What is Freedom?

in #freedom8 years ago


Many people have their life goal to attain freedom, be that financial freedom, personal freedom, spiritual freedom, or other. But can we define what freedom really is? It cure can't be "do whatever you want", because we are already doing that, except the coercive powers that prohibit us to do certain things.

How could we define Freedom?

For example, you win 10,000,000$ on the lottery today, what would you do? Your life will obviously change, and now you are free to do certain things that you could have not done before (buying luxury items, knowing new people, etc..). So we can define freedom as freedom of opportunity, but that is not entirely accurate.

Let's go further, you start spending your money, you have your 10m$ and you now start spending it, burning through it, you throw parties, spend a lot on the ladies, buy cars, mansions, you name it. And after a few short years, all your money is gone. You are now broke, back from where you started, and even worse, since losing something is worse than not having something, and you will be very very depressed.

Let's take another example, let's suppose you are a talented lady and enroll to Britain's Got Talent or competitions like that. You work hard and you win it, you become famous, you will be the next Madonna, you get all the fame, recognition and glory you have every dreamed of. You will be rich, you can get any man, any item, or anything you have every wanted. Then as you get old, you lose your shine, and become an alcoholic, probably drug addict, and your health, your fame and your wealth goes away.

Do you see the pattern? Most people can't handle it, because this is not freedom, this is not how I would define freedom. So if we go with the definition of "you can do anything", then yes, you can choose this path, but I would not define it like this.



Yep, 1 ingredient that was missing was discipline, and this is crucial, if you want your "freedom" to last long. You are free to drink 50 bottles of whiskeys, but then you will die. So it is important to have discipline, otherwise our freedom won't last.

The lottery winner will burn through all his cash in a few years (in fact this has been proved than most lottery winners do this, because they never had money, and discipline to know how to treat money). The famous singer/actor cannot handle fame, and it will devour him/her from the inside.

What is better?

  • A disciplined person saving 50% of his salary, and in 20 years he will have 1 million $.
  • A wild person winning 1 million $ on the lottery and spending it all in 1 month.

Both will be millionaires, the question is, which million will last longer, and which one is more deserved? Sure you can spend all your money anytime you want, it's yours, the problem is that if you do, it's game over, all your money is gone.

So it's a tricky question to balance your money, you both want to enjoy the benefit of spending money, but you also don't want to lose the money....

So I'd say, even if you are not an investor, you should save at least 50% of your salary in a safe savings system (NOT negative yielding bonds LOL), because there is no point in consuming all day long.

I oppose rabid consumerism, because if we consume and don't produce, we will never grow out of poverty, this is why most people are poor.

If you want to have your freedom, you have to pay for it, and if you spend all your money, you've spent your freedom too!

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I think it comes down to an investors vs consumers mindset. I personally get a kick out of buying toilet paper in bulk and using the savings to allocate to investments. But hey, I'm weird like that. Great article!

Hahah, well, who knows , every penny counts. When I was a kid, I had a friend that who's father smoked heavily, like 10 packs a day, and for over 30 years. We did a calculation and calculated that he has spent so much on cigarettes, that he could have had enough money to buy a house if he had deposited that money in a bank with those interest rates back then. Because they were living in rent, they lost an opportunity to buy a house.

It is pretty sad that humans live very inefficient lives, not to mention unhealthy. Money just passes by most people.

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