Under Pressure! How Come? Really?

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)
Why this title?

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That's how it all started!

I found a little surprising message on my whatsapp and I am thriving restlessly on those thoughts why somebody you enjoy being close to feels pressure anyways, especially when you think that everything goes so well and easy, when passions and good chemistry are floating freely, without any complications. Oh well ....some .....

Suddenly all is on hold, emotional breaks in effect and trust dissapears because you fear rejection or invading someones space. You start holding back.

Oh ...Of course NOTHING makes sense ...What happened?

“I don't like when people put me under pressure.”

How many times did you hear those words from your children maybe, your lover, partner our family members?

I had to explore this case a little further to understand the other side because I have been under pressure many times as well and it was most of the time when I fear to loose my freedom.

Oh Yes! I love my freedom more than anything but I will not hide my feelings. I am honest and stand to my own truth.

Like it or Not!

How To Gain Your RIGHT For FREEDOM, The Tenability Of What You CAN Do Anywhere, ANYTIME!

If somebody you care for cannot take your affection because it might feel “too much”, you should have never even started any kind of relationship. Just don't get IT started. It's unfair to play games.

We would be much better off hiding in our own cocoons then and don't let anybody come close.

I will not fall into the same trap all over again to stay attached to unavailable human beings. It drains my energy.

Fear will hold you back from having a good time and experience precious moments as long as they last.


I used to vanish!

I was a master in protecting myself from deeper relationships on all levels. Some of my dearest ones hurt me so badly and I couldn't take any more heartache or insults for my wounded soul. I rather focus on people who make me feel good.

I protected myself from disappointments but I changed and opened up my heart again on April6th, 2018. I dared to take on a challenge.


I will remember this day as a symbolic change of my path towards more happiness again.

It feels so good!

I expressed it HERE in this article

How come the people you care the most end up telling you that you are the reason they feel “pressure”.

Pressure from what?

Too many unknown or unwanted emotions?

Are they worried to loose themselves?

Do they feel suffocated because you show that you care a little too much?

I don't get it!

My reply was very clear and honest:

“As much as you don't like people who put you under pressure, I am not fond of anybody ignoring me, even though you don't owe me anything. I am sure your issues have nothing to do with me, therefore I don't take anything personally. Sort out all problems as I have as well. That's life!”

Sorry my Darlings but

LOVE Will Never Die!

Mine .....Never!

My inspiration for this post was about an interesting topic and conversation about #selflove

Over those past two years I met so many creative, interesting, talented, lovely human beings on steemit, my true online home even though I am very excited about @onosocial as you might have realized. Recently I am not much around because I felt a huge burn out writing more articles and curating.

But then, yesterday one young man touched me deeply at the right time and spot. He challenged me on some thoughts I have circling around my mind for quite some time.

Yeah! It’s still the never ending question how Love could truly conquer all of our hearts and nothing less than love can bring us closer. How can we change the world for the better if hate and fear still takes the majority of our daily lives?

It makes me sad when I see people in unnecessary struggles about money, property to gain for power and to please their egos.

The "destroyers" of beautiful communities and good vibes with their small minded centralized attitude and actions.

I represent decentralized thinking!


Lyrics by THE ROOTS

I will keep on shining anyways!

I welcome and introduce you to a new Steemian I found from Nigeria and I will support with all my VP power! :)



Only love can make you feel this way, invincible, irresistible and unstoppable. Love is a feeling you feel, when you feel you are feeling a feeling, like you have never felt before. I am happy you feel this way, and yes, you are loved. Your influence spreads like fragrance.




Yaaaay! Wide smile. Really delighted you love it.


It’s not about a conventional love for a man!
It’s the true love for myself
It took me a zillion of years to understand


Self-love is key. Once we love ourselves enough, we won't accept anything less. We won't even give discount. Hahaha. I am glad you feel this way.



No discount! No compromise! My cocoon with crystal walls has no place for anything or anybody who doesn’t wish to shine!
I check your poem and also blog out right now.
I am happy that you found me and I know you now.


Hahahahaha I love this. Your determination is absolutely amazing. I enjoy people with positive vibe and you are sure a blessing already.



How could we teach others how to love one another, the ones who are damaged, just how I was, those scared ones who can’t let their true emotions flow freely! You hear words like “I don’t like to feel pressure” when somebody just worries about their freedom. Anyways....


Wow! How can we teach others to love one another, when we don't even love our own self? With my life, i learned i could make a fine tune out of a broken string just by loving myself enough. I am so glad you have your own story too. I am glad to hear everything.
You have so much depth and I am really interested to read and know every of your single thought. Just few chats with you, i am excited already and i know i have so much to learn from your wealth of experience. I look forward to it and i will read every single line, you can be so sure of that.


Thank you to make MY DAY dear Olawalium!

Welcome to my Musical cocoon and playlist @massivevibration because I can express myself through songs better than words.

