in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)


Anarchy...uuuhhh that terrible word associated with violence and destruction, but the truth is completly opposite.

What if I tell you, that you are already anarchist and voluntaryist. Don't believe me? Read this article and decide for yourself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to convince you in anything. You decide...

Let start from beginning...

Anarchy comes from Greek word anarchos (an-without, archos-ruler,chief). That word represent society without rulers. Of course, manipulators twisted meaning of this word thru government and movie propaganda, to implant thought in human mind that anarchy automatically means violence. One of the movie serials that twisted human perception about anarchy the most is movie serial 'Mad Max'. But that movie and many things people believe about anarchy is so far away from truth...

In anarchy society, everybody is free to do whatever they want, of course if their action are not hurting others. In that society every action is voluntary, there is no ruling class or laws you must obey. That doesn't mean there woudn't be basic rules for safety etc. No one coudn't be punished for action that didn't harm no one. I know some of your fist thoughts are "If there is no goverment, we would kill each other!" and "If anarchy applies voluntaryism, no one would do anything, because no one would force them do it." That are many of misconcuptions, so let get in to it...


- "Who will protect us if there is no goverment?"

Let get something clear...The biggest number of murders in world by far is done by people acting in behalf of government. The biggest thieves in world are governments, thru their robbery called taxes. If you don't want to obey things they wrote on paper (laws) or pay robbery(tax), they will send on you law enforcement and lock you up. Governments are the biggest terrorist organizations on planet, so to ask protection from them is ludicrous. If you think police is protecting you, just ask yourself this: when police officer approaches you, do you feel protected or like you gonna be bullied in that moment? For the most part second one.
Someone will say "What about situation when some robber attack me, who should I call if there is no police?" For the moment, we need some kind of police, because all the people are not good. But that is tiny minority compared to government bullies. We don't need police in this from like we have today, where someone dress in police uniform and automatically thinks he can harass people in the name of government. Today mostly of police officers are robots, just blindly following and applying laws. We must have people as police officers, who woudn't think they are above people when he dress that blue uniform. In anarchy society there is no laws, so some kind of police officers woudn't patrol streets enforcing law. They would only check is anyone hurting someone and will only go by they heart and morals. Someone will say this kind of police is impossible. But why? You really think that people acting as police officers are so stupid so they can't understand this? No, they are just brainwashed to think the law is something supernatural and must be blindly followed. Just openly talk about this and one by one will get it. We can't change the world over night, but little by little we can.

- "If there is no government, we all gonna kill each other"

That misconception comes from tv/movie propaganda and not understanding yourself. Why don't you kill other people? Because of that words on paper(law) or because your heart said to you that in not ok? Of course, it's the heart. You don't know any of the laws, you already live by your morals. If we get rid of "our rulers", nothing will change about your morals, you woudn't start to kill other people, so as 99.99% of the people. Even people that would like to harm someone in anarchy society, they woudn't do it because of fear of consequences. Similar is right now, they don't kill people because there is the law, they don't kill because of fear of consequences. If we get rid of rulers, the biggest propaganda killing machine will disappeare. Killing each other?...yes 99% in the name of government. No rulers, no 99% of killing. It's simple.

- If there is no government, who wil build the roads?

Well, people acting as government don't build the roads. They just sit in offices of weird places called congress, senat etc. We can build anything without them. Someone will say "Only goverment administration can orginazate that!" You really think that people can't orginazate themselves? If there is no concept of government, there woudn't be taxes, so people will have more money in their pockets and they will decide where that money goes. For example, if in some area people need road, everybody just pay the ammont, constructors come and build the road. Where is there need for goverment? I can make many examples like that.

- Who will produce food if there is no government?

Well, again people. People don't produce food because there is law for that. They produce food because they get hungry, because they want to try different tastes of food, because they can trade that food for other things...they don't do it because government exist. There is no law that says bananas or peaches must be grown. We do it voluntary. We don't need government to produce or exchange food.

- Anarchy is every man for themselves and survival of the fittest

Another misconception. We are beings that love help each other, we do it all the time voluntary. We woudn't kill each other like I described earlier. Growing food, building, sports, art,...are all done voluntary. We don't do it because 'our rulers' or law told us we must do it. We love it to do it together, cooperating without knowing laws. We don't need rulers to be connected. Most of the people wants to live peacfully, but rulers thru their religius, national and other propaganda of 'divide and rule' are making people to think we need to fight each other. Consequence is that most of the people thinks there is some enemy out there and we must be in fear of them. Rulers are taking advatage of that fear by offering protection to it. That makes people look at government as big daddy savior. Big daddy savior is using that to convince people they can't live without him. "Big daddy saved us, his words(law) are golden rule! Anyone who disobeys that is terrorist!"...said the people. Btw It is important to say that 90+% (if not all) terrorist attacks never happened in way they describe it. Mostly, it is done by people founded and brainwashed by government or never happend at all, but it is just simulated that it happend (about that in some other post).

In anarchy society you woudn't have this much terrorist attacks and wars, because they mostly come from government. If there is no ruler, there no one teling you who should you fight or hate. Someone can tell you that, but he can't lock you up if you don't want to go in the war.

