World Governments Vs The People: How Truly Bad is the State of Leadership and Power in our World?

in #freedom7 years ago


Do We Vote For Them, Or Do They Vote For Themselves?

There seems to be a recent awakening going on in our world. Citizens fed up with being forced to fend for themselves against entities of power oppressing them. A kind of inner knowledge spreading that something just is not right and everyone is beginning to grow stressed and angry about this bubbling of truth coming to the surface. Where is this coming from, and why is this period in world history so full of madness and chaos? Who do we point the finger at ultimately for the fact we can never seem to get ahead as individuals? A division in the world is forming, and today I decided to pinpoint a few of the possible issues to hopefully get people thinking more and looking around so we can make peaceful resolutions to change our direction.

First lets begin with how governments get their power. Right now in the USA since the last election we have seen many bouts of violence hit major cities all over the country. Its calmed down a little but the protesters do still fly to the streets when more oppressing actions in the government produce themselves. These people are labeled whiny Snowflakes by the media and from their fellow brothers and sisters in America. Most are just fed up with the system as it, may not even have a lot to do with who is currently in office, I firmly believe the protesting stems from decades of sickness and corruptions going on behind the scenes in our leadership and they just are mad and unsure where to fully direct that anger.

The Government lately has divided itself from its people. They deem more secrecy and less transparency with its people and this rate of division has grown exponentially in the past decade. Biggest clue to this is our voting system. There seems to always be an issue now a days where people demand recounts of votes, no one ever seems to trust the system for self handling this system.

Don't let them steal your vote.png

Transparency in our voting system has always been a lacking feature. You will never get full backing for a leader if you can't even show transparency that the leader was 100% truly decided on by its people. This area is completely a mess in world governments but for some odd reason with all the technological tools at their disposal to provide a transparent voting system it seems to never get the upgrades that it needs. This in my opinion is due to one only possible scenario, they don't want it to be public or seen, therefore I am starting to believe like many its just a rigged system and they predetermine who gets in office before they even announce who is running.

Lets face it, our usual leadership options are slim pickins now a days. You get a few guys up there saying they will make the world better and their country but it appears as soon as they get in office and debriefed about something they just go right to lying politician and do whatever the machine of government tells them to do. This area is fishy and suspect to me. I truly wonder if that vial of secrecy in our government knows something huge and its whispered to our leaders and they themselves get enslaved to the inner workings of this system.

How do we fix this? Simple, if the government gave a damn about you or I, they would wise up to use the technologies at hand and make that voting system transparent and the blockchain system is actually a perfect selection to do so in my opinion. Cast your vote via Social Security Number, encrypt that number so you can't double vote and you view a voting blockchain to real time see where the votes went. Simple as that, easy fix and easy more recounts, no more wasted tax payers money, what works just works but I highly doubt they want to give up such secrecy in what they want. Here we begin how the Governments versus the People in simple beginning form, to take away your right to choose the direction you want your government to head.

Let us move on.....


It's no longer a Democracy, we have returned to an Oligarchy leadership system

In order for me to tackle the current state of what our system at the moment really became. I want to remind you guys a little piece of history that is very important to keep in mind during the current governmental crisis at our door. There was a time we have seen this very type of system before, and it didn't work then and most likely will not work again.

The Mayflower anchored at Provincetown Harbor on November 11, 1620. These men and women were not in America to colonize to free themselves just yet from England but more or less driven by hope for fortunes. After Columbus landed a huge trade route of newly found resources began to flourish throughout the world due to the America's. England seen this value and began hyping the need for colonization to its poor and to its rich to create risk takers to come to America on dreams of riches and a better life. Once again a lazy system using its people to do its dirty work to empower itself and let the Pilgrims figure out the survival game in the early days.

Throughout that movement and with time it became very apparent to the revolutionists that they were breaking their backs for taxation and for the Oligarchy system that was oppressing them. This spark off what is now called the American Revolution and thus began a huge process and life sacrifices of men and women to break free from the chains of England at that time.