Yours @mammasitta



Woooow!!!. @mammasitta!. Do you read minds now? This is the topic i shared with communitycoin even though they haven't posted it yet. I shared about a young lady who was pressured into marriage and now she is broken for it. Wow!.

I am so glad i met you. You make my day already, as you did yesterday and two days ago. You are all shades of cuteness and i already made you my #WomanCrushWednesday but i haven't posted it yet, but i will shortly. Guess our minds are really in sync hahaha.

Thank you so much for your kind words and support. It means the world to me and i will never take this for granted. You know how to force me to smile and get me excited. God bless your ever warm and sweet heart.

I am absolutely buzzing right now. Thank youuuuuuuuu love struck eyes

You have no idea how much I do appreciate your words
Are you a man or woman????????

Hahahaha man. You are just too amazing. Expect the woman crush post soon. You are making me smile from molar to molar hahahaha

I am also smiling :)

Yaaaay!. This warms my heart.

VOILA! Thats what it is ALL about!!!!

I am all shades of cuteness! wow!

Yes I AM!

Yes you are!. No doubt about that at all. Yesss!

I blushed at least 10 times today and past days ....it feels good to be cute hahahaha

I am all shades of cuteness!

Its funny how this statement gets to you so well. We sure need these kind of words from people sometimes. Glad you're happy @mammassita


I AM not sure
I don't know many men with such thoughts

I can feel love in the air

Maybe you two hearts speaks now without your intentions or permissions. 😂

2 hearts speak! That feels right!

It has been two weeks Mama and i missed talking with you. I hope you are fine? Don't force me to rush down there to see you. Please do come back. I miss the deep conversations.

@mammasitta, you are the only one I follow on steemit whose posts I not only can enjoy reading but also love listening to the underlying meaningful music at the same time;-) The topic of your post about #selflove touched me immediately as I struggled my whole life with issues of not being good enough and not being able to love myself. The first time I consciously thought about the concept of #selflove was when I read the book of Kamal Ravikant "Love yourself like your life depends on it". And now I read your post and your following comment:

I love to be selfish if it comes down to loving myself first of all.....Thats the only way how others have a chance to love me as well ...

And I realize that's totally true - there is nothing to guard against when our worthiness, powerd up by our selflove, is not at stake. Because we are worthy and whole. And that, truely, is good. So thank you for being so honest about your life experiences and thoughts, I really learn a lot reading/hearing them:-)))

Das ist so lieb!!!!!’


Nice to get your attention again, mammasitta; thank-you!

I'm also glad that you discovered the importance of loving yourself first. YOU need to be healthy in order to be able to give to others.

This is why I have not been nearly as active on Steem as I once was. After discovering the tumor on my kidney, I have been spending a lot of my time focusing on learning how to cure myself. There is a lot of dis-information out there on the Internet and it is difficult to figure out what is truth and what is not. I chose a few things I thought sounded plausible and did a test run of them. Unfortunately for me, my latest scan shows no change, so I need to try something new. The good news is that it hasn't grown any bigger, so I have time to keep trying new things.

Surgery is an option, but that only removes the lump, not the reason the lump formed in the first place! I wish to find the cure so that my body will destroy the lump and make me healthy again.

I was hoping to be able to write an article about how I beat cancer, but that will have to wait because I have not been successful yet. I'll keep searching for the answer.

In the meantime, enjoy your new YOU. We exist to learn, so keep learning and growing. I believe the spirit needs to learn all it can before leaving the physical body.

With this conversation between you and @olawalium, I'm speechless!
😂 😂 😂

You are as special as @olawalium !!!! You know that I know THAT!!!!!

Yes you told me that last week

Thanks so much MA

I am glad you did remember ....I mean it!

"I was a master in protecting myself from deeper relationships on all levels. Some of my dearest ones hurt me so badly and I couldn't take any more heartache or insults for my wounded soul."
I truly understand.....
see you on ONO soon.....
I'm excited already, hehehe
Best regards

Did you register for ONO code already Tom?

Geeee those words sound so dramatic but it’s not that bad actually because I didn’t mention the awesome experiences with wonderful people!

I just had to learn how to deal with heartaches.
I am not the typ who likes to suffer for too long

I signed up for ONO already, yes..
All sensible and honest people go through these experiences I think, it gets very hard when a sensible one finds a psychopath...
Best regards

Hiii respected @mammasitta, it is a very bad behavior to make someone under pressure. I am sorry to know that someone is teasing you on your whatsapp no. I know you are very honest and trustful personality. I already impressed with your way of working and your passion here. I think self confidence is best way to compete such type of irrelevant issues. my best wishes and support for you dear mamma. Lots of Love for you. take care.

I am FINE :)

I hope so.

How happy I can consider myself never agreed to the new whatsapp terms and conditions three years ago :D

Hahaha! That’s a typical @sciencevienna reply 😋

You open the world to yourself every day.
I'm a witness to this, I'm happy for you and damn good to see it.
It's just a catharsis of the soul. I'm with you, dear @mammasitta.

I know and feel that you are!!!! Thank you!!!

You have stolen million hearts today.

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