911, Holographic Projections & CGI Planes, False Flag Part 2

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

In this article I'm going to discuss the technology's used In the 911, New World Order False Flag, Psychological Operation. I will also discuss the reasons why I have recently come to the conclusion that real planes were not used.

Before I start, I would like to say that I like the majority of other people In the world always thought real planes were used. For a very very long time I always knew that 911 was a false flag, using thermite and controlled demolitions to bring the buildings down. The engineers that built the WTC said It could have resisted multiple Impacts from multiple planes. It Is clear to see when watching the destruction of the third building, WTC 7, that controlled demolitions were used. It Is obvious, because when you watch building 7 collapse It goes down at free fall speed with zero resistance.

The Twin Towers were built, from the outside, with, grade A, structural steel so what made any of us believe that a plane could fly through It? The answer to that question, Is our lack of knowledge, predictive programming, the media and our Ignorance convinced us. Against logic we've been led to believe that a plane Is more powerful than structural steel. You can not fly a plane through a building made of such strong material, this Is impossible, and you certainly can't have the nose of the plane exit the other side of the building without any damage. We see on the video footage below, the same footage broadcast on MSM, the nose of the plane exit out the building, completely Intact. A bird flying In to the nose cone of a plane will completely flatten the cone. So It Is Impossible to fly a plane through structural steel and sustain no damage to the nose cone.

There are two main technology's that were used to create the visual Illusion of planes, CGI and The Airborne Holographic Projector. The later which was detailed on an Australian Air force Military website, In 1999, was listed as for Enemy Perception Management. The holographic projector displays a three dimensional visual Image, It Is a military technology which can be used for psychological operations and strategic perception management. It Is also useful for optical deception and cloaking, providing a momentary distraction when engaging an unsophisticated adversary, so an enemy like the US New York citizens on 911. The capabilities of this system are precision projection, of 3D visual images, in to a selected area to support psychological operations and strategic deception management.

Many researchers like John Lear, who Is a retired expert pilot, believe that this technology was used to create the brief visual Impression of a plane flying towards the building. When the projection hit the building the thermite charges, In that area of the tower, were detonated. As the plane projection hit the building a bright flash of light was seen from that area, this showed the MIT people where to place the CGI Image of the plane, In relation to the building, thus all of this creating a seamless Impression.

In the first part of this article I discussed Holographic Projection and It was this technology combined with MIT level CGI, Computer Generated Imagery, that created the visual Impression that jet liners had crashed In to the World Trade Centre, Twin Towers.

Apart from the fact, that It Is simply Impossible to bring a building down made of structural steel with planes and jet fuel and that the majority of the jet fuel would of been consumed In the Initial fireball. When the planes hit the towers no pieces broke off and fell to the ground, this Is Impossible when flying Into structural steel. When you slow the footage down and view It from multiple angles you never see any of the plane break up, the whole plane just disappears In to the building. What we see In the footage Is exactly what we would expect to see from a holographic Image and CGI footage.

When video footage of the planes, hitting the towers, was stabilized, using a computer program, the motion of the plane became more jittery. This Is Impossible with a real plane, but Is exactly the kind of problem you will encounter when trying to composite a smooth jet In to unstable helicopter footage. In various pieces of footage of the planes approaching the towers, you can see the wings of the plane disappearing behind buildings. These structures are way In the distance, beyond the towers, not anywhere near the plane. This Is a layering, CGI glitch and another proof of CGI planes, this Is astonishing but when you see this footage, which Is below, It Is obvious and this can only happen with CGI planes. This particular video was seen all over the world on hundreds of news outlets and Is clearly a CGI rendering plane. There were no actual planes that hit the Twin Towers, the video Is not an amateur witness video as stated by the main stream media, It Is a fake created by, at the time, state of the art computer effects.

We must also remember that the pentagon was hit on 911 and according to media reports was also apparently hit by a plane. The official story that all these buildings were hit by jet liners becomes more ridiculous the more you research this event. To fly a jet at those speeds so close to the ground and hit your target three out of three, which Is what the official story states, would be almost Impossible for the best pilots In the world, let alone terrorists with a minimum amount of flight training and zero training In an actual airliner. The none existent plane wreckage at the Pentagon and the visual damage to the building points clearly to a cruise missile strike.


Interesting material! .. I enjoyed reading it.
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Thank you for putting out the truth. I'm hoping People wake up to the fraud that was perpetrated against us.
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VERY SHORT summary of some of Dr. Judy Woods study of ignored media from 911 including witness testimonies

Look at her own presentation on this page

Her book, NO THEORIES, is a phenomenal work


My presentation in Copenhagen to a packed hall of scientists.

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