in #freedom7 years ago

Very many people these days are under some heavy financial burdens.

Far too often, they voluntarily enter into this bondage. A general “fast food” mentality seems to be a common culprit. Many people simply want what they want NOW! Even if it’ll cost them extra in the end, they’ll choose to take what they can get now and then deal with the rest later.

Whether it is credit card debt, student loans, car loans, mortgages, or any number of other forms of debt bondage, many people will gladly choose to pay extra in interest just to get something now. They seem to lack the patience to first save up until they can afford such things, and instead choose what many consider to be the “easy way.” That so-called easy way may very well enslave them for the rest of their lives.

"I'M OUT!"

This is part of why we sold our house and thus ended our mortgage. It is part of why my truck looks like a hunk of junk. It is part of why we moved up into the Ozarks. And it is part of why we are choosing the lifestyle that we do.

The heavy yoke of burden that debt bondage brings has become an all too familiar occurrence in many modern societies. The common people add bill after bill, and expense after expense, to their monthly list of financial obligations and then struggle form paycheck to paycheck. Some even head to predatory “cash advance” businesses which take advantage of their desperate situation and often make matters even worse with additional interest charges.

Credit has replaced cash, almost everyone is in debt, the common man pays out all that he owns, and the rich get richer. Finally Mom and Dad die and the children think that they finally get the house, but the fact of the matter is that Mom and Dad never owned the house, the bank did. In fact, that bank will make many times over what that house is worth, and family after family will financially enslave itself to pretend that they “own” it.

Financial slavery may sound better than actual slavery, but when hour after hour, day after day, month after month, and year after year people have to slave away their lives just to meet their financial obligations, I have a hard time actually calling it “financial slavery.”


Too many parents are so busy trying to “make ends meet” that they can never focus long enough to free themselves from this twisted trap and then they allow their children to follow in their poor footsteps, and the next generation is enslaved.

There is a reason that we have bought our land outright. There is a reason that we will be building a house out of pocket. There is a reason why we are choosing to grow and raise a lot of our own food. We would prefer to be free, or at least as free as we can get in this country and society.

I’ve got better things to do than spend 40+ hours a week at an office across town. I don’t need to pay for thirty years just to have a house now. I don’t need to burden myself with car payments when a vehicle that I can afford can still max out the speed limit and transport my family. I have no need to work several hours every week to purchase some tainted shell of a “food stuff” at the local store when I can grow real food just by dropping a few seeds into the soil.

I have a God to serve, a wife to love, and a family to raise. These things are much easier to accomplish when I am free to be with them.

Anyway, we finally cleared out our storage unit and are using the shipping container that we purchased a while back to a greater capacity. There is still more room in the container, but now we need $75 less each month, because we have forever crossed the storage unit bill off of our list.


Ultimately, we get one shot in this life. I would highly recommend that you figure out what your real goal is in life. I know my goal, as it has been revealed to me, and I am hard at work to be obedient and make it a reality.

As I have shared before, if you asked me what I want to be when I grow up, I’d say “NO!” I am not going to be some spoke in a wheel or a gear in the society that has been designed to turn me into a cash cow consumer so someone else can enjoy their life while I slave away in mine. I simply want to be free to be a child of God, a husband to @mama-pepper, and a father to my @little-peppers. I will not be defined by what I do to earn money, but by deeper and purer things.

Obviously, it felt good to eliminate another expense in our lives. The way that I see it, if I actually own some land and a house, then I’ll need a lot less money than a lot of people. If I have no student loans, car payments, credit card bills or debts, then a lot less of my time will need to be spent working. If we grow and raise the majority of our own food and take care of a lot of our actual needs ourselves, then that’s even less expenses that we will have. Perhaps, I won’t need to leave my family so much, work so hard, and miss out on so much of my life then.

Trust me, we are still in the process and in the transition, working towards that goal, but, we have a goal, and we are working on it.

