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RE: A Contest for Freedom...

in #freedom6 years ago

Hey @senorcoconut thanks for joining in the #FreedomChallenge!

I can definitely appreciate your complaints about our systems. It seems that we have such a greed snowball rolling out of control. I feel the same about health insurance. I don't want it, but the alternative is risking losing all my money in a hospital if I have an unforeseen accident or problem. It's too bad that the medical companies make everything so expensive that we are forced to pay for insurance! That's so great that you have an option to build a natural home without having to get the enforcers involved!


Thanks @sagescrub, I am not one to complain usually. I like to find ways to adapt to any change in my environment if I need it. The changes that are insignificant can be simply brushed off the shoulders. Though I don't have an example at the moment of what is too small of a change. But with insurances we have gone too far, it's really become a ridiculous system!

I still have to fine tune what the loop holes are to make sure my structures will slip under the radar...I'm still contemplating going entirely off grid for electricity. I just want a "makerspace" and that might be tied to the grid unless I can figure out a way to run a welder, a washing machine, a dryer and a table saw without it!

Pedal power? :P J/K! Well half kidding. I think when there's a will there's a way. Start small and keep incrementing your systems of independence! You can do it!

Very true, I should start small regardless, it's a good idea for most thing I believe.

In Thailand on a permaculture farmstead there was a pedal powered washing machine!

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