War Is Already Here. Trump Will Not Save You. We Must Save Ourselves.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #freedom8 years ago

The enemy are among us already. Wake up. Grow up.

We are at war, now. The United States of America, for all of it's flaws,
is the ONLY thing stopping the forces that would fully reinstate serfdom
on a global scale. Does this sound like hyperbole? It is not.
This is feudalism 2.0, and has been planned and in action for a long time.

This is undeniable, and openly admitted, if you can see past the flowery
language that has been used to sell this to us.
This is one of the results of the 'entangling alliances'
that our founders warned us about.

The United Nations has been, and is being,
instrumental in the co-opting and dismantling of our way of life.
Treaties are being used to undermine all of our natural rights.
If you don't believe me, I dare you to read the U.N. declaration on human rights.
Make sure and read all the way to the end, especially article 29 section 3.
This makes you subject to the U.N. If you consent.
I am not a subject. I am a free people. I do not consent.


Fortunately, the Constitution of the United States of America does not grant us
these rights, but only begins to describe them.
When it is declared that treaties supercede the Constitution,
this ignores the fact that our natural rights do not come from the Constitution.
Our natural rights are unalienable, immutable, non-surrenderable, non-transferable,
and the only way to remove them is to violate them.

Human rights are not the same as natural rights.
Natural rights derive from the merit of existence in the natural world.
Human rights are privileges granted by a human authority.
Civil rights are much the same, and should, more accurately,
be called civil privileges.

If any of this seems unbelievable, I challenge you to look it up yourself.
Read it. Understand it. Now.

U.N. Agenda 21 and U.N. Agenda 2030



Codex Alimentarius


Common core




The United Nations organization is the enemy of life.
The United Nations organization is the enemy of liberty.
The United Nations organization is the enemy of property.

This is my public notice to you.
I am We the People.
I do not consent to be ruled.
I do not consent to be owned or traded.
I do not consent to being tracked, traced, surveilled, recorded,
numbered, licensed, registered, taxed, or judged.

If you want to be a slave, or me to be a slave, you are my enemy.
You are the enemy of life, liberty, and property.
If you remain silent, you are complicit.
If you choose to remain ignorant, you are complicit.
If you choose to not care, you are complicit.

This is public notice.




To humanity who desire to maintain your freedom,
it is time to wake up. You have slept too long.
No one is exempt.

This video is dated Oct 20, 2012. Wake up, act, now!

UN Agenda 21 Exposed with Rosa Koire

Codex Alimentarius : The Depopulation Agenda

Common core
Anita Hoge - The End Game of Assessment


Image: i14.photobucket.com/albums/a319/fladj11/Middle%20East%20UN%20Terrorists%203/UN_helmet.jpg~original
Videos: www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7T7ulzNG7o


"Natural rights derive from the merit of existence in the natural world."

Can you give examples of specific natural rights?

Do all living creatures have these rights? Does a cow share the same the same natural rights as me?

What's a living creature first of all? Does that include plants/trees/microbes/crystals even?
Is water a living creature? What is the question asking? How deep do we go? How all encompassing do we want to take it? Iron Mountain Report states that for the continuation of war there must be a new enemy, and the new enemy is MAN himself, and the enemy of MAN is life, or cow, or the planet gaia.

You are a shill sir, and even if you do not know it, you are a programed shill, unequivocally you have just argued that A cow, A planet has the same rights as man with your insidious question. I have pointed out your complex question fallacy by countering it with very pertinent questions, all those are equally valid examples to your purported example of natural rights holder, and furthermore I have no empathy for you, I have nothing but my utmost disgust and shame to offer you. Should I meet you in real life, should you adopt that reasoning in real life I will steer clear of you and be ever vigilant of your movement and I will consider you my enemy, that is my disclosure to you.

The Iron Mountain Report http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/iron_mountain.htm

It seems my relatively simple question which seeks to gain a clearer understanding of what "natural rights" are has unnerved you. You are deflecting by projecting your own inadequacies on to me. You are quite transparent.

It's a fallacious logic of complex questioning, there is no simple answer to that question, answer my follow up pertinent question, what is a living creature?
You are my enemy.

I asked questions, I did not make a claim. Just because you have some valid questions as well it doesn't make my questions invalid. Your line of reasoning is a non-sequitur and quite frankly you getting all butthurt and putting on your internet tough guy act because I asked someone else a few questions is just plain weird.

I really wouldn't mind if you treated me online like how you wish to treat me in real life. Steering clear is fine by me it's not like you've added any value or knowledge here.


