रामराम #2 - Corruption

in #freedom5 years ago

रामराम #2





18th of July, 2017

I often take refugee in my notebook - a journal of manifested and expressed ideas that roam my mind - jotting down my observations, objectively, or so I like to think. If it is possible to remain absent from the thoughts you emit I can't quite say with certainty, yet what I can say, without a minuscule amount of doubt in my mind, is that the fragments of your individuality that slip through the filters constructed by your hatred towards your ego are glimpses into your corruption - that thing we like to distance ourselves from and like to think we are unaffected by. Let me give my view on this is.

Corruption, and by this I mean the infiltration, the invasion, and the abduction of your freedom, without your consent, and, for the most part, without your conscious knowledge, affects us all, some more than others, and to say that one is completely free from and totally immune to this illness is to say that one understands the ever-growing mystery of life; it is a mere impossibility. If this illness imprisons us all, some might come to question, rightly so, its origins, and ask why such an illness even exists. Has no one found a cure for it? The immense plethora of enquiries about the assassination of this virus, in just about everyone who stumbles upon it, evokes, with such clarity, a conclusion. The mere awareness - a knowledge, however small - of this ugly attack on freedom is what gives birth to its potential demise. However, and this has to be understood completely, simply knowing about it won't diminish its poisonous nature, only momentarily crush its ego. Self-discovery and embarking on an inner journey towards emancipation - the methods of which cannot be shown or presented, only realised in moments of pure meditation and complete silence of the mind - are, too, needed to reach that goal.

Amid the words jotted by individuals seeking to express themselves, you can see this corruption trying to break free, trying to find its own place in this world, and this very corruption should not be ignored. Trying to seek what one wants to find, going in with already set out conclusions, is futile at best. Examining the words, each one individually, picking out their meanings, and comprehending the reasons behind their usage; these are the actions necessary to explore the corruption as a whole. And trust me when I say, it is a beautiful corruption.

The words I jot have meanings to them which I carefully gift them with seconds before my pen meets the pages of my notebook, yet to an observer, these may not always be so apparent. Thus, and this holds for any type of art, one's own interpretations are required to fully engage with a piece of art. An artist gives birth to his artistry, and from that moment that piece of art has a life of its own; it is a child in a world so harsh, waiting to be judged by everyone and waiting to be inevitably corrupted. Here we go again, that word. With no intention, I come back to this word no matter what I speak upon and no matter whom I speak to. The world is simply corrupted, and to escape this corruption is equivalent to reaching the pinnacle of objectivity; a state no one has reached to this day. Dwelling inside the pages of my notebook, a hobby which I developed and perfected with time, is what I found brings me the closest to this yearned for state, for despite corruption being present, it is that of my own - one I am so familiar with and learned to cope with (not that I was given a choice) - which is predominantly detectable.

Lost at the core of my artistry is where I feel the most sedated. While on the other hand, observing the world around me with eyes that have seen plenty is when I feel the most meditative. The silence I immerse my auditory sense in, ignoring the constant clutter of dins around me, makes my vision sharper with each passing second.


14th of June, 2019

The idea that the world is a land of beautiful corruption resonates with me to this very day. There is an undoubtable amount of deprivation of freedom taking place in the world, but despite of that, all is perfect. How can corruption be perfect you may ask. To answer this question we must first understand what perfection really is.

As we experience life, we project our idea of what we think life is onto everything, which results in us constantly labelling things as good or bad, true or false, etc. in a polarised manner. This judgement creates a distance between us and life. This distance causes us to miss life as it really is. When we get too caught up in our own thoughts and ideologies, we trap ourselves in our minds, becoming absent in the here-now.

Perfection is seeing things as they truly are without judging them. Without us labelling things based on our subjectivity, things simply are as they are. Everything simply is. That 'is-ness' is perfection. If we take this definition of perfection and tie it in with the idea that all is perfect, we realise that everything - the all - is simply as it is; perfect.


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