taught to work by participating in chores (taking out trash, sweeping, etc,), and if necessary are spanked (with permission/supervision of the parent). They also insist on not sheltering kids from the real world, as this sets them up for failure. When I was growing up I would take that as extremely radical/cult like. Now as I am older and can see the way society is going, this is the type of education that I want my daughter in. It is obviously a private school, and has only 80 kids. The alternative is public school and that is just not acceptable to me anymore with the drop in quality. Its another $400/month investment that I believe will pay off. Frustrating though...

well that's the problem right pay your taxes for the public good and pay private to protect your's all ballsed up...don't believe it's still going on all these years...people are like they say...useless eaters...but they made it that way...generational suicide

I couldn't agree with you more @kendewitt
I've come to call it mindscaping
best to tend your own garden

~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~

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