Had you any proof that it was non-sequitor, or that I was butthurt you would and you should back up those worthless claims, I am challanging you to it now, if you can back up those claims I will immediately give you my steem password/key and cease from using this platform, it's a win win, you get to reap my account and rid the platform of someone that doesn't add any value or knowledge to this conversation or others.

Your fallacious comments remind me of two quotes

"trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory."

"Don’t argue with idiots because they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."

One can not do a better job exemplifying the Dunning-Kruger effect than what you've written in these comments.

I see, you stopped claiming your innocence and resorted to baseless claims, where is your proof of my fallacious comments, let me guess, non sequitur and circular logic, but can you argue it besides making claims without logic or reason? LOLOLOL!

Sigh... You're still just making massive non-sequiturs and defending them with circular logic. There are four things you've proven and none were what you actually intended.

  1. You are mentally ill or have a learning disability probably both.

  2. You aren't nearly as smart as you like to think you are.

  3. You are afraid of live chat.

  4. You are a liar.

PS: You still owe me your account password.

Massive non-sequiturs and circular logic?!
How did I prove that I am afraid of live chat? Because I didn't go to your live chat, especially after you taunted me!
How did I prove I have a learning disability or am mentally ill?No Proof, no cake.
I lied? Why and how, as if you removing the context from the quote that you used to start your fallacious string of questions demanding a yes or no answer is a non sequitur. It is most clearly why you removed context, without removing context from that quote, which in that context started with OUR natural rights, not Living creatures natural rights, not moo cow natural rights, without removing that context that question itself and the following one would have been no logical connection to it.
You are a liar, you attempted to troll, nobody took the bait for 7 hours as conversations were happening under this post, I called you out, you have resorted to bringing a whole army of shellfish to show their support for your despicable and shameful logic, and now you are back at it again, keep on coming back, everything you say short of admitting what you did/said and what you were insinuating with your questions is going to be turned and used to shame you with it, regardless of how many times you try to claim your innocence or simply try to deflect and lie by saying it's non sequitors and circular logic without proof or examples to back ANY of that bullshit up. AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

There you go you despicable moo cow, extracting every every cent you can from the comment/reward pool. I am glad because it's all on the blockchain and will seek support to punish all self voting when it has no worth at all, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Go run away again and taunt me with "you're afraid of live chat" you moo cow, you moo cow.

Asking two related questions does not a fallacy make. Your whole line of reasoning is dependent on the false assumption that I was trying to be deceptive. That was your mistake. That is why you've committed a massive non-sequitur. You are falsely projecting your own troll motives.

Feel free to send me your account key on steemit.chat or steamspeak discord if you want to live up to your word.


"demanding a simple answer"

I made no demands and would have preferred a nuanced and informative answer. You are projecting your own hostility on to innocent questions.

It's ironic you that you are criticizing me for quoting material to which I am responding while doing the exact same thing yourself by quoting me. You are a hypocrite.

You owe me your account liar.

It's not demanded as you holding me by my shirt and asking me to my face demanded, its demanded by the very question, it cannot be answered without a simple yes or no, it demands then a yes or no.

You are quoting material? I just proved you were deceptive, I sealed my case yet once more against your innocence and you have not addressed it at all, you can call me a liar but it's of no consequence as the proof speaks for itself.

You are just being absurd now. By your faulty logic all questions you happen to not like are fallacies. The only thing you've proved is that you see things that aren't there. In this case it is deception where there is none.

Come on over to Steemspeak on Discord, we can continue the discussion there and you can PM me your account key.

Why and How am I being absurd?
Why and How is my logic faulty?
Why and How are all questions that I happen across that I don't like fallacious?

You failed/chose not to answer the very pertinent questions I asked:
What is a living creature?
You didn't explain or reason why you removed the quote from its pertinent context. You didn't have any argument for your half-lie of "a question" "related questions" and why you chose not to be specific and refer to them as what they are exactly: a series of questions.

I provided proof of your deception by asking a question which was already answered in the post, in ALL CAPS, on top of that.

You have simply denied and denied without proof or reason, and seek to assert your innocence even still without reason/why or motive/how, as if your innocence here is as self evident as natural rights.

The only thing you've proved is that you see things that aren't there.

The only thing? Didn't you also claim that I was a liar, why not change it up:
The only things you've proven is that you're a liar and see things that aren't there.
That will make you that much more innocent.

Is that another complex question fallacy?
Why should I be afraid? Are you implying that because I didn't accept your offer I did it because of fear?
Why are you not answering the multitude of questions to establish at least a semblance of innocence?

In your question there are only two options, either I am afraid or I am not, demanding a simple yes or no answer seems is your forte, are there not any other options?