As always, I’m @papa-pepper and here’s the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @orelmely


wow my dear wild man this is why @charles1 missed your posts since I was off said it all...thanks for sharing this (debt has destroyed lives and crypto will free us), it really touched me because it is the truth....Upped, always. My gift for you, feel free to see my latest post on bitcoin and a new project and apply for free coins / airdrop....success


You know, there are ways to leverage debt in the right way, and then there is living beyond your means. The former is preferred in our society, the later is why some people are ridden with stress and sometimes commit suicide. I grew up not knowing ANYTHING about finances and that resulted in me putting my college on my credit card (I had a $5,000 credit card by age 20, shocking and scary!). I was running from 0% to 0% introductory APRs, so I always worked through the summer and paid down my card. In my last year, I realized that it wasnt the best thing to jump from card to card and ended up hammering my credit card and getting hit with I think 16% APR. needless to say I was still poor as hell after 3 months at my first job. Pay down the debt, THEN GET RID OF IT FOR GOOD!

Now i drive a 1990 BMW that I own outright, while my friends pay $700+ a month for a new one.

You don't need all the glamour! Glad to see you happy with the family!

Let me be the first to say congratulations in your epiphany that having a lot of junk can't make you happy. What you are doing has ramifications far beyond you and your family. Not only does conventional debt enslave you, it empowers those who enslave us all.

My son and I bought a forested parcel in 2003. He's built two houses for his family and I've just about finished my log cabin that has taken 7 years of hard work to build. So far I have a bit over $5000 of pay-as-you-go into it.

We did have to borrow the money for the land, but we borrowed it from a person, not a bank. Our interest payments help somebody we know, not some faceless financial institution. If we miss a payment here and there there is no penalty nor threat of foreclosure. Win-win all around.

All of my son's friends tell him that if simply logged the place he could not only finish his house, he could pay off the property and be out of debt completely. But then he'd have a house built out of particle board in the middle of a cow pasture. Instead, he bought a small band mill. His first cabin took about 10 trees.

This place was logged 60 year ago or thereabouts, so the second growth trees are immense and the forest fully restored. The value of the land is in its beauty and pristine ecology. Destroying that would be a crime.

It would be indeed be a crime. By taking your time and building slowly, you are further ahead than borrowing the money from a bank for a fancy house.

Very cool. I love using what you've got. A neighbor down the street has a small mill that he no longer uses....

When you build slowly, the house appears to grow in the forest like it belongs there. It becomes part of it.

Time to make an offer on that saw mill kid!

While you said a while ago that you were a no tool man, maybe, if the price is right, it could be a good purchase.
You will need a lot of timber to build your house, Mobile-Joat could knock the trees down and you could repay him with timber, Bluerthatgreen will also be needing timber for his projects.
It may be a good buy.

Simple life is more beautiful than trapping yourself with debt and it is certain the burden of life gets heavier. Simple life by saving to buy something that we really need. Thank you for giving a very good thought @papa-pepper.

Thank you for enjoying it.

Hey Siri it's really great to know about your life and how you had spent it your days and the one thing that you had tell us very light is just focus on owr actual need . And beer happy.. the one thing I like the most is ..
“NO!” I am not going to be some spoke in a wheel or a gear in the society that has been designed to turn me into a cash cow consumer so someone else can enjoy their life while I slave away in mine.

Dude! I know this really has nothing to do with the post but your new animated sig is epic!

Well, at least your comment shows that you made it all the way to the bottom! LOL!

Thanks @bitcoinflood!

$75. X 12= $900 in a year, can sure buy a lot of seeds etc for that amount. Well done on getting a monkey off your back and going debt free...

Congratulations dear friend @ papa-pepper for the decision making.
I went through what you've been through, just before I turned fifty I made the same decision and I'm not sorry, today I live on what I generate in steemit, I only spend the money I own, as necessary and basic, change totally the lifestyle of our family.
I know very well that it would not have been an easy decision, but nevertheless very successful, there is no money to pay for the extra time one spends with his family.
I wish you a beautiful week

Well said, thank you my friend!

Postingan yang sangad luwar biyasa kawan
Smoga makin sukses ke depan nya amin..

Haha! THAT is the attitude that won me over!
God bless ya, man!

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