
I just worry that it's out of anyone's hands, and that it'll take something catastrophic before we can move forward as a species

I have the same thought as you my friend. People need to feel very uncomfortable before they think about making changes. And still, some will not wake up. I just pray we are nearing that 100th monkey...I do see some small changes in friends and family that solidifies that hope.

Hm, I've never heard that "100th monkey" expression, but I imagine the gist of it is "the straw that broke the camels back"? Where does that come from?

And I think, unfortunately, the ones who need to change for all our benefit are ultimately those with the most power - AKA those who have the least impetus to change and are the least emotionally in tune with the misery of the masses. Not to take away from small scale changes however, that is of course still vital and significant; shifts in individuals can signal wider public shifts and that can lead to pressure on the elites.

Yea, every revolution has shown that the power of the people is stronger than the people in power. The only problem I see, is that like the word revolution means, to go around and around. We have had revolutions, yet all it gained us was a fancier cage. Still a ruling class. Still slaves, only slaves with big screen tv's and posher houses.

Regarding the 100th monkey saying here's a short article explaining it.

It has been great talking with you, I hope to continue this conversation!

Ah, very interesting. Now I sort of just want sweet potatoes though haha. Likewise; you've given me a lot to think about!

I hope you get your sweet potatoes :)

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