- Without law we all gonna be lost

The truth is completely opposite, because you live by your heart and morals already. How many stupid laws you 'must' follow, even when they are so stupid? Many. You saw many times police officers forbidding somebody to do something, all because the law said it, not because action of that person is harming someone. The laws are not here to make your life easier, they are here to limit you. In anarchy, you don't ask anyone permission to plant some herbs. Why sholud you ask someones permission? What is permission in the end? is rulers approval that you can do something. How that ruler got that right?...


Do I have right to decide what you can or can't do?...No.
Do you have right to decide what I can or can't do?...No.
Does anyone have right to decide what someone else can or can't do?...No
If no one has right to decide what someone else can do, how come government can decide what we can or can't do?

Someone answer will be "People give them that right." But, how can you delegate right you don't have to someone else? It makes no sense at all. How can any politican decide what you can or can't do? Where his powers come from?'s not from people, because nobody from people got that right. You see the paradox?! That's all mind game in which thru many tehniques, they are trying to convince us that we coudn't live without them. They don't have any power over us. That power only lies in beleive of people that they have power over us.



Look at this picture...Did any of this trees ask someone if they can grow there? Of course not. Does any animal ask someones permission if they can do something? Nop. Do river ask some ruler can it flow? Did sun ask someone can it shine? Whole nature is anarchist. Everything on this planet is anarchist, except humans. We are only species that is constantly asking permissions from someone for things that harm no one. Let take borders for examples...Who is more free...bear freely walking in the woods or human asking permission for crossing that imaginry line in that same woods?

Hemp "situation"

I quoted word situation, because there is no situation with hemp. Only situation that exist is our perception that we need ask rulers if can plant that plant. If we woudn't have that perception, there woudn't be "situation" with hemp. How many sick people would benefit from cannabis products, but our masters didn't write it on paper so it can't be done...all because people are programmed that only law can allow it...until then sorry. It's hard to write this, because I can't believe that most of the people thinks like that.

Few examples from Croatia

I live on part of Earth called Croatia. Situation here is similar as most of the Earth...mostly believers in government everywhere. Last year, we didn't have government for few months, because party A,B & C and coudn't make deal between themselves. In that period nothing changed, everybody worked as usual. Eventualy new elections came, people voted and bs continued. I wonder, for how long we shoudn't have government to people can realize that we don't need them?

But there are few good examples in Croatia. Anarchist are growing like mushrooms all over the place. I have anarchist friend that is making products from hemp and it is not hidding from police. He openly post about it on facebook. People are buying his products all the time. He makes hemp: sampoos, skin creams, soaps and more things (can't remember them all). One day they tried to kidnap him, but had to release him, because he didn't give a shit about law. He recorded court hearing where he repeated over and over they don't have jurisdiction over his life. They saw with whom they are having buisness and let him go. That was year ago, since then they didn't harass him. If we all do that, it's game over.

Also know guy who made his own court. That court is officialy recognized by "official justice system". He don't like to call himself jugde, but that is his role in that court. He never judge by law, only by justice.

So there are good examples, but 'fight' is still going. Fight in qoutes, because we don't fight, we are just telling obvious truth. The truth doesn't fight, it always is.


We don't need to set anarchy and voluntaryism for our 'official system'. That is already in place. We are doing so many things voluntary already, but we are conditioned to believe that we coudn't do it if there are no rulerls(government). Only things we do because of them is obeying stupid laws, being in fear of terrorism(which they sponsor), being fear of people from other parts of planet, being in fear of whatever...that's all their creation.

Everything will change if we let go our believe that there has to be some master over us or will all gonna kill each other. You don't have to have government to be good. You are not kind to people because of law, you are kind because that's the way you are. No one from us don't know any law, we are already behaving according to our heart and morals. If you want to control the people, you must convince them they can't live without you and have to obey you. They succeeded in that, but now is the time to wake up and see what is going on...

Love and respect.


Bravo for a great article! My usual focus when it comes to voluntaryism is on finding and sharing ways to achieve greater freedom in our daily lives. I tend to leave the missionary work of converting the masses to others. This is a really nice contribution to that side of what we do as liberty lovers, written without anger or bitterness. Nice!

Thank you :)

The nature of humans is kind and caring, the nature of Governments is more evil than you could ever imagine. There are live examples of that, during the Egyptian protests in 2011, the fabricated "Arabian Spring" which is actually the "Arabian Fall", Egyptians did not protest, they were peacefully sitting in Tahrir square with no problems at all, they knew that Governments love an excuse to become violent so they tried to be as quiet as they possibly could, and Governments love violence because it is just easier and faster this way. All of a sudden you see in the background people approaching from a dark alley, around 8-10 guys, they threw stones at the police and one of the threw a Molotov cocktail, so naturally the police would start shooting back since they think protesters started the violence. Right after the first 10 seconds of hell breaking loose, the same ones that started it ran back into the dark alley, who do you think they work for? after that many people died, 18 year old guys shot straight in the head and killed in plain sight, That is how a Government works, that is how they will always work.

