What Gives Our Government the Right to Take Our Children?

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)


Believe it or Not, We Give Them That Right When We Register
The Birth Of Our Children.

You may think this is just another conspiracy theory but I assure you something is up, just think about it, what other logical explanation can there be?

When you register something like a car, a boat or a child you are creating a vessel to operate within commerce, registration is to hand over legal or title ownership of a vessel to the crown, in return, you will receive a piece of paper stating that you are now the registered keeper of such vessels.

So basically by registering the birth of our children we turn them into a commercial asset or corporation which is owned by the state, we then get a piece of paper called the birth certificate, this piece of paper turns the HUMAN into a PERSON.

Please look up the legal definition of a person, and then a Human Being.


In general usage, a human being; by statute, however, the term can include firms, labour organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in Bankruptcy, or receivers.

A corporation is a "person" for purposes of the constitutional guarantees of equal protection of laws and Due Process of Law.

Human Being.

a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance.


When I first heard this my mind was blown, I was not ready for such information so I discarded it as nonsense, but since I have not yet discovered a reasonable explanation why they can come and take our children with such ease, I have to accept this to be true.

Please if anyone out there has any evidence that blows this theory out the water then I welcome you to share this with us.

You don't have to accept what I am telling you, but you can't deny the fact, that so many government agencies all over the world are legally kidnapping children at an alarming rate, all in the name of child protection. If you are not aware of this happening it's because the news does not cover such stories, it only takes a few minutes on the web to uncover such horrors.

Please follow this link for such stories,

Here is just one example of their so-called 'child protection' in action, I know this to be true because it happened to us, A month ago in Sweden, we were threatened by the state that if we did not send our child to school she would be put on the child protection services list and taken into foster care, the reason they gave was that they believed this to be a worrying situation that we would continue traveling and world schooling our children.

World Schooling LINK

It's obvious we have a problem but how do we solve it?

  • How do we take the power back?

  • How do we stop the legal kidnapping?

  • How do we protect our selves against such injustices?

One way is to know your rights, another is to not register the birth of your child, another is to never let these people into your house without a warrant, another is to know how to play their game, if you know how to deal with these people then you won't fall for their dirty tricks.

All the above are great ways to protect yourself but sometimes even these are not enough, These agencies pick on the weak, the poor, the single mothers but will often back off if they are confronted by a group of determined parents. I believe that strength in numbers or even better strength in unity is the best hope we have, being part of a support group or community is the best protection possible, having a group of people that are willing to fight for your rights at a moments notice is without a doubt the best method.

We now have such a group on steemit, @familyprotection is an account set up to protect families from the state, at the moment this is a small support group but as steemit grows so will @familyprotection, this account in the future may have the funds, Lawyers
and connections to really help families in need. Please follow @familyprotection
and support in any way you can, by upvoting, by resteeming, by writing any
stories about the 'child protection services' and tagging it with
#familyprotection we can help spread awareness on this subject.

Together we will overcome.

Img source 1,2, 3,

Peace and love to the World.


Thank you so much for sharing this information that I was totally blown away. This is so great because it really reminds me to always read the final script especially dealing with the government.
It really ticks me off when we as parents have no real truth and rights for our own children. This system is so messed up and sickening.

It is truly staggering to me the number of people who think it is ok for the government, any government, to forcibly remove children from a home. Supposedly for the sake of the child. Once you go down that road, that road is filled with peril. There is almost nothing worse than a petty bureaucrat with the power of government behind them. Almost any solution is better than the government kidnapping and selling system they have now.

You are what the world needs more of @markwhittam. People of character and integrity who will look out for the needs of their children, at all costs.

Wow, thank you @celsius100
This comment is so on point, I can not believe the amount of comments I have had that support governments taking children,some people have even admitted to trying to have children removed from family members and strangers.
Luckily 98% of people on here are not so Ignorant.

Thank you for your support and admiration.


Hi every one i am new here .thanks for your guide if I have your attention

I wholeheartedly agree... thank you for your input, hearing from others, it´s just NOT OK. helped... like verry little actually, since its going on... but it helps maybe deal with the shame, of having lost your children to the government.... helps the shame, nothing can ease the pain :/

The world we live in now is horrible. You don't own you. They own you. I became aware of this when I heard about the case of the Naugler family (American homesteaders) who had their children taken away because they were unschooled and lived off-grid. I remember this story shocked me because until then, I had lived with the strange idea that I own me...
But as you say, if enough people awake to the truth, maybe we can take ourselves back.
Great post. I really enjoyed it.

Thank you @honeydue for reaching out to us.
We need to make people aware of this epidemic, it's our duty to warn people of these atrocities. Please speak out, make noise, write a post about this family and your thoughts and it will get support.

Thank you. Despite the fact that I agree more people need to know about this, I would not feel comfortable writing their story. It is theirs, not my own and it would feel wrong. Here is a link to their own blog, if anyone is interested to check them out, though : http://blessedlittlehomestead.com/

Yeah sorry @honeydue I do get a bit carried away sometimes, I keep forgetting not everyone has been through this.
We just resently had to flee our country under threats, and I grew up in This care system so I kind of have a reason to shout about it.
I will check out there link, thanks for bringing this to my attention :)


Great work mate.
We're all slaves in the eyes of the state, it's awful.
I have a few friends who have not registered their children as they don't want them to be 'owned' by the state. But they live in fear of being caught and having their children removed from their loving homes. It really is an awful fascistic system and most people are completely unaware.
Great job highlighting here dude.