So I bring up Oligarchy, but some may not know what that means, well here is the definition of an Oligarchy rule:

oligarchy [ol-i-gahr-kee]

noun, plural oligarchies.

A form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.

In a democratic system all people under the rule of government have full say in the way we conduct governance. In a true democracy you would honestly be voting daily on every last important issue presented to the government and the power of the people would be decision makers for laws, economic choices, and so on. This I sincerely do not see going on, when we vote usually its only during elections for leaders in office, local and big government. Yet I stated at the beginning of this that lack of transparency seems to rule out even that taking place possibly now a days.

An Oligarchy system is for only the insiders of the ruling class, an elite group of individuals pulling the strings and making choices for your every day life and obviously that is the state we are in. Corporations, Bankers, and those with a little financial wealth can come up and get into office. Sure its claimed that any American can run for President or other offices but how can that be for the poor if they made the system so backed by money in order to even run for office? You won't make it too far without a little greenbacks in your pocket to do a campaign trail so don't expect a knowledgeable great leader in the making to come that is working class due to that situation. That alone is a tragedy because I believe someone without money might still have the brains for the job but we will probably never know.

American's broke free from a system like that way at our early start. With probably the best intentions to build a true democratic system. Sadly, and with a ton of American Revolutionists rolling over in their graves about now, we have somehow let the Central Banking system turn us right back into that very same system we fought to free ourselves against.

Right now we don't have Princes, Kings, and Queens ruling over us. No they decided to build an Oligarchy system in secret behind the scenes. Now we have rich folks with too much wealth and power like Kings and Queens behind the scenes showing us an average joe caricature in order to not call to attention the ripping away of our democracy that we believe is still present. Honestly I think England back in the day was more moral because they didn't lie about their ways of ruling, our system plays on false front illusions to keep the average citizen in check from noticing the depths of immorality going on.

We are ruled by the Central Bank, Wal-marts of the world, and rich men who have no care anymore for the working class and poor. But there is hope...


Maybe they are as much enslaved as us?

So now comes the final question, why so much corruption going on in the government and why not many moral compasses within it shining the light to the people? Well there has been many whistle blowers over the years pointing out these flaws within the system and even so much as to point out the Elite structures pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Before we go attacking individuals within the government, let us remember something important. They are living breathing human beings just like the rest of us. I almost think in many ways due to the long standing corruption that has been going on way before any of us were born, that even those in power are blind to the tactics they use on the people. I have a strange suspicion they are also enslaved due to the people behind the scenes pulling the strings, so the rush to war on the system maybe needed a more grand thinking cap to fix this problem.

No one wants war and division. I do believe the US Government does have military on standby for any civil unrest but would also rather not need to go that route. What I believe is the answer does lie first with cryptocurrency. We need to bust down that monetary financial structure they hold as ultimate power. Use crypto and spread it through the world so individuals begin to realize there is less of them and way way more of us being oppressed. See I think they system only backs those with wealth, so if we can obtain our own wealth without letting it corrupt us we can then use that as influence on the system to turn back the clock and kick that oligarchy system that doesn't work and rewrite a new way of leadership.

Anarchy is a great route to give back power to the people, but it is also important we remember local governments and self governance is also needed in the end. Its not the fact we need no system its just the fact we need a common sensed working system that all can agree on. Oppression is not justified in this world. Rich men and poor men are all brought into this world with nothing and we don't take anything with us when we die. The true wealth really is in between during our living breathing moments in how we treat one another.

This system trained us all to look up to fame, money, and who has the best new toys....its has trained us to hold high regard for men who can crush countries but does not regard the little guys giving all they own to help someone, or someone out there fighting to protect our environment which in the end is probably what we need more than smoke stacks of industry choking us to death.

I don't think though we should hate those in power, I think they are just as lost as a lot of corrupt people in this world. Its just time we realize that corruption spreads madness and having mad men so close to nuclear weapons is not sane anymore to allow. The people in this world are numerous and many, that is where the real power lies....


Follow me @sflaherty

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Agreed. I own physical precious metals, cryptocurrencies and i have the ability to grow my own food, i'm prepared for most situations.

