Google Censorship Protecting Vaccine Holocaust

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

The Pharmaceutical Industry, as It exists today, Is a giant fraudulent racket, It Is not based on real science, they don't help people, they make people sick.


Google Is now deliberately covering up a medical holocaust against children, this Is the just the latest rendition of the kind of evil that has now consumed Google ( Alphabet ), a corporation that has now become dominated by evil.


The consumer wellness centre Is now launching Vaccine ( Please let everyone know about this ). It's a non profit effort to publicly name the organizations and journalists that claim no child has ever been harmed by a vaccine ever.

Google Is cheating on their own search results, deliberately, manually tweaking search results to downgrade the visibility of sites that are vaccine skeptics, science based vaccine skeptics, websites that talk about the dangers of vaccine Ingredients, like Mercury, Aluminum, Nagalase (which Is deliberately put In to vaccines to Increase cancer rates) Squalene and Formaldehyde. While at the same time, artificially boosting the search-ability and visability of pro vaccine organizations, websites that are engaged In this medical holocaust against children. Organizations such as CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, USA today, the CDC and so on. Google, which Is directly linked to the CIA, has decided to, rather than allow the debate about vaccines to continue on a level playing field, where the best Ideas rise to the top, Instead they have to cheat the algorithm, abandon their own algorithms and engage In cheating their own search results. This Is why aware people are now calling Google, Fake Search. They are creating search results In order to, artificially, punish the, science based, websites that question the efficacy and safety of vaccine Ingredients. So Google has decided to cover up the dangers of vaccines and protect the narrative of the vaccine holocaust collaborators before the protection of children. They are protecting the vaccines and the narrative of the organizations pushing vaccines, those who are actually harming and maiming children, those who are murdering children with toxic vaccine Ingredients are being protected by Google, deliberately and maliciously working against the Truth.


One day Google will be halled before some authority to testify on In Its role, In crimes against humanity. In the same way Monsanto has just been found guilty of multiple crimes against children, against humanity, at the International war crimes tribunal hearings recently. Google Is now more evil than Monsanto In many ways, demonetizing Youtube channels, causing resources to plummet by up to 90%, attacking conservatives, libertarians and health channels that are against Glyphostae and GMOs In our food, censoring and cutting off those who oppose vaccines.


Google Is going all In for evil, to protect the corporate poisoners at all costs, even If It means the mass maiming and killing of children. Google has now become the most evil entity on our planet and Is censoring the Internet at unprecedented levels, It has massive power and control which Is able to manipulate the Truth and the human mind.

If Google had existed during the Nazi regime they would have been the search engine of the third Reich, just like IBM supported Hitler when they sold their technology to the Nazis during World War II. Nazi's were killing the Innocent people with chemicals, what they called medicine, just like vaccines are killing children today and referred to as medicine, a tool used by the globalists who support agenda 21, now called agenda 30, as a method of depopulation.

Only In recent years was Nagalase discovered In children's bodies, Introduced via vaccines to Increase cancer rates, 30+ doctors who were Involved with this research and uncovering this conspiracy were all killed In suspicious circumstances. Just like the Nazis covered up what they were doing, the people behind the curtain today are using Google to cover up the truth, suppressing dissent, the free press and real Independent journalism, people seeking to blow the whistle on this medical vaccine holocaust against the United States children. Tens of thousands of children have had cases heard In vaccine damage courts, millions of children have been harmed or killed by vaccines.


I'm with you @jjyeshua - the Battle is on, we will get these freaks...

Thank you

This is sick, and is only going to get worse. We need to be the voice and spread this information. Lots of life can be safe.

This Is as Important as It gets, we have to keep fighting to get the Truth out, It's now or never, so I say concentrate on this for at least the next year.

Who censored u?

I don't know how It works but when I put posts out about vaccines or against Sunni Islam and sharia law, It's very obvious because I hardly get any views. This post wasn't as censored but probably because I'm calling It out. I think the people at steemit are under a lot of pressure to hide certain posts.

There's a lot more Liberty here, but is a social media and some ppl might get offended.

You did a great job. Working in the so called Health field most of my life I learned that the treatments and propaganda are profit motivated of course.

Great post! I reckon you would like the content that I post.. I've followed, Upvoted and Resteemed! 😊

Thank you for that, It's very good and encouraging that people your age are awake, even though I know It Is a minority.
I've realized there was something wrong with the the world for over two years now and In that time have studied everything I could. I spent most of my life not understanding what was going on and thinking everything was happening randomly, unfortunately many of the events we see happening around us, are part of a much larger evil, New World Order, plan that's been going on for a long time.

This force or group want total control of the Earth and the human race and will fight to the end to get It. We must oppose them now like our lives depended on It, the UK government Is now trying to regulate cryptography which Is what this website uses, If they get that people like us exposing false flags and vaccines will be shut down overnight, so now Is one of the most Important times to get the Information out why we still can.

Exactly, that's why I don't understand why people are posting art and shit like that, going on like nothing's happening in the world. As another attack took place in the UK today, I'm very angry, and In a bad mood. Lives were lost, and children were thrown out of a burning building as an attempt to save their lives. As I'm aware of the fact the government is behind it, I feel sick to my stomach and confused as to why people on Steemit, aren't forming a large group and warning the masses. This is the whole reason of having a decentralised platform.. to take the power off those hoarding it, and redistribute it among the public. So many people on here are un-aware and are just here to make money.. makes me very angry that the whales on this site are too busy flipping between bitcoin to make a profit. Sorry for the negativity, like I said, awesome post, you truly are doing a important job!

I like you, get very angry about this, but we must use this In the right way and channel It In to getting as much Information out, right now, why we still can. We must expose the Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, Vatican Jesuits and Israel Intelligence, these are the main groups, CIA and NASA Is controlled by these people.

The United States Is a Privately Owned Company, It Is a Corporation, please listen to Jordan Maxwell and Karen Hudes about this, why Is this Important? Because this Is the power structure they use to Invade countries and control the world.

The New World Order which Is actually on the one dollar bill, Novus Ordo Seclorum, Is basically a left over roman empire that settled In Bath, England In about 100AD, at about the beginning of this century a Cabal was formed between London (Financial Centre) Vatican (Spiritual Centre) and Washington DC (Military Centre)

Yeah I know it is, they have a president for god sake, lol. I like how people think the president is the highest up you can be 😂 The board of directors keep their name out of it! And the pope owns the Vatican City.. Crazy, cause he's a well know pedo:/ At least you are highly enlightened on the subject, I will support your work in the future for as long as you post on these matters. (:

Thank you, just keep fighting.

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