Is there a reason why you continue to self vote? Are you that selfish that you cannot share your voting power with someone else? Do you seek to extract all the pennies you can out of the reward pool? Are you that deluded that you believe your crap is worth even a fraction of a penny? Do you really believe that there is nothing wrong with self voting? What if everyone just voted for themselves and especially those that enjoy 10+k SP accounts, is that the world you want to live in, a world of selfish shellfish afraid of extending one bit of reward to anybody but themselves in fear that they will lose that potential penny or two. The awesome part about it is that now it is obvious how you earned cough your reputation, it was all the wonderful and thoughtful comments and post you wrote, like you did that one time in steamspeak, the place that the likes of fyrsttiken was banned to, not that I would join you even in steem chat, but let alone that debasing place you want me to go to.

What happened, did the cat get your tongue? Have you given up already, where are your numerous assertions of your innocence without addressing any of my damaging retorts and critical questions? let me emphasize what i mean: Where are ANY of the reasons or motives for your omission of the context for that quote, and do you have ANY reason or motive for not wanting to answer here and now?

Hahaha How quaint, I get to call your actions out ONCE MORE! AHAHAHAHAHAHA as you didn't get all those votes until after I called out your worthless self voting, so it seems you asked a whole army of shellfish led by the troll fyrstikken who has been ousted as a liar, anonymous blackmail supporter and 0.03% voting power antagonizing shelfish 63 cent self voter shellfish to top all that.

Who would have thought that you asking then resorting to taunting me to try to get me to leave the discussion and continue it on steemspeak, the despicable place that put up with fyrstikken and his threats, because he got banned to from steamchat basically for that, and you resorted to running away and saying you'll continue it just like that fake liar troll anonymous extortionist supporter(more proof of me ousting him) in that place, and I was hoping that was going to be the only parallel to his liar troll self, but I was wrong!!

You, who argued that you share you share the same the same rights as a cow after extracting the quote from it context that began with OUR, lmao!! Way to prove my point, nobody cares about your worthless questioning because nobody took the bait and answered your insidious bullshit for 7 hours while they were having a whole conversation outside your non-thought.

I am so glad that I stumbled here only to blast you and reveal your motives and rightly so. I recognized you as my enemy the moment I saw your despicable line of questioning, I knew then that you were the enemy of all that is good and right, and this recent move of garnering the pathetic efforts of the goof troops only brings more substance to that recognition and what a weak little man you are, especially when your fail at exiting like a gentleman and resorted to running away from the discussion taunting me with "you afraid of livechat?" and least to come back and have a bunch of goof troops show their support for your insidious non-sequitur thoughts as you continue to lie and claim your innocence while the evidence shows that you are both a liar and a moo cow, and a moo cow (hahahahahahah so nice to repeat that for your sloooooow self) too bad (LOL!) I won't hear anything from you as you have been so thoroughly made out to look like an idiot and a dumbass liar keeping to your story of innocence instead of admitting to your weak troll effort, as you resort to calling me retarded and failed as you try to taunt me with with your complex question fallacy asking if I'm afraid of livechat! AHAHAHAHAHA, with your otherwise by themselves despicable and shameful actions of: I innocently took that quote out of context and asked a series of questions contrary to the context the quote was in proceeded to deny and deflect for eternity and lied and said it wasn't a troll effort, it was to get better understanding, I simply didn't realize that the post concluded with what amounts to a clear and perfect answer to my first in the series of questions, and it was because it was in all caps, not because I was trolling, and who would have thought a troll master level 99+ would come and shit all over me in rapid succession!.

You fucking weak moo cow, weak moooo cow troll, you are a pathetic excuse at a troll and have just been exterminated by the one and only trollminator. I shamed and sent all the disgust towards your actions to squash your moo cow moo cow self.

O really, if I want to? No you despicable moo cow living creature, I have my wants about that still, they haven't changed. It is you who has no want to continue the conversation, EVIDENTLY, you moo cow, you are running away NOW moo cow without answering for anything, lest the reason why you asked if I am afraid of livechat! Why should I be afraid? You Freudian slip just showed again, moo cow says what? Moo cow says moo.

That's it, instead of making your case with facts and logic you resort to name calling, how not troll of you

You removed the quote about natural rights from it's context to ask a series of questions which from the context of the quote would have been non sequitur and therefore made you look foolish, without removing the context you couldn't have railroaded your insidious thoughts that you are you are a moo cow. You lied repeatedly about that and never addressed the context of the quote or the ALL CAPS examples at the end of the post which would have also made you look like an idiot, as your first in the series of questions would have been answered by reading the post itself.