Very smart, I am 100% crypto myself here, only fiat I touch is when I put it on my Bitpay card to pay bills. In order to keep in the clear I will give them their stealing taxes on my earnings but this system needs so much reform and rebuilding that I can't blame anyone like you for starting some back up plans. I have a feeling we have only so much time left to horde what we can for the big show.

Thats what happen when globalists and comunists are in power, but their greed will end them shortly. People are not stupid and we see whats going on...its only a matter of time when when we see some kind of revolution here...great post btw!

Agreed, its coming...probably not too long from now. I can see it in the public eye, everyone is clearly getting very fed up. The awakening is finally beginning. Really appreciate you reading this, I am here for the movement to get them out of power so its always great to meet like minded people in that

What an excellent post again!

Thank you, really have to get that belief in me out sometimes to get the ball rolling towards change. I hope in some small way I wake up a few people at a time, the system really has so many brainwashed and its got to begin with the process of getting us right again. One step at a time my friend

Excellent post.
There is a fear now in politics, a real fear. The great and the good are beginning to understand that e have no respect for them. They understand their soundbites are falling on more and more deaf ears and they are now understanding they are only in power until we come together and find an effective way of removing them.
No, they do not represent the people and haven't for a long time and the smell of revolution is in the air.
Their only "Get out of jail" card will be played very soon. The one they always play when they are about to be exposed. War.

With you completely. I do have a mini hope that the crypto revolution can first bring more uncorrupt wealth to the people, if we can come in masses together with wealth there is a possibility we could very well delegate without violence but they will proclaim war I bet on their sides to retain power. My thing is this, we will always have forms of leaderships in the world, its a given and we do need a system that does do its actual job for the system but we need a serious inquiry together as to what form we would like because what we have in place is not moral nor working at all. There is no need for starvation, oppression, and constant conflicts in this world...its not the average peoples way so why we have it is beyond me. Time to get back to the roots of truth and grow a valuable system that works for everyone. They can't get that is what their people want, then take your millions get off my continent and from your own government on some island somewhere and leave the masses alone lol

Totally. This is why they are hellbent on discrediting the cryptocurrency surge.
They are all over themselves to report how thieves, perverts, and terrorists use crypto so it must be bad and must be controlled. They couldn't wait to report the fall in bitcoin the other week.
They are terrified of us taking our own money back under our own control. Because once we remove their power over the money flow they are done and over.

I find it funny with the media and politicians about crypto. They keep picking on the small groups of criminals but i still believe more criminals use fiat and cash then crypto lol. I watch for news reports to kind of digest for articles and man do they ever rush to one dip in the market to call out the uselessness in crypto...never the fact it always recovers and way stronger than anything Wall Street plays with. I say they just cash out, go be rich in private and leave the power game to the people from now on

I'm not sure they will go quietly into the night without a big boot up the arse. I understand they love their money and their pretty things and we could actually buy them off, but they also love power. They feed on power and that will be much harder to convince them to give up.

I agree, that is really all they want, they already got all the money now its about power for them, what more can they obtain past money is controlling the masses, not much left after that other than destroying the world for fun

And that is the true dilemma. How to remove that power.
We agree they can be bought and I believe we have as a civilisation, been trying that for centuries. Now, I suggest we do have to break them financially and that is why crypto needs protecting from them and from the banks buying in.

Its going to take some smarts on removing it, there is ways and we are working towards it but its gonna take more than what we currently have in crypto.

By the way, I sent you a reponse on the SLACK but decided to send in in a private DM over there, was a novel. Little of my back story and why I have issues with the system lol...seen stuff and went through it but its kind of not probably wise to go too public about it yet, you will get why but I am open about it, little personal share with you buddy when you find a moment.

