What If I Told You Everything In Life Is Free?

in #freedom7 years ago

Would you scoff? Would you laugh at me? Obviously I must be insane to say such a thing right?


In this extremely short video I will explain how everything is actually free, in such a simple way, even a 5 year old could grasp it.


I'd love to hear what you think about this logic!

Let's talk about it,




Everything is free.
Honestly I think society is only as greedy and possessive of stuff as it is because of this thing called money, they have to slave themselves for. All in order to live to possess the things they have been programmed to 'need'.

Yes, so true, in traditional society these problems are virtually nonexistent.

This is so true. Such kind words of wisdom from a sweet soul. Im always down to cut out the middle man. I recently walked away from my job and i must say that i feel free to conquer the world. Although i relied heavily on my job as a means to pay my monthly expense, but im sure the universe will take care of me. That day i decided to leave, as i was traveling home not even a block away from where i was leaving i received confirmation through a symbolic affirmation. All i could do was smile and accept the path taken. Continue to shine your light on the universe and it shall keep you're vibes high and strong. May peace be with you.

That is SOOO awesome that you took that leap @slickhustler007! Wow, my best wishes are with you for total success in finding just what you need to meet your needs. The Universe will take care of you, as it has this far in your life, and always will. We're here aren't we! I'm so happy that you received an affirmation that solidified your decision being the right one. A very inspiring story. Thank you so much for sharing some of your life with me! xo

Love your style and ethos, i'm there. Been fight to break free of the system for a few years now, getting there. GREAT to connect with such a like minded free human :)

Thank you very much for watching, and for also being one who sees through the lies of our "Modern Society". It's great to connect with you too @vibeof100monkeys, we have Winston to thank for that eh? Hugs, Soul Brother.

Sure thing great to connect. Hugs Soul sister :)

You have set me freeee!! lol


Or laughing at me thinking I am insane @cyberblock?

Thaaank you. It seems so obvious. We live in an insane culture. It's scarcity that we use to justify our pyramid scheme economies but is there really scarcity or is it just greed?

Scarcity is 100% man made! I stand by that comment a million percent! We throw away enough to clothe and feed this planet 10 times over. We have more empty homes than homeless people, by like 2 times or something like that.

Problems = Profits. The more problems, the more charities there are. The more problems, the more we can spend on solutions. Solutions which are only band-aid solutions...like throwing money at poverty instead of giving people Land, and seeds...basically giving people a fish instead of teaching them to fish.

We could use clean, abundant energy (solar, wind, geothermal, tide, hemp), but instead we use oil.

Oooh the list goes on and on, how we do have abundance, and how scarcity is man made, to line the pockets of the already super rich.

Reading comments like this gives me hope. The whole world hasn't gone insane. Problems = profits. So true. I agree with every single word.

If each person was taught how to produce enough food for two people and build a house, money wouldn't be necessary for survival. Money would be as it used to be, a means to trade without carrying chickens in your pocket.

Yessss!! AHHAAA about carrying chickens in our pocket. That's a great mental image, thank you <3

I sort of hold this belief that there is no division between natural and "unnatural" and that the creations of man are just as natural as anything else, but I'm rather conflicted about it because I do, on principle, agree with your view. I'm not sure these perspectives are necessarily in conflict, but I do believe that - looking through the lens of the so-called "unnatural" - we can see that value exchange is present in nature just as it is in civilization.

I believe - and hold as a defining and illuminating perspective - that money essentially controls and limits our ability to live. In a way, it's analogous to the hunting and gathering or farming of earlier societies. But like you said in another comment, scarcity in this day and age is a myth. I guess the point of inquiry this leads me to is this: what is it about the abstraction of value that is money that creates such drastic imbalance in comparison with other stores of value? Is it simply that it functions solely as a store of value? What do you think?

Really great question...one I will have to ponder. What is it about money that creates such a drastic imbalance...hmmm...maybe because it cannot decompose and go back to the Earth? That's one thought that came to my mind. So, it can be hoarded, kept and passed on after we die, whereas, before money, if we hoarded, say, corn, it would only have a limited lifetime. If we hoarded our gifts, say to heal, or to sing, no one would ever benefit from it, so would it even be a gift? Just some preliminary thoughts, I will think more about this, thank you.

What are your thoughts on your question?

Yeah, the permanence or lack of degradation was something I considered too, and in a sense permanence is truly "unnatural," But this makes me feel conflicted too, because there are plenty of things that don't wither away that are no doubt positive or necessary. And also, looking into the distant future, who's to say money won't - culturally - dissolve its value back to the earth and its people?

I think what this leads me to is that it's not so much the store of value itself that's the issue, it's the human greed, fear, and reliance on money that gives it this unbalanced nature. In a way, by clinging to this abstraction and the value exchanges it allows, humanity is actually clinging to a more primal nature of survival of the fittest. From that perspective, perhaps it could be said that, rather than embracing nature, the path to freedom and equity for the human race requires transcending a natural way.

Yes, we are quickly reaching the rock bottom, of all rock bottoms, and I do have hope that once enough folks become uncomfortable, this transcending can begin in full force.

I just worry that it's out of anyone's hands, and that it'll take something catastrophic before we can move forward as a species

I have the same thought as you my friend. People need to feel very uncomfortable before they think about making changes. And still, some will not wake up. I just pray we are nearing that 100th monkey...I do see some small changes in friends and family that solidifies that hope.

Hm, I've never heard that "100th monkey" expression, but I imagine the gist of it is "the straw that broke the camels back"? Where does that come from?

And I think, unfortunately, the ones who need to change for all our benefit are ultimately those with the most power - AKA those who have the least impetus to change and are the least emotionally in tune with the misery of the masses. Not to take away from small scale changes however, that is of course still vital and significant; shifts in individuals can signal wider public shifts and that can lead to pressure on the elites.

Yea, every revolution has shown that the power of the people is stronger than the people in power. The only problem I see, is that like the word revolution means, to go around and around. We have had revolutions, yet all it gained us was a fancier cage. Still a ruling class. Still slaves, only slaves with big screen tv's and posher houses.

Regarding the 100th monkey saying here's a short article explaining it.

It has been great talking with you, I hope to continue this conversation!

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