You resorted to name calling and denying your actions of trolling and being a deceptive moo cow a deceptive moo cow and called me a liar and used numerous attacks by calling my reasoning fallcious without once explaining or providing proof for how or why it was such, baseless assertions and in that nonsenes you tried to claim your innocence.

On a off topic thing you went through my comments and flagged my comment calling the liar and plagiarizer out and said I was a hypocrite without explaining or saying why and how yet again:


natural rights are unalienable, immutable, non-surrenderable, non-transferable,
and the only way to remove them is to violate them.

It seems my relatively simple question which seeks to gain a clearer understanding of what "natural rights"

You asked for examples of natural rights, specific ones:

Can you give examples of specific natural rights?

Where in that question is it asking for clearer understanding of what you say "natural rights" are, as if they require the abstraction you imposed onto the concept first of all, and how did you seek clarity with that complex question fallacy?

The Complex Question: The contemporary fallacy of demanding a direct answer to a question that cannot be answered without first analyzing or challenging the basis of the question itself.

Do you have a learning disability? Have you never gained a greater understanding of a concept by being shown examples?

You think that by asking if I have a learning disability you can bring any validity to your self voting and deluded argument that you were seeking understanding by removing a quote from it's relevant context and following a line of questioning which lead to asking if man is equal to what amounts his property?

You just reinforced the fallacy of the complex question by seeking a direct answer to a question that cannot be answered without first challenging the basis for that question.

It was a real question and you seem to have a learning disability. I mean you can't seem to comprehend how one can use examples as a learning/teaching tool. It's so very basic. I pity you.

You are clinging to an informal fallacy that doesn't actually apply here and looking like a fool for it. I wasn't making any claims or arguing in a deceptive manner. I was asking simple questions to gain a greater understanding.

I asked the exact same question on SteemSpeak because someone had pasted a link to this post there. Guess what happened? It sparked a conversation about the topic over there. Ideas were shared and a pleasant dialogue was had.

You should try it sometime you'd do better off with that than this Dunning Kruger clinic you are currently running.

You didn't ask one question, you asked a string of questions after you removed context from the quote which you used as the basis for your first in a series of questions.

Did you not ask if you share the same rights as a moo cow as a moo cow? Yes you did. What was simple about that question, was that it required a yes or no answer, is that how you come to understanding?

The fallacy applies because you didn't ask a simple question, the question cannot be called simple when it start with

What are examples of specific natural rights?

and without awaiting an answer you strung together a line of questioning insinuating that you are a moo cow.

Do I share the same natural rights like a moo cow, like a moo cow?

You wanted to avoid mentioning those other questions born out of your first question without awaiting an answer first, you asked MULTIPLE questions which ammount to a yes or no question, there was nothing simple about it besides the simple answer it demanded, therefore the complex question fallacy applies and I aptly asked pertinent questions which you have YET to answer while still trying to establish your innocence by omitting your actions, you didn't ask ONE question, regardless of what real you attribute to it, you asked MULTIPLE questions. Unless you wish to argue that you actually asked one question, demanding a yes or no answer, which couldn't be given without asking pertinent questions on the basis of your question, which is:

Can you give examples of specific natural rights, do all living creatures have these rights, does a cow share the same the same natural rights as me, is man NOT equal to his property!?

I wasn't making any claims or arguing in a deceptive manner. I was asking simple questions to gain a greater understanding.

You were more than evidently arguing in such a manner:
I provided the quotations from the post answering the basic question you first made showing you disregarded them, and omitted the context from the quote which you used to railroad your line of questioning, culminating in a yes or no question.

You took one thing from the post and removed it from its context and argued that you are a moo cow. I have quoted multiple times the pertinent information proving that you were being deceptive and insinuating that man is equal to a moo cow, to a moo cow. You have not answered the important and not just valid, questions I asked still. You also keep resorting to calling me names on the sly by first asking if I have a learning disability and then by reiterating it again while asserting you asked a real question, when in fact you asked a series of questions and they demanded yes and no answers, regardless of the first question which was based off a quote removed from it's context so as not to show that the question was already answered by the context, and lest by the post in whole.


Cow says MOO. the same the same.

Does a cow share the same the same natural rights as me?

Cow says mooo.

Good ole Freudian Slip,
Cow say what?
Cow say moo.

Got it. Shoot the guys with blue helmets. lol

I wouldn't expect rights violators to show up in only blue helmets, but defending oneself against rights violators is perfectly moral. I wish they would all wear an identifier such as an easily recognizable headgear.

excellent very ibnformed rant ! I am totally with you on this one. Agenda 21 is a disgraceful docu,emt and if people would just read it and see for themselves we would be in better shape !! But like you say they keep their head in the sand hoping the bullets will miss !! Silence in this world of undoubted and confirmed information makes you as complicit and against the spirit to survive of the human race !! Correct this naysayers aand deniers are now also the enemy, no pity me for fools !! steem On @lifeworship, upvoted, resteemed and shared to facebook !! i am all in too )

Thank you very much. It is good to know that others understand. Thanks for the resteem as well. Followed.