Thank you @tremendospercy
You are so right, most people are completely unaware, which is why I am doing my bit to make it known.
This is great that you know people who have decided to not register the birth of their children, If we all did this then they would be powerless.
If you was ever to write a post about your friends or how you feel about this situation I would support it in every way I can.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.


Thanks buddy that's really kind of you. There are one or two who are here at Steemit but it's not something they advertise for fear of being targeted by the authorities. I don't blame them, the creeping fascism of our government entities and their spying capabilities preclued some from even telling their nearest and dearest. It's a truly dreadful state of affairs. Thanks again for your work highlighting this important subject.

Yes I understand, but this is why we have started this group, so that one day when we are so big and so many, the day they come knocking on one of our doors we will rain thunder on them with knowledge and unity so hard they will realize there wrong doing, quit there job and join our cause. :)

I applaud and support the initiative, it is my hope that this platform will be one of the catalysts for positive change. With the right people driving it I'm confidant it will be.
Kudos my friend.

Hi dear @markwhittam, please vote and follow me @mrashid. Have a great time Thanks.

This really blown my mind man! This is so true, we do this without even knowing why we register our kids.
Thanks for opening our eyes mate.
You rightly said, alone we will not be able to do anything big, but together we can achieve great things.
Let's all unite and follow the @familyprotection .
Thank you!

Thank you @progressivechef
Your support and enthusiasm is just what we need to push this forward.


Good job markwhittan hopefully this government's wrong action can we stop and hopefully more families and children who are helped by your hard work, and support your action

Thank you @riezky, it's great to see you are also doing your bit to spread awareness.
Time to put a stop to the madness.

it's really markwhittan, but lucky in my country there is no such treatment to children and I am very happy with it, hopefully our hard work can all get good results, happy to get to know you

Hi dear @riezky, please vote and follow me @mrashid. Have a great time Thanks.

It is sad when government doesn't do what it should be doing. Instead it imposes it's values on a family who they feel is not following the law to a tee. I feel when a child is truly abused, he/she should be protected but the way they interpret the law is very skewed. Instead of helping the child who is beaten or sexually imposed upon, they take a happy child from the family and then make him/her miserable. It should be to protect a child whose life is being threatened. It is very sad because there should be a sensible midpoint.

Thank you for your input @cabbagepatch.
The system is not working, the system is failing so many children.
It has to stop, it needs to change, we are all responsible for letting it get this way so we all need to come together to put things right again.


Am sure this will end up a great wau lf helping many families and children. Our eyes are on it. Well done.

Thank you @gloglo, it feels great to have so much support on this issue.


Bless you too. I believe we can help change a lot through this project.

The problem of the western civilization is multidimentional, but can be put under one term which is called "the creamation of care". How has it been possible to make so many people believe in government in the western world, comparred to the eastern world? I think it has a lot to do with the infiltration of "family unit" or in other words if you want to "demolish care" in a society, you only have to focus your conditioning on one part in the family unit, the woman. This is why the neo feminism is such a big deal and have been established in most of the western countries by Tavistok Institute among other thinktanks. This is the way they have been able to demolish the authentic women, which has the right moral and human values. If you think about it, it is only a conditioned woman, whom in her right mind put her children in public inductrination camps, but she dont know better, because this agenda have been going on for a long time and I'm not judging anybody with that level of awareness. But when one understand, one have the responsebility to act, which mean doing what you have been doing "Mark and family", taking the power back and home schooling your children. Home shcooling is actually to "CARE". Home schooling is actually saying NO to the neo feminist agenda. To "Home school" your children is being authentical parents in the family unit. Home schooling is actually saying NO to communism /satanism, because the neo feminist agenda is there to split up families, so that it's not more womens that nurture their children, but the state. That way they can more easely conditioning small new slaves. The state runned inductrination camps are not learning kids about real moral values, but more moral relativism and egoism, which is the "building blocks" behind the satanic agenda.
Child protection agencies is not worth anything for the children, as a matter of fact, from a danish perspective they should be called "child torturing agencies", because they remove children from caring parent and family members, and put back children to pedophile parent or care takers, its a disgrace and an absolute joke.
This problem of government thinking they own our kids has to be stopped, it will not go away if ignored, so your doing the right thing Mark. We just have to learn to say NO. That's the must powerful thing we have, next to unity. If we just stod together there was no problem to solve this problem, we are so many and them so few, THIS NONSENSE HAS TO BE STOPPED NOW
Great post Mark and family

Thank you @mackjez-santos for this comment, you are so on point, I agree with everything you said and I'm not just saying it.
I only wish I could resteem this comment because it was a great reflection of how the system is.


I'm well aware of everything you shared in your post today. Thanks for sharing this important information. In the beginning I found it difficult to understand as well but everything that you have to register you don't actually own. But you still have to pay taxes over it. I followed @familyprotection. Great initiative.

Thank you @gardenbsquared, it's really good to know that a lot of people on steemit are awake and aware of the tyranny that is taking place on this planet.
Thanks for your support

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