Speaking of Tax, it is the fuel the feeds the fire, and we are the ones paying for it. I would like to share the Islamic point of view about tax, not because of the religion, but I believe in the reason behind Islam forbidding permanent tax. There are rules that tax has to fall under for it to be valid, 1. It has to have a visible purpose. 2. It has to be temporary. 3. It should not be forced on who cannot afford it. These are the three simple rules about Tax in Islam, even though all what we call Islamic countries don't follow that rule including where I live.

An Example of that, let us say you live in a Village and some people expect a flood to happen in the upcoming winter, after Six months this flood will destroy the village, now as common sense you would need to build some type of Barrier or a dam to protect the village right? so the wiseman of the town says, we need to collect a certain amount per month from every person who can afford it "voluntaryism" for a length of six months, so we can build the dam and protect our village. This way of tax or "fund raise" would be fine since after the dam is built, you actually saw your monthly payments go to a purpose that benefited the village, and after that there is no monthly payment anymore. That is a purpose, temporary and not forced on people to pay. Governments force permanent tax on people, permanent tax has no purpose, it goes to the pockets of the few and a very tiny percentage of it gets spent on roads and civil rights so they can keep convincing people their tax is going to the right place.

I am sorry for the long reply, I had to let it out after I saw your strong article :) Thank you and May peace be with you.

Coudn't agree more with everything you said.

Very true. I especially like pointing to nature to prove this point, it is the natural order of things.

But we have been conditioned for so long that it's hard to imagine this kind of a world. I think we need to start living that way now and show people that it works. We are starting to now.

The new world way of living can grow alongside the old way as long as we protect it, and eventually the old way will just look so awful compared to what we are doing that no one will want to be part of it anymore.

We are still long way from this. Yes people are waking up, but most of them think we must change the laws first to make any change. Had two day discusion with few people. They all tried to convince me that we all gonna kill each other if there is no rulers or law. They obviously don't understand psychology and much more...

Human nature will look different in different circumstances. They can only see human nature from their limited perspective. We have to create new situations for them to see new expressions of human nature. That's why I always experiment with new ideas for community and art. It's better to try to build a consensus with people who are most likely to understand. We don't need to personally convince everyone. Those people need to meet many others like us before they can understand. Keep doing what you do though! I like your ideas and followed you.

Coudn't agree more. Followed you back. :)

Bingo. From one anarcho-libertarian to another, "Salud!!"

Anarchy is the natural order of things. Coercion is an unnatural state of affairs and, fortunately, meta-stable. It creates systems that cannot be sustained except through ever-increasing amounts of coercion by the few against the many.

The result is always a 'black market' in the market being controlled through the coercion. The largest coerced market in the world is the one for money and cryptocurrencies are a natural evolution to undermine that market.

It is the ultimate 'black market' reaction to the claimed monopolist use of force and the rent-seeking behaviour it engenders.

great post, followed, upvoted, resteemed.

Check out this post about how Steem is changing the way capital gets into the hands of creators and what it means for social media.

Agree with everything you said. Followed you back. Viva la anarchy! :)

Really good article and simple to understand, great work :-)

It is a great concept..I used to live by it when I was younger. But now I believe it is just an utopia. People are going to take advantage of everything they can if you let them. Personal interest is on the first place in 90% of the cases. And even if there is just 1% of evil people, how are the weak going to defend them selves? Human race needs at least several more centuries to develop and evolve, and then maybe there can be some form of "degovermentization". On the other hand, I don't even support today's governing system because government should be there for the sake of people, and presently it's vice versa. So, with present mind set definitely government, but such which can be controlled by the people, which is also a kind of utopia.

I disagree it's utopia. At this moment it can seem so, but transforming people's perception is slow process, no matter what is the subject. We can get closer to utopia only one step at the time... thousand years, it might come to live.

Disagree again. Sometimes are few examples enough to show people it's possible to live without government. Then some of them will realize it's possible almost without problem. We can separate two things here, examples of smaller communties and whole planet having anarachy as 'official' system. On global scale it's not possible right now of course. It's possible, but minds of people are so addicted to governments rulling everyome else, so anarchy on global scale is far ahead. Anarchy in smaller community is possible easily. There will be problems in start of that community, but eventually anarchy can be achived easily there. I will write more post about it because it's long subject...

Anarchy in my home is already in power, that is because everyone respects everyone else. Same applies for small communities. But most people are not to be trusted, they are worse than animals. I have very bad experiences and wouldn't want to carry weapons and start protecting myself. If only it happens one day, I would be the happiest man on Earth!

Jebemo jedan drugoga sa engleskim. Ovaj kometar će biti napisan u anarhističnom duhu na hrvatski :D

Ja ću pisat hrvatski kad je mene volja!!!!! hahahaha

Hahahahaha.....cepaaaaaaaj!!!! Šteta šta je tema ovako stara, možda da je repostaš??

Iman cilu listu tema o kojima ću pisat kad doje laptop. Neke su napola napisane. Tema anarhije je uvik aktualna, sigurno bude ponavljana još puno puta...

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