Damn, I missed the 24hr window. I'm with you. You're not alone.

I'm glad you found the post. I hope it was informative. Thank you.

Sovereignty or global tyranny coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

We live in the post peacefull period in human history. Just check the history books.

We have a choice if we take it. We're being stampeded.

Will you have the nerve to refuse chip implant?

Too late, they make them small enough to inhale now. I saw a copy of the Halliburton work order for 'smart dust'.
Someone might be able to fry them with a powerful enough EMP, but there are always more. If enough people decide to just ignore government, they will just go away. The trick is convincing that many that they are better off. With their push toward mandatory vaccines, and poisonous food it won't be long. When it becomes undeniable what the government is doing at the cost of the children, people will get fed up. We can't allow the subsequent generations to be destroyed, or who will take care of us when we are old?

People need disaster to unite... nothing else can derange their sleep.

Unfortunately, you're probably right.

This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the second half of Mar 22. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $7.93 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Mar 22 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

It sure would be nice. Thank you.

Thank you. It's all been coming together for a while. I'm sure I've missed some things, but I couldn't hold it back any longer.

I'm working on a series on Africa...mostly the Congo but one on Nigeria & Africa in general. Mostly on how the UN has been complicit in raping Africa.

It is eagerly anticipated. The U.N. is complicit in raping everywhere they set foot.

One of my exes would not believe it. Then she went to work for Habitat For Humanity, where she had opportunity to work with UNICEF. She came back from Africa with eyes wide open saying, that UNICEF was the most corrupt organization she had ever seen.

"When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest." unknown attribution.

UNESCO is another bunch of UN crooks... Also the "raising awareness" gurus that make a fortune while Africa pays.

I can't take any international organization seriously.

Most charities are a scam, particularly ones who do their on the ground work overseas where nothing can be verified. Their mandate is to steal millions and throw a bone here and there.

Check out the Africa posts/research by Tom https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomotieno/recent-activity/posts/ This man knows what he's talking about when it comes to Africa.

Thank you...I need all the ammo I can find.

https://ke.linkedin.com/in/tomotieno This link works if you're not logged in. Shitty linkedin .....

I bookmarked the new one, thanks. There's another guy I like named Kambale Musavuli that heads a group involved with the Congo

Either the UN will radically change. (look for it)
Or the UN will fall in smoldering runes from its own wickedness.

I think it's corruption can not be rehabilitated. If I had the power, I would have the whole building bulldozed into the Atlantic ocean.

Nice declaration. What I want to know is, when did people give up on their elected representatives and allow them to do whatever they want? The Constitution isn't a guarantee of individual rights, it is a restraint on government. Our politicians these days act as if they can do whatever they want without any regard for the law, and I guess they can because people keep voting for them...

People need to stop electing the Republicrats and get people in there who will respect the rule of law. Or, the states need to hold the Federal Government accountable.

Thank you for the comment.

I never elected any of them, and they have never represented anything that has to do with me.

You are correct that the Constitution is only to restrain government. We HAVE natural rights by our very existence. Objective reality is the only thing close to a guarantee that we have, and that is only if the individual can defend those rights. Until individuals start recognizing that no one is going to represent them, and start defending their own rights, they are going to be continually disappointed with the outcome.

We, unfortunately, don't live in a world where the majority of people are learned enough to be responsible to vote, or hold anyone accountable, even if the people they were voting for could be counted on to represent the voters or be held to account if they don't. I think that only if we vote for and elect no one, will we begin to understand who is responsible to represent us, and only then will the politicians be held accountable by being ignored. Recognizing their representative status is the only thing that lends validity or credibility to their claims that they represent us.

Check this out, and see if you can find a flaw in it's logic. I cannot. Here is audio and the text.

Well, I don't disagree with you, per say, but I think we're a long way away from people giving up on representative government. If I had my way, we'd be full on Anarcho-capitalist/voluntaryist, but unfortunately people are so deeply entrenched in their Stockholm syndrome love affair with government I'm willing to take baby steps to get there. Getting people to see the flaw in the two party system would be a good start, imo.

I think you're right. The most that can be done, right now, is to tell as many as will listen about the joys of self determination, and demonstrate, in as many ways as possible how odious and burdensome government is. It won't be difficult to convince the intelligent. Government overreach is worse now than it has been in my lifetime.