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RE: You Should Feel The Forced Herding Down The Digital Economy, Unless You Are Too Young...

in #freedom7 years ago

I feel you on this -- I've been a big opponent to all things that have a power-over feel, my entire life. I'm totally not into AI and 5g, smartgrids, and cities, well almost everything we are looking down the barrel at.

The thing I love about block chain tech is that at least it is taking third party "rulership" out of the equation and making it almost impossible to track our data and goings-on. There is no going back and to survive one must learn the game and find ways to walk like a shadow or surely the eye will see you and focus in, you know, first to slaughter.

These are indeed times of change and the masses have been bred by the generations to accept "what is".

I could go on and yet, I won't... as you seem to be on the same page.

*No cell phone here and I live more like a Victorian than I do a modern human.


@mamadini and it pains me to remember I was once a fanboy of sci-fi tech.

Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards. -Aldous Huxley

As was I (well, fan-girl, but you understand)... funny how that works. ha.

@mamadini ha-ha, we are not alone as more fangirls and fanboys hear the truth and see the mass deception. 😃

I totally agree... :)

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