Great post my friend :-)
These are the topics that are so important to all of us. Secret elections are pure BS, If anything needs transparency elections do. if you loose your job because you countered you bosses vote, so be it. you didn't want to work for a dictator anyway, did you? Nor do we want to live under dictator rulers.
keep on writing I'll keep reading
Thank You :-)

That to me is the biggest point out we have that there is trouble here. I can see 50 years ago there really wasn't the proper tools to do a more transparent voting system but right now we have so many options and bright minds to create one but they keep wanting to stick to the old paper ballot in a mysterious box and curtain way. That is just asinine with the options we have and so many avenues to save money with elections as well. We are just wasting money where we could be using it to better the world and I believe the people of the world are getting very wise to the headaches of nonsense leaders keep doing. I am really glad you liked this, my hope is to awaken a few people to look around more.

Love this post man right on point. Hoping that Blockchain will transform the world for the common good rather than be used by the elites to further extend their control.

Thanks for that and for the read on this long one lol. Honestly I don't get why they aren't looking at blockchain voting systems, we use it in some coins and its so transparent. Now it should be democratic and equal on something as important as voting in government but the keys are right there now to do it. Hell I would love to have decentralized hub where every citizen can vote not only on leaders but big decisions, who we trade with, what laws should be put in place, stuff to better the world vs them make piss poor decisions for us. Hell that would free them up to do more important things and maybe gain back our trust in governments. To me the idea of leaders is not a bad thing, we all need speakers for the masses but ones that are for the masses, we don't have anyone like that nor have for so long.

Totally agree using Blockchain to ensure trust and transparency would go a long way to having better elected leaders that are held more accountable. What I worry about though are Governments using Blockchain and cryptocurrency to make their own currencies and forcing everyone to use them. Also using Blockchain to track everyone's identities, purchases and actions online. Once they get rid of the anonymity of the dollar and everything is monitored digitally online, I wonder if we will be worse off. Hopeful Blockchain and crypto will free us but I can see where it could be used for evil as well. Guess we'll just have to keep fighting the good fight for freedom and see what happens!

I have those same very concerns, almost word for word lol. See this is a great tool in the hands of the people but if you take the decentralized platform out of it and work on it in a central governmental way it can enslave us way way more. My hope those is that the movement to fix the system is stronger than the system itself. Sometimes a belief to better the world can be way stronger than power itself, its worked numerous times in many revolutions. The trick though that happens a lot, that revolution in time ends up rebuilding back to a corrupt system, its either human nature or those that lose seek to regain power and always slip back in. Here for the long haul though, truly about the movement side to crypto. Money is great, I don't have a lot yet but its only a drive for that for the family, most of all I just want to see this rise the little guys up and let them govern themselves for once

Amazing article bud! You are spot on too! The system is so corrupt from the top down.

It really needs us to change it, I just don't think without pressure for citizens the government will attempt to do what needs to be done. Its about to come to a head soon I believe, hopefully we can get through it to a better world

I agree, it starts with us. Unfortunately, most people still have their head stuck up their ass. I think a shitstorm is coming soon too.

Its going to take a few serious hard knocks for some people to wake up. That is the sad part of the coming story ahead I believe

Yes, I agree and its going to get ugly unfortunately.

It probably will...long as they leave my family, bitcoin, and the awesome people like you that I met in crypto alone, then we will just go through it and rise above the mess and aftermath. I think though I may need to start getting prepper gear lol...I have never in my life thought I would say that but I think that time is closing in here.

I hear ya buddy. It would be great if we could be unbothered by it. Unfortunately, we don't live in the same society as we had during the last real economic crisis, the Great Depression, or even when we were kids for that matter. Our society is a lot more selfish and violet. Then through in our corrupt government and all bets are off. Prepper gear is not a bad idea. lol

Violence is truly high out there, on both sides. The biggest worry, getting stuck in the middle with nothing to defend yourself with lol. Prepping maybe important

Thank you for speaking about this @sflaherty! I really like seeing posts like these, and it was an incredible post, brother. You're right about it all! And I really like the fact that you're trying to come up with viable solutions to the problems, like that blockchain idea for voting. That's brilliant!

I just think we need to really step up about this stuff. Its going to get out of hand if we just sit back and let things happen. We have so many options now due to technology to right the direction we are heading. Figure post about it so others can ponder these things and come up with solutions, fearful where we will head if we don't deal with it soon

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