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RE: Side Stepping the Attacks (A Tax) Of State Control On Steemit - How About a Steem Charity To Write off Income Tax Against?

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

My present position is that the entire reason I built YouAreHOPE Foundation here on the steem blockchain was because I do not believe in "nations" as such, I do not believe in national "borders" as such, and I do not believe in any kind of federal involvement in my damn money or yours. A bit simply stated, for emphasis, but yes, I'm firmly anarcho-capitalist and voluntaryist.

So tax this, tax that, for now, we will go on more or less anonymously (we could be more so if need be) gathering and transferring crypto in the form of steem from those willing to give to those unfortunately in need, as we have been across several continents, a dozen countries and thousands of lives touched since last October.

I believe in the generous and voluntary nature of the people here, the transparency of the chain, the power of the borderless crypto, anonymity if desired, and directly measurable and chain documented results.

Yours in Service,
Witness Team #65 with partner @RhondaK
Founder @YouAreHOPE Foundation
Founder @SteemStarNetwork


Thanks for your comment. The problem we face regarding the artificial nation idea is that the huge militarised forces operated by these gangs are ready and willing to abuse people who don't pay their demands.. So while I agree that ideally we wouldn't even need to think about all this - the current situation is as such that we do. Do you have any thought about creating a mechanism for 'excusing self' from 'tax' by way of charity?

Welcome to the Church of the YouAreHOPE built on a Foundation of giving.

Our premise is that men and women of Earth are free beings of the gods of their choice and are free to worship as they wish, what they wish, wherever they wish, and should be free to move, earn, spend, and voluntarily engage in mutually agreed to exchanges of goods, currencies or services, rendered by no government, and therefore under no governmental control.

Cultures matter, traditions matter, histories matter, futures matter. Arbitrarily land mass divisions between warring elitists and the ways they enforce coercion to fund them, are of great consequence but of no interest to us in terms of participation in such affairs.

There. I have founded a church, with a provisional draft proclamation on your blockchain permanent post.

Please sign below to join the Church of YouAreHOPE.

Is that how that works?

I have a religion now. Go away tax thugs. I have lives to save, and people to feed, and friends to help me do it.

Yep, that's exactly how it works! lol

I have 2 main thoughts about your post, so will split it into 2 comments...
Chuck Baldwin was the 2008 Constitution Party Presidential candidate.

  • He was a Pastor of a large 501c3 (The tax exempt corporation status here in the states) Church.
  • He has since moved to a different state and started a new church that is not tax exempt.
    He has several thoughts about becoming 501c3. The situation here is; if you donate to a non tax-exempt organization, then you must first pay the state their taxes.

Here's a YouTube explaining

Here are a few articles he's written:

Then-Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson devised what has proven to be a brilliant strategy in which to silence and neuter America’s churches. His bill, which created the 501c3 tax-exempt corporation status for churches back in 1954, has, over the decades, effectively muted America’s pulpits. The vast majority of churches today are thoroughly and completely intimidated by the threat of losing their tax-exempt status under the 501c3 section of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
... The creed of Bonhoeffer’s Pastors’ Emergency League was:
.1. To renew their allegiance to the Scriptures.
.2. To resist those who attack the Scriptures.
.3. To give material and financial aid to those who suffered through repressive laws or violence.
.4. To repudiate the Nazi cause.

For the sake of their precious 501c3 non-profit corporation status, many churches are becoming little more than government disinformation centers. Instead of energizing men and women with the message of Christian liberty (of which the Gospel is at the center), churches are busily sedating them.
...Someone rightly said, “It is dangerous to be right when your government is wrong.”

Winston Churchill: “If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

... the 501c3 non-profit organization classification of churches plays a big part. All the government needs to do to silence today’s pulpits is to politicize anything contained in the Bible, and, ABRACADABRA, pastors are prohibited from publicly preaching about it without jeopardizing their precious tax-exempt status.

Chuck Baldwin has decades of first hand knowledge about jumping through the government hoops when you create a 501c3 tax-exempt organization. It would be wise to heed his advice to stay away from that with any organization you(@Ura-Soul), @SirCork, or others come up with...

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