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RE: Google Censorship Protecting Vaccine Holocaust

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for that, It's very good and encouraging that people your age are awake, even though I know It Is a minority.
I've realized there was something wrong with the the world for over two years now and In that time have studied everything I could. I spent most of my life not understanding what was going on and thinking everything was happening randomly, unfortunately many of the events we see happening around us, are part of a much larger evil, New World Order, plan that's been going on for a long time.

This force or group want total control of the Earth and the human race and will fight to the end to get It. We must oppose them now like our lives depended on It, the UK government Is now trying to regulate cryptography which Is what this website uses, If they get that people like us exposing false flags and vaccines will be shut down overnight, so now Is one of the most Important times to get the Information out why we still can.


Exactly, that's why I don't understand why people are posting art and shit like that, going on like nothing's happening in the world. As another attack took place in the UK today, I'm very angry, and In a bad mood. Lives were lost, and children were thrown out of a burning building as an attempt to save their lives. As I'm aware of the fact the government is behind it, I feel sick to my stomach and confused as to why people on Steemit, aren't forming a large group and warning the masses. This is the whole reason of having a decentralised platform.. to take the power off those hoarding it, and redistribute it among the public. So many people on here are un-aware and are just here to make money.. makes me very angry that the whales on this site are too busy flipping between bitcoin to make a profit. Sorry for the negativity, like I said, awesome post, you truly are doing a important job!

I like you, get very angry about this, but we must use this In the right way and channel It In to getting as much Information out, right now, why we still can. We must expose the Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, Vatican Jesuits and Israel Intelligence, these are the main groups, CIA and NASA Is controlled by these people.

The United States Is a Privately Owned Company, It Is a Corporation, please listen to Jordan Maxwell and Karen Hudes about this, why Is this Important? Because this Is the power structure they use to Invade countries and control the world.

The New World Order which Is actually on the one dollar bill, Novus Ordo Seclorum, Is basically a left over roman empire that settled In Bath, England In about 100AD, at about the beginning of this century a Cabal was formed between London (Financial Centre) Vatican (Spiritual Centre) and Washington DC (Military Centre)

Yeah I know it is, they have a president for god sake, lol. I like how people think the president is the highest up you can be 😂 The board of directors keep their name out of it! And the pope owns the Vatican City.. Crazy, cause he's a well know pedo:/ At least you are highly enlightened on the subject, I will support your work in the future for as long as you post on these matters. (:

Thank you, just keep fighting.

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