In the advent of war: Steem and refugees

in #freedom6 years ago

"It is time to go."

I once wrote a post questioning at what point would someone leave their home, their business, their family in order to escape a terrible situation. Why did so many Jews stay so long in Nazi Germany, why didn't they leave when they had a chance? It is something no one need or should ever experience yet, due to the greed and cruelty of humanity, war is an inevitability and, as difficult as the choice is, the consequences must be lived with, or died with.

The thing that stops people leaving sooner is their attachment to what the have and what they will lose if they flee. People have lives they have built, friends and family but, it is also all of the material items collected and, all of the hard work invested. How can one just give it up?

This is something I have thought about a great deal considering the childhood my father had needing to run and hide from the Japanese in Malaysia, watching the various refugee crises over the years and experiencing a little directly as those fleeing and seeking shelter appeared in Europe.

People commented about the burden they would put on the economy, turned away from gates, beaten, locked out, downcast. It is a complicated issue because of culture but, compassion tells me it is simple. Foresight tells me I must be prepared.

The world is becoming more geopolitically volatile and the economies more prone to collapse through various complexities. In many respects, one drives the other and when one breaks the other follows and violence begins. I am not planning on making the mistakes of the past and as hard as it would be, I would leave.

But, with what?

This is something that people rarely if ever have considered with Steem and the Steem community that backs it. When shit hits the fan in one location, a group of Steemians can not only drop what they have and run, there will be others that can support them. Not just by changing a profile picture in 'solidarity' but directly along their journey, their escape route, with the financial aid they require. Lives are likely to be saved this way, just has they are being supported in some of the poorest nations already.

Immediate and instant access to a network of people globally who can transfer funds in 3 seconds, upvote posts for continued support and do what they can to offer or find shelter is a resource worth more than gold. Much more as, it doesn't need to be carried, just a private key and an internet connection will be do.

Yet, there are other factors that will follow than the immediate needs of a refugee and that is the ongoing needs of an immigrant, one who is potentially unwanted. For those who have developed a network, built a following, worked toward their investment and powered up some; the business continues.

Decentralization shines brightly when a business can become borderless and is no longer tied to any particular currency, it can purchase all. And when that business has a clientele, a community already willing to travel with it, there is a chance that one can survive, one can get access to food, shelter or maybe even bribe a border guard if necessary.

From an arrival country perspective, the refugee that can carry wealth with them to help carry their way is one that is valuable and, in the long-term , one that is likely to have more success integrating into the society. The other thing is that the wealth is residual and can keep coming which makes theft of it less of a problem as from a country perspective, it is an immediate tax payer.

My goal is to prepare now for the coming future and give my family the best opportunity and at the moment, I see that as being through Steem. The chance to live a better life, do more of the work I want, enjoy a little more space and stop having the debt collector letters drop trough the mailbox. To live off Steem or have a significant revenue stream for us and to help others is the focus.

But, if that worst case scenario happens, being decentralized, having stake, a wallet that transfers anywhere in the world and a community network at my back, I do not have to rely on the graces of a government to the same degree, I do not have say and hope with fingers crossed, I can be a first mover and perhaps, even help others too.

I hope that it is never needed for anyone but, I feel that the time is coming that the relevancy and personal importance of having a wallet that travels is going to become an all too common reality for far too many people. It is something for me to think about and gives me a contingency that many don't have but I wish they did. Our ability to move economically freely takes a great deal of power away from those who would abuse our inability to transfer wealth.

Perhaps if those who died in death camps had the same opportunity to diversify their wealth and carry more, easily, less would have lost their lives to tyrants and dictators and more would have been able to teach the importance of learning about freedom.

My father was a little boy but, my Grandfather was postmaster of the post office and part of a network to help escaped POWs get out of Malaysia while it was occupied. Their neighbors were caught and beheaded in the town square after being discovered. The entire family. It didn't stop my Grandfather doing what he did.

You never know when your life may be in the hands of a strangers willingness to risk what they have for you. Even though they never would meet, my grandfather understood what it is to be part of a community and taught it to my father. Responsibility.

One day, my life may be in your hands or yours in mine. I hope not yet, the possibility exists.

"It is time to stay."

[ a Steemit original ]


Excellent post mate. With Interesting, Useful & Helpful optics as always.

Upvoted & Resteemed to share this vital info of utmost importance with my countrymen.

Cheers!! :)

Thanks :)

I know that it is helping a lot of people out there and I hope they never have to really use it if you know what I mean but, it is definitely a safety net like few others.

