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RE: Chinese State Run Mass Murder & Genocide For Organ Harvesting - Massive Numbers Of Non-Communist Party Members Abused & Killed For Profit: Professional Witness Testimonies At The ITNJ (Intl. Tribunal of Natural Justice).

in #freedom6 years ago

Yes, from what you say I agree that Falun Gong is a religion. As with all religions, they have the potential to be dangerous. But this doesn't justify their being tortured and slaughtered. In fact, if we have learned anything watching the history of religion, the more we persecute them the more followers they attract. The power of Christianity dininished in Europe and the US only when it (and better alternatives) were free and people were free to think for themselves. Have faith in the ability of people to see truth for themselves.


I never said I agree with the persecution. My goal is to warn others that Falun Gong is NOT a religion but a cult with blind following which makes them dangerous. didn't read my post...

I did read your post. My perspective is that there is little difference between a cult and a religion, except possibly the size of the following.

Can you look at Islam as practiced by ISIS (and many others) and consider them non-dangerous? Can you look at the Christian church as it was practiced 1000 years ago and consider it non-dangerous? Consider the crusades, the inquisition, jihad, terrorism, and the countless lives that have been destroyed by those that believe they are on the side of God.

Falun Gong is dangerous, so are all these other religions.

My comment was that looking at these historical religions, the more we try to censor them and stop them, the more they are able to attract followers. Their leaders can claim to be the victims and point that because they have so much "power and truth" the rest of the non-believers want to silence them. A better way is simply to shine the light on them and let them try to explain why they behave as badly as they do. Sure, they will have some followers, but over generations they will shrink.

You haven't studied cults and religions extensive enough. There is a BIG difference in Cults and Religions and it is not about size of followers!

Religions do NOT grant special powers but of understanding a faith to walk a spiritual path. Cults promises special powers that are supernatural which is a false sense of delusion. All cults are false teachings. Cults adopt a religion and twist it.

Christians receive spiritual gifts, such as speaking in tongues, divining the future, and laying of hands for healing, etc.

According to 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 , "To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,[a] and to still another the interpretation of tongues."

Does this make Christianity a cult? I don't think so. It seems to be a religion to me, but so does Falun Gong.

What then makes the difference between religions and cults?

  • Not that they are dangerous and cause violence.
  • Not their relative size.
  • Not that hey promise supernatural powers.

Then what?

By the way, I am not a troll -- I genuinely believe what I'm writing. I'm an amateur philosopher and to me this is important. (I guess that I have a doctorate in philosophy so maybe I'm not an amateur... my PhD is in a different field, so does this count?)

Let me add that you have a misunderstanding about Christianity like the majority of the people in the world.

I can tell that you haven't studied enough about religion to understand that old Christianity or Orthodox/ Eastern Christianity is not the same as Modern Christianity which branches off of Catholic Christianity that caused the split in the Old Christian church which is known as the Great Schism of Christianity.

I suggest you do your own research because if I was to go into a deep discussion about Orthodox Christianity and how they are completely different than modern Christianity then this can go on for months.

Orthodox Christianity also does NOT teach about Dogmas, meaning right and wrong.

After the Great Schism that created the Roman Catholic churches, it was the Roman Catholic priest that ordered the Holy crusades and the Inquisition of the Middle Age. They created the Knights Templars, which is knighting young man on holy missions to save the Holy land which is a complete fake front. The secret mission of the Knights Templars was the raid the Orthodox Christian Churches of sacred artifacts for power and claim them for the Catholic Churches!

Once you actually understand this history it will also reveal to you who actually controls the world and how blind the majority of the people are.

Great Schism.png

Here is a very good timeline of the Great Schism and the splitting of the Christian faith. Those arrows on the right side shows the creation of Modern Christianity that is the branching off of other Christian Sects like Protestant, Lutheran, Baptist and so on....from the Roman Catholic church, which also shows the conflict among the Roman Catholic and other Modern Christianity.

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