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RE: You Don’t Need A Leader.

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

The threat problems, appear to be a standing issue. (as well as ad hominem attacks)

The part that I read him (Kokesh) as very sincere is his perspective on dismantling as much government as possible and establishing a clear mandate that the future direction is to decentralize.

That is where his position and my own align.

There shouldn't have to be a calling to 'unite for the cause' when the cause is that extensive.(nearly the entire lower right side of the political map)

Also, there are differences in whether engaging against the establishment is useful. I've been observing the damage machine stumble along since the late 1980s and every time it has come close to stumbling off the cliff it gets propped back up again.

I understand the 'defect' position, and think for those of us that do it well, we prosper, but the damage machine continues to crush people all over the nation and probably worldwide.

Maybe it's my impatience shining through, but if the notion of an engagement action has a chance to cut it down to size, and shorten it's lifecycle by 20 years, well I have to weigh it.


How does he stand a chance, to your thinking?

I just don’t understand how dumping thousands of dollars of resources into a political campaign is going to change anything.

Presidential executive orders cannot end the federal government.

It's uncertain what chance he has. The one glaring problem in social science is that there is no certainty of human events.

What is certain, is without him, there is no chance, just more of the same.

I don't have much to say one way or another about wasting resources. Taking 20 years off the lifecycle of the damage machine may have a pretty good ROI. How many resources are being milked out of fiat currency per day?

Executive orders are doing many things they were never designed to do. Might as well test the limitations of something currently stretched beyond reason.

For the record, i'm not try to sway you at all. I recognize you have a well defined position, and i have no problems with it.

It's uncertain what chance he has.

Even if he were elected, which is an astronomically huge if, executive orders don’t work like that. That’s just reality.

What is certain, is without him, there is no chance, just more of the same.

Why? Is he some kind of messiah? I am bewildered by this attitude, and it seems to me to betray, no offense, a critical misunderstanding of individual self-ownership, and what Voluntaryism is all about.

It’s already happening. Individuals everywhere are building the new systems and ways of being. The idea that if we get political, the beast will magically decide not to be murderous and angry just floors me. Why would the state vote itself out of power? The game is rigged, and rigged games don’t let good people in. And even if they did, no man has the right to rule another.

Executive orders are doing many things they were never designed to do.

Do you honestly believe these families who hold virtually unlimited power on earth are going to let a function they created end their power?

Sorry man, but that idea seems so nonsensical to me.

No, he is no messiah, and i completely understand the problem with any claims on Voluntaryism when discussing state action.

People everywhere have been building new systems for thousands of years, yet people are 'social' animals and there are repeating themes in path dependencies.

It probably will be nonsensical. Hell that's what statism is to start with, no doubts that's where it will end.

He's just trolling people for his own benefit. There's nothing good to come from the campaign. It's a joke on the people supporting it.

Very well could be, and it's an obvious angle when money is involved.

To me it seems opting into the political game instead of engaging in innovation and sound principle is repeating the same theme...

I don't know if it is about opting in or out. There is very near half the population genetically born as political gamers.

It's a deeper issue than that even. We, those of us who refuse to be ruled, need to find a way to coexist with the vast majority who do want to be ruled.

We will not find that solution by participating in a system designed, on purpose of course, to be run by oligarchs and to give the majority the illusion of power.

The majority has no real power. They don't pick the candidates. They will never have the same amount of influence over politicians that the oligarchs have either.

I'm not sure what amount of that majority is just ignorant compared to those within it simply having decided to give up liberty for supposed safety.

As I have written a few times lately, the majority are dangerous robots. They won't care when us liberty lovers are silenced, and they certainly will not come to our aid.

They are cowards and refuse to accept the individual responsibility that comes along with individual liberty. Can we change enough people into warriors and reverse that situation?

I doubt it.

We need to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Our worst situation is that we'll always be outnumbered. How do we survive on this planet then knowing that to most likely be our future?

Your very wise to see it that way.

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