Definitely my good friend. It always will be better never have to really use it. But unfortunately in a few places around the globe hit by such merciless hyperinflation it becomes a large challenge try to build such safety net as soon as we'd like it.

Curated for #informationwar by @stevescoins

Relevance: decentralization for liberty/self-sufficiency

Very true. Steemit you can carry with you wherever you are. If the need may rise which we all hope it doesn't you will be more prepared than most. As the value of Steem rises over the next few years the values of most of the accounts on here will be considerable. This is like a retirement plan on steroids if you do it correctly. Those that see this have created a massive advantage over the rest of the people who will sign up in the coming years. I wasn't an early bird like a lot of you were, but I am still early enough to get my worm.

Lots of worms still to arrive.

It's already happening! Not because of war, but people who risked losing their kids have left their homes and this community was there to help them. At least, they had a Steemit income to see them through hard times. Others are in similar situations and might need to leave everything behind. And it's not just about upvotes. As Steemit grows, so do the frienships and connections created on the platform I'm sure people would be willing to offer real life support for a friend in need.

Yes, I think I have read about something in the #familyprotection tag. It is these kinds of things that will be increasingly possible with higher distribution also. As will the possibility for more families to have some flexibility to educate kids differently.

It's pretty clear to me that countries do no longer exist since the invention of the Internet. That will say everything will be mixed and everything will communicate much more. Just as you say the core thing that is amazing now with Steemit is that we again can rely on friends when it comes to creating a value network. Instead of having to trust that an anonymous Bank will help out when stuff may get bad.

THere are many benefits here.

I think of this all the time . The world is full of pacification and gread at those we elect to represent us . I am by no means a globalist . But there are time when good people have to stand up to their government and overthrow it . easier said than done .
I see decentralization (crypto) as a means to circumvent governments and assist the oppressed . It will give people the flexibility to do things and bypass oppressors that were never posibile in the past and even now . Currency is the biggest tool the government has to control a population .

I fear that we never see the caliber and character of the men and women of our grandparents generation without another catastrophe

I fear that we never see the caliber and character of the men and women of our grandparents generation without another catastrophe

This is my fear to but I don't think it has to be that way. Why is it that we are only our best when the situations are their worst when we can be our best when we have the opportunity to really use it.

People weigh the risk . There is a cost to standing up for what is right . I have experienced it many times and see it everyday all around us . Look just at whistleblowers and the price they pay . just for one

Interesting subject. One I had not considered. Yes, I have no doubt doors would be thrown open to fellow Steemians were the need to arise. Like you, I hope the dreaded events we see coming never arrive. But history tells us the wise prepare, fools do not.

Many blessings and peace be unto you.

The world is gong to have some rough times ahead I think, hopefully more economically than physically but again, history ties the two.

Peace to us all in mind and heart and we don't have a problem. :)

Another great piece man. Greed and poor leadership has indeed buggered things up. Most of the politicians now have no clue on how to govern, progress and protect. Steemit is part of my retirement plan and my wife, the laptop, phone, passports, survival backpack would be about the only things I'd grab in a hurry.

Thank to our new technological world you can make money if you're prepared to put in effort and cart it with anywhere without anyone even seeing it. Lovely. Now getting more people interested in what I have to say is the real trick. Any ideas?

the laptop, phone, passports, survival backpack would be about the only things I'd grab in a hurry.

You are absolutely right with your appreciation right there @petesays. And I heartily agree with that lucid move & cautious sentiment.

I'm a venezuelan currently living in venezuela. So, just tell me about it. We all must maintain a very lightweight luggage at all times with basically our productive tools of work at hand and minimum survival resources ready to start again from scratch immediately in any new destination to which we will eventually end up. Everything else, is just an unnecessary load to have to carry along the road. ;)

Not just by changing a profile picture in 'solidarity'

Man... that was a mic dropper there!

I had never considered the possible SHTF scenarios with a Steemit variable. Although I have seen the community rally around certain plights and people for a greater common good!

It is pretty incredible what this community and it's valued could do to mobilize or help out logistically in many scenarios for those that WILL be affected by a destabilization. The historical context is also an interesting angle to ponder and speculate on. In today's modern society changing a profile picture is about as active as most care to get involved on the said issues of solidarity! The apathy abounds! You have definitely given me some things to think about whilst I dig today!

STEEM is a home to me. Seeking refuge in other cryptos just because its value is diminishing is something I've planned never to resort to. Decentralisation is certainly the next big thing. I believe soon humanity would abort monetary paper transaction, and stick to cryptos. When that time comes, I still want to be with my beloved STEEM.

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