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RE: Your Children Belong to The State And if You Step out of Line, The State Will Take Back it's Property.

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

[-]cmoljoe, the only reason they have this power is because we gave it to them, or in other words, we believe in manmade-imaginary-laws. There only exist one law and that's "Natural Law". The fake spells on papers, people in fancy clothes called "uniforms" and imaginary lines called "bordors", don't really apply to us and it's about time we as the human race put our differences a side, stand together and tear this system down.


Everything is perception. If you think or imagine something exist, that will exist for you as it is real. In the bottom of this is our slavement to mind because only mind can imagine something is real that is not.

I totally agree. My goal is to pass a better world for my kids and any other kid. Otherwise what right do I have to call myself a father then?

Saw you intro post and that you are anarchist. Welcome to Steemit! Followed you. Think we have a lot in common. Here is one of my articles about anarchy...

Good article about Anarchy and simple to understand, thanks :-)

cmoljoe, the only reason they have this power is because we gave it to them, or in other words, we believe in manmade-imaginary-laws.

You give them power when you contract with them, not when you believe in manmade-imaginary-unreal-abstract-intangible laws. They have the power simply because people believe that U.S. Citizen, or citizen period is a term to describe free, independent people, but in fact it is just a political status that is presumed from adhesion contracts, so if you get a Social Security, or a Birth Certificate, you are tied to the Political Status of Citizen, or servant for the federal government. You can be a Texas Citizen and that will mean that you are a servant for the Nation of Texas.

Natural law doesn't exist. Natural law is as existent as prophesying that unicorns exist.

There exist many laws, calling them imaginary doesn't make them not laws. There exist many systems of laws, calling them intangible doesn't make them NOT laws. There exist many jurisdictions and they are all there to fulfill a special function.

The fake spells on papers, people in fancy clothes called "uniforms" and imaginary lines called "bordors", don't really apply to us and it's about time we as the human race put our differences a side, stand together and tear this system down.

You cannot tear down what you didn't create and it isn't yours. Find out who owns the patent to grants, trusts, maritime law, and everything you think doesn't apply to us but don't understand why and how, and see if it's yours to tear down or if you have that kind of jurisdiction or authority, it would be akin to patenting an invention and then saying "we must take the patent down! it doesn't apply to us" but you have no such authority, just like saying "this person wrote this awful book, this person invented this awful game, this person created this system of law" (person in the common use of the word as an unincorporated, free, sovereign individual, not to a Corporate Entity)

And the essence of it is starring one in the face, what need do you have to tear down what is wholly imaginary and not even your own creation? Should you undertake such futility? or simply not deal with the imaginary or treat it as anything other than imaginary, and in other words, how would you tear down a fake spell? Or a true spell? You cannot, and there is no reason to. The best method is simply to be polite, and ask very pointed questions pertaining to clarification on jurisdiction and the roles of everyone there, or simply don't chose to go into or contract with the court or the law enforcement, state your birthright, tell them that you are not a U.S. Citizen, you are a Free Individual, a Sovereign of the land of your birth and you don't accept their offer to contract.

If you clear the jurisdiction and identity confusion that is set forth with U.S. Citizen and the numerous adhesion contracts that they might use and claim "here is proof, you are a U.S. Citizen" then if they do challenge your claim that you are a American State National you simply state "I do not consent to any and all contract that are not in kind, fully disclosed and of mutual benefit to both individuals, and any such agreements are void as I would never willingly agree to subjugate myself to imaginary, fictional entities."

"Natural law" = knowing the true mening about right and wrong, its that simple :-)

If the law is knowing but not acting its inconsequential to everything is it not? You can know a million different things and if you don't share them with anybody then so what, or, to what consequence is that knowing for anyone else? Because, for example, the golden rule and the idea of free will are the simplest most all-encompassing laws there are. They're man made , recognized by everyone and finally they deal with people and benefits people, yet by comparison it doesn't matter if you "know the true meaning about right and wrong" because ignorance of these laws (golden/silver rules and the principle of so long as it harms no one do as you will) is not an excuse and cannot be defense but ignorance of natural law by what you say is only consequential to knowing the "true meaning about right and wrong" and because it doesn't express any act, only a "knowing" which is honed as to call it the "true meaning" about "right and wrong" and it doesn't express right over wrong even.

You said "True meaning" and not simply the "meaning of right and wrong" which in itself would imply the not false/true meaning, and just as "the true" is an adjective to meaning it can be an adjective to right and wrong like "the true meaning of the true right and wrong" or the combination of a synonym for true: "the not false meaning of the not false right and not false wrong" and what does it mean to know the meaning of good and bad because what is good and bad for the liar and the thief or for the assassin or the psychopath is not good and bad, right and wrong for the honest man, the psychopath is practicing natural law, as is the desperate, as are the ones that think they know but ignorant of their ignorance, that's if we pretend that it's about "acting based on following what one knows about what is good and bad, right and wrong, morally acceptable" and not only knowing, so in spite of it's specificity as to not false meaning, it won't resolve conflict between two morally conflicting people. what is the law going to do if it